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SW Droids.

Posted: 2004-10-21 08:41pm
by weemadando
The quote from Ep2 got me thinking, you know, the "if droids could think, none of us would be here" or something like that.

Then you look at the rest of the SW universe including the EU and there is a MASSIVE quantity of evidence that droids are intelligent beings. Indeed, they would fulfil many of the qualifiers for "intelligent" life. Or are there some restraints hard-coded into droid architecture that prevents them from having certain "thoughts"?

Posted: 2004-10-21 08:56pm
by Ghost Rider
I believe so, given that assassin droids are said to be more independent.

Not much but gives a bit of insight.

Posted: 2004-10-21 09:03pm
by Lord Revan
I-five had creative inhibitor that when removed or disabled (can't remember which), made act and feel almost like human. Also regural memory wipes are also done so droids wouldn't get too much of personality.

Posted: 2004-10-21 09:30pm
by The Original Nex
Think of the majority of droids in the SW universe. most of them undergo memory wipes regularly which causes them to lose any personality and "true" sentience they may have achieved and they have to start all over again.

R2 and 3P0 are rarities. Most astromech droids probably rarely come into contact with organics since they're stowed away aboard capital ships until theiy're needed. Only Fighter Astros have regular organic contact, and pilots tend to like their droids to have a personality.

In AotC, Obi was referrring directly to the Analysis Droids in the Jedi Archives. Through the DVD, we see that these are very bland, buisness as usual droids, they have no clear personality as "main character droids" do, and probably undergo regular memory wipes. They don't have the ability to innovate beyond their programming (as other more "highly evolved" droids can) and can only perform their job as specifically allotted.

So, in a nutshell, I think Obi-wan's line is generally true. MOST droids cannot "think" in terms of innovation, problem solving beyond their programming parameters, etc...

Re: SW Droids.

Posted: 2004-10-22 11:13am
by Duken
weemadando wrote:Or are there some restraints hard-coded into droid architecture that prevents them from having certain "thoughts"?
The inability to pilot a ship without an organic is hardwired. The crazy droid escape from Kessel, they were only able to program height above ground and direction.

Posted: 2004-10-22 02:42pm
by gamesguy
The inability to pilot a ship without an organic is hardwired. The crazy droid escape from Kessel, they were only able to program height above ground and direction.
they were however, able to activate the ship's autopilot and have it take them to their destination.

Re: SW Droids.

Posted: 2004-10-22 05:04pm
by Techno_Union
Duken wrote:
weemadando wrote:Or are there some restraints hard-coded into droid architecture that prevents them from having certain "thoughts"?
The inability to pilot a ship without an organic is hardwired. The crazy droid escape from Kessel, they were only able to program height above ground and direction.
Hmmm, there was an SW comic that had a crew of droids flying a freighter that had been attacked by pirates. The organic crew was killed and the droids, led by C3PO, brought the ship to its destination.