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Design a SW super-ship
Posted: 2002-11-11 02:09am
by Shinova
I was bored, and just thought this up from the top of my head.
Design a Star Wars ship, using all the technology found in the Star Wars universe, that can take on the entire Galactic Empire, Rebellion, the Vong, and win, over a lengthy period of time (several years if necessary).
Certain rules:
1. No Sun Crusher resonance torpedoes.
2. No Force-based weaponry
3. You may use DS superlaser, or superlasers.
4. Your ship can be as big as you want, but has to be achievable with SW tech.
5. Assume construction of vessel is finished without interruption and the ship invades the SW galaxy from any starting point besides homeworlds such as Coruscant.
6. No extremely long-range weapons such as Centerpoint.
7. No Galaxy Gun hyperspace missiles.
8. No Sun Crusher armor.
With this in mind, design a ship that can take on the SW forces over a lengthy period of time and win.
I might as well put one in as well:
Name: Couldn't think up of one.
Length: 1,600 km
Width at widest: 550km
Height/Thickness at thickest: 400km
Power source: Multiple Death Star reactors.
Armor Thickness: 35km thick strongest durasteel
Shielding: don't know, any way to measure this?
-2 Rapid-fire DS superlaser mounts, top and bottom (Death Star strength).
-20 Rapid-fire Eclipse superlaser turrets spread throughout ship (3/4 of Eclipse's superlaser strength).
-4000 4,800 GT Heavy Turbolasers
-10 million 1,000 GT Medium Turbolasers
-80 million Point-defense weapons
-20,000 Ion Cannons
-6 billion TIEs and other combat spacecraft
-4 billion Land troops, including 1.5 billion AT-ATs.
More Info:
-2 DS-strength superlasers can fire three shots per second indefinetly.
-Eclipse-strength superlasers can fire six shots per second indefinetly.
Posted: 2002-11-11 02:38am
by Seggybop
Scary Giant Thing That Makes People Die
Diameter: 256km (it is spherical)
Neutronium impregnated durasteel hull 32m thick
Full Planetary-scale shield compressed to smaller size
4096 2.2TT Heavy Turbolaser Cannons evenly spaced across surface
1024 250GT Medium Turbolaser Cannons evenly spaced across surface
512 120MT Light Turbolaser Cannons evenly spaced across surface
2048 120MT Light Turbolaser Cannons inside sphere (explanation later)
The sphere opens up like a flower bud. Where there would be the stamen of the flower is the Giant Ultra Shiny Super Ion Cannon! Each 'petal' shoots a smaller beam at the central emitter to cause it to fire a giant beam like the Death Star Superlaser, except an Ion Cannon instead. This weapon will take out planetary shields in one hit. If a single petal fires its beam at a target, it can take out weaker shields or disable a capital ship.
Within each petal underneath the Ion Cannon things are quarters for crew (mostly pilots). The hypermatter reactor core is underneath the main cannon emitter. Floating inside the sphere while it is closed are thousands of TIE Advanced, TIE Defenders, and Missile Boats held in place by tractor beams. If an enemy capital ship is captured, it can be carried within the sphere.
Posted: 2002-11-11 03:19am
by Sea Skimmer
Deathwing Class Kill-o-Tron Advanced Super Heavy Dreadnought Fleet Battleship of Doom
Method of construction: 50,000 world devastators turned loses in a remote star cluster for a century or two.
Length: 78,000,000 meters
Beam: 25,000,000 meters
Height: 35,000,000 meters
Power source: Hypermatter reactor fed by fuel tanks denser then black holes
Armor: 150,000 meters of laminanium and durasteel
Shielding: 1E55 watts
Armament primary: Full auto planet vaproising galting superlaser
Armament secondary: 500,000 500 yottaton turbolasers
Armament third battery: 75,000,000, 1.5 gigaton turbolasers
Armament fourth battery: 1,000,000,000 point defence quad lasers
Missile Armanet: 80,000 ultra heavy missile tubes each launching a shielded proton torpedo with FTL and point defences the size of an ISD.
