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SW:Battlefront Republic weapons thoughts(possible spoilers)

Posted: 2004-10-07 10:47am
by Lord Revan
in Battlefront there's some weapons that (IIRC) have not shown elsewhere in EU. Unlike some weapons in the game (like darktrooper primary weapon), these weapons could be used in battle outside of the game

these are

Drever Corp 'DN Bolt Caster' Plasma Disruptor

Basically a rifle shaped door breaching tool, would probally be used by mechanics and/or engineers fight droid attacks.

and the

Merr-Sonn EM Pulse Launcher

Fires a bolt that creates a EMP pulse when it hits a (semi-)solid target (a battlefield equilevant of handheld grenade laucher), probaly could/would be used as squad level support weapon.

what do think. Did I skrew up (again) or does this make any sense.