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Chewie or Ewok as Tarzan?

Posted: 2004-10-15 02:17am
by The Silence and I
This may sound silly, but in ROTJ, when Chewie and some Ewoks use a vine to take over an AT-ST, I'm not sure who yells the tarzan-esq cry.
I had always assumed it was Chewie sounding a bit nervous on a vine, but a friend recently declaired it was an Ewok making that sound--my question is therefore, who yelled? I'll also add in an older question of mine: Do you think Chewie was showing off his tarzan-skillz and making a confident excited war whoop, or was he actually nervous and making the equivalent of a human-on-rollercoaster noise?

EDIT: Silly poll doesn't like me, but it should be working now

Posted: 2004-10-15 02:33am
by Drooling Iguana
One of the Ewoks had his hand in the... err... wrong place.

Posted: 2004-10-15 02:37am
by The Silence and I
lol that may explain what came out... but seriously now, who made that noise?

Posted: 2004-10-15 02:52am
by Rogue 9
If it wasn't for the pesky suspension of disbelief, I'd write in a silly sound editor putting in an Easter egg. :P

Posted: 2004-10-15 04:48am
by JediMaster415
I'd say it was Chewie saying, "Stop the ride! I wanna get off! I didn't sign on for this! Where's my agent?"

Posted: 2004-10-15 05:05am
by Sarevok
I think it was Chewie.

Posted: 2004-10-15 05:47am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Your friend is wrong. It was definitely Chewie, the Tarzan yell has Chewie's voice pattern.

And I like to think he was yelling "HUGGBEES!"

Posted: 2004-10-15 11:17am
by Praxis
I'm fairly certain it was chewie.

Posted: 2004-10-15 11:18am
by Captain Cyran
It was too low to be an ewok yelling it.

Posted: 2004-10-15 05:58pm
by Kurgan
It was Chewie, it sounds like him and everthing.

Some have criticized it for being a "cheesy homage" but that is a hollow criticism, considering the large number of homages throughout the Star Wars movies. ; )

This confusion is probably widespread, no thanks to an article trom The Unauthorized Star Wars Compendium ("50 Reasons why Jedi Sucks" which btw, is full of such fallacious attacks on the third SW film).

They claim it was an Ewok. *sigh*

It isn't a note for note copy of Tarzan's yell either, it sounds exactly how you'd expect it to sound if Chewbacca was doing his best impression.

Posted: 2004-10-15 06:02pm
by Alyrium Denryle
It was to high pitched(and I was the friend in the OP) CHewie has never been seen to make such non-gutteral nazal sounds. But they are par for the course for a couple of ewoks.

Posted: 2004-10-15 06:30pm
by Kurgan
When have we seen Ewoks give yells like that? Their yells are even more high pitched and nasally. More like shrieks, really.

Chewie makes all kinds of sounds, not just the stock gutteral roar. Listen to his "mum mum mum" (hard to duplicate it in text form, sorry) when he's talking to Solo after Han gets out of the carbonite.

Posted: 2004-10-15 06:41pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Actually, ewoks have domonstrated that frequency. WHen the one ewok was mourning the death of its friend. It used that same tone.

Posted: 2004-10-15 06:42pm
by Howedar
Definately an Ewok.

Posted: 2004-10-15 06:46pm
by Kurgan
After watching the scene again, I can't help but believe it's Chewie.

The subtitles/cc's don't say who's yelling. Oh well, believe what you want.

Edit: Here's an interview with Peter Mayhew which mentions the subject: ... yhew.shtml

Posted: 2004-10-15 07:02pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Son of a bitch!!

Kiss my Wookiee :evil:

Posted: 2004-10-15 07:06pm
by Captain Cyran
Wow, he didn't even touch William's neck.

And that settles it that it was an irate Wookie yell.

Posted: 2004-10-15 10:47pm
by The Silence and I
An irate Wookie, but not a happy Tarzan-yelling Wookie. A very interesting interview Kurgan, thank you.

Posted: 2004-10-15 10:54pm
by Tychu
Technically since Star Wars happend a long time ago, Chiewie first did the yell, Tarzan just stole it.

Posted: 2004-10-16 04:48am
by Drooling Iguana
"A long time ago" is not exactly a precise term. All we know for sure is that the movies take place some time before 1977, and the first Tarzan book was written in 1914. Tarzan could still have very easily pre-dated Chewbacca.

Posted: 2004-10-16 11:10am
by Praxis
Drooling Iguana wrote:"A long time ago" is not exactly a precise term. All we know for sure is that the movies take place some time before 1977, and the first Tarzan book was written in 1914. Tarzan could still have very easily pre-dated Chewbacca.
Yeah, I'm suuure that the first Tarzan book included a recording of the Tarzan yell ;)