Onboard craft:
5 planets
36 assorted moons
50 Death Stars
100 trillion fighters of assorted types
1000 sectors fleets
Embarked troops: 650 trillion personal
Other features:
World Devastor abilitys to build additional equipment
Cloneing labs with 1 trillion clone per day capacity
Sith Academy
The entire Jedi order
Tractor beam, which can move planets
Holoshroud that allow it to disguise its self as a sun after deploying the planets and moons.
Posted: 2002-11-11 03:39am
by weemadando
*sniff sniff*
I smell STGOD mk1 in the air!
Posted: 2002-11-11 03:43am
by Sea Skimmer
weemadando wrote:*sniff sniff*
I smell STGOD mk1 in the air!
Be glad I didn't include the Executor sized kinetic missiles, which jump into hyperspace as they approach the target, resulting in high fraction C impacts.
Course I dont think this thing would last that long against an all out attack with hypermissiles, few hundred million hits wont do good thing to hit. w However it would be able to deal with those peskey Omega main battery's.
Posted: 2002-11-11 06:08am
by EmperorMing
I would take it to the other extreme:
The smallest warship that can be mass produced.
My suggestion: A small craft fighter/blastboat/missleboat with all of the performance and weapons of the TIE Defender and the Missle Gunboat AND the facilities to mass produce them to the level of the basic TIE fighter.
Now THAT is scary...
Why have a big ship when you can have
thousands of these little monsters!
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:11am
by Stormbringer
A standard Imperial Terra type hull.
100m quantum crystaline armor
Standard STL drive
Star Wars hyperspace drive for FTL
DS scale hypermatter reactor
Standard hypermissles and gravtitonic disrupters
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:12am
by Crown
Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:13am
by Stormbringer
Crown wrote:Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Nope, just the torps. And I've got a better missle anyway.
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:21am
by Crown
Stormbringer wrote:Crown wrote:Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Nope, just the torps. And I've got a better missle anyway.
*Clears throat*
Shinova wrote:8. No Sun Crusher armor.
*Goes into coughing fit*
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:22am
by Stormbringer
Crown wrote:Stormbringer wrote:Crown wrote:Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Nope, just the torps. And I've got a better missle anyway.
*Clears throat*
Crown wrote:Shinova wrote:8. No Sun Crusher armor.
*Goes into coughing fit*
Fine, I'll just have to use a Km or so of neutronium.
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:23am
by Crown
Or you could just say; And where is your design smart ass?
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:24am
by Dargos
Stormbringer wrote:Crown wrote:Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Nope, just the torps. And I've got a better missle anyway.
um..I suggest you look at rule number 8 again
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:25am
by Stormbringer
Dargos wrote:Stormbringer wrote:Crown wrote:Ahh wasn't there a ban on Sun Crusher armour?
Nope, just the torps. And I've got a better missle anyway.
um..I suggest you look at rule number 8 again
*bitchslaps Dargos*
I've already taken care of it.
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:31am
by Dargos
OUCH!!!...hey those posts before mine wernt there when I posted about rule 8....damn.....fucker..*rubs face*.get some anger management counseling or something.....*mummble grummble*
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:33am
by Stormbringer
Dargos wrote:OUCH!!!...hey those posts before mine wernt there when I posted about rule 8....damn.....fucker..*rubs face*.get some anger management counseling or something.....*mummble grummble*
I'm evil; I don't need anger managment.
Posted: 2002-11-11 07:35am
by Crown
I think this thread has been hijacked, I really should tell one of the mods about this... Oh... Right... I forgot to whom I was speaking. Sorry.
Posted: 2002-11-11 10:10am
by Mr Bean
600 KM in Length
340 KM Width (Think a Super sized Eclipse for a Shape)
Two Full Scale DS Beam Arrays on the Darksaber style powersystem so they are even bigger weapons
Secondary armoment Eclipse style Anti-Ship Superlasers, Fireable once every ten seconds and mounted in sufficent number no ship can approch from any angle and not be in line of a minium of eight of the things and a maxium of twenty six
Tons of multi-megaton level point defense systems along with Light-Turbo Lasers.... However it has no MTL or HTL as power for that in its two DS Cores is devoted entirly to shielding, This ship was speced to be able to handle a twin of itself firing both Full scale DS Beams.... TWICE
A pair of World Devestators is onboard for rearmenet along with an unknow number of Defender and Advanced Squadrens. Unknow as they are rarley used
Posted: 2002-11-11 01:19pm
by irishmick79
five miles long, mostly hangar space.
25 heavy turbolaser batteries
100 light turbolaser batteries
200 quad laser batteries, coordinated by multiple targeting systems utilized by Lancer class frigates
at least 24 squadrons of starfighters. Mostly interceptors, with five squadrons of assault gunboats for larger scale attack runs.
Posted: 2002-11-11 04:42pm
by Howedar
Completed DS2 with planetary shields, several dozen Eclipse-level superlasers with off-axis targetting capability, an assload of heavy TLs, and a zillion fighters.
Posted: 2002-11-13 06:43pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
The Really Cool Ship
Length: 2000km
Width: 100km
Height: 100km
Shape: Tube
5 Superlasers (1e38 joules per shot max.)
100 Light Superlasers (3e25 joules per shot max.)
10,000 VHTLs (50 Teratons per shot max.)
25,000 HTLs (5 Teratons per shot max.)
10,000,000 MTLs (50 Gigatons per shot max.)
25,000,000 LTLs (25 Megatons per shot max.)
2,000,000 Ion Cannons
5,000 Tractor Bram generators
Armor: 100 meters of whatever they use in DarkStar's wall of ignorance (Realistically, 50 meters of neutronium-impreganted dispersive quadanium steel plating, enforced with inertial compensators)
Crew: 8,000,000,000 (WEG lists at 8,000,000)
Orgin: One day, Kevin J. Anderson was thinkingo f an idea for a new book. The Sun Crusher had been sucked into a black hole, and the 1000-kilometer lightsaber had been destroyed when a youngling use his Jedi omnipotce to slam the neutronium planet into it. After that, the gravitic bio-ship had been wrecked when the superwaek force of gravity failed to propel or shield it, and it's fragiule organic armor failed. So, he cae up with this.
Posted: 2002-11-13 06:50pm
by CmdrWilkens
Posted: 2002-11-13 07:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
Quantum crystalline armor is disallowed
Posted: 2002-11-14 03:13am
by consequences
That's a Huge Bitch
Diameter 20000km sphere
Energy source Advanced Hypermatter reactor taking up the first 2000km at the center of the ship.
1 super super laser, that uses 8 DS2 superlasers converging to form the beam
12 DS2 superlasers evenly spaced around the ship
1000 "Pulsar Station" Superlasers, capable of destroying an Executor that is devoting all power to one shield facing with each shot.
20000 LHTL (Ludicrously Heavy Turbolasers), heavy planetary defense cannons gone horribly wrong
50000 RHTL (Ridiculously Heavy Turbolasers) , heavy planetary defense cannons
1000000 VHTL normal planetary defence cannons
10000000 HTL of the same size as those on an ISD2
50000000 MTL, same size as an Acclamator's
100000000 LTL, not worth mentioning really
2 billion plus point defense systems.
10% of that number of ion cannons, in all sizes but the superlasers.
A constant Grav Well Bubble is generated to 1000 km distant, to keep bastards from hyperspace ramming and possibly ruining the paint job
Armor 10 km of the most advanced armor possible without violating rule 8
Shields are designed to absorb multiple broadsides from an equivalent craft, and augmented by Dovin Basals that will attempt to bend the enemies shots back around towards them before they hit the shields.
All surfaces are coated with a ceramic compound, and internal compartmentilisation is extensively used with the same, to keep 9th level AD&D Magic-Users from summoning Rust Monsters and instantly obliterating the entire thing.
Main parasite component consists of thousands of World Devastators, that will manufacture any other needed vessels
A giant Red button is placed on one side of the ship, with Neon signs and arrows for miles around pointing to it, and the words "Do Not Hit" in mile high letters over it. Anyone who fires on this button will automatically cause the entire available firepower to retaliate instantly. Computer records will then be searched as needed, and all family of the idiots who decided to tempt fate will be hunted down and killed, along with their pets.
Origin: Bevel Lemelisk, Scotty, Riff, and Washu were all locked in a room for 3 weeks, and injected with the purest form of caffeine that could be developed. This is the only thing they came up with that doesn't result in the immediate intervention of a Omnipotent being whenever thought about.
Posted: 2002-11-14 09:19pm
by consequences
And so, this wankfest appears to be over, with 18 hours elapsed since last post.