Stravo wrote:As of ROTJ when everyone is dead and all that is left is Luke does that mean that he is a Jedi Master since he is the last one left? Or is he a Jedi Knight until his powers develop more fully. And if so who decides that he is a master if no one is left?
He is a Jedi Knight; he declares himself a Jedi Master after fighting in the aftermath of the Thrawn campaign and reviewing Sith/Palpatine's texts on Coruscant. He continues to retain the presumption after returning from his semi-abortive attempt to co-opt Palpatine from within as depicted in
Dark Empire.
In the Prequel Trilogy, a Jedi Knight could be deemed a Jedi Master after either a.) training an apprentice to Knighthood, or b.) simply recognized by the Jedi Council for skill, wisdow, or achievement.
Stravo wrote:Having not read much of the EU from what I've gathered reading the Thrawn triology and some KJA shit Luke does not exhibit some of the powers we see the prequels.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Stravo wrote:The force speed that Qui Gon and Obi Wan exhibit on the Trade Fed ship in TPM.
I wasn't there aware there was a checklist for this sort of thing; technically a Padawan should be able to do this (Obi-Wan) and Yoda seemed prepared to recognize him as a Knight regardless of his ability to use Force speed or lack thereof. So I do not see what that would matter for a Master. Not to mention his feats in
Dark Empire, such as the use of the doppleganger are far more impressive.
Stravo wrote:The multitude of examples of Force pushes seen in all the Prequels so far.
Luke's definitely Force pushed people and things around; in
Dark Empire he quite notably the Dark Side Adepts and guards at the Citadel docks on Byss. He subtlely blows up a bunch of war droids with very fine telekinetic manipulation, and mindrapes a pack of genengineered battle dogs. He also Force pushes Palpatine around.
In the Thrawn Trilogy he yanks Mara away from C'boath's death explosion before it can hurt her.
And in the EU Master Halcyon has very little proficiency in telekinesis at all; he's naturally that way.
Stravo wrote:The ability to absorb force lightning that Yoda displays in AOTC.
One of, if not the most powerful and skilled Jedi we know of in the films is observed doing a feat, so you assume its a lower limit threshold for Jedi Masters? If so, woudn't Dooku, being a former Jedi Master, know better than to use Force lightning against Yoda, an obvious Master, and one of the best? Why would Yoda say "much you to learn, you still have, Dooku" if he, as a Master, would obviously know of the feats Yoda accomplished? Why couldn't Obi-Wan, a Master, do the same, then?
Stravo wrote:Not to mention the fact that the Jedi in the prequels are better skilled with the lightsaber than Luke is.
Yet many Jedi Masters (and even a Jedi Council Member) at Geonosis fell long before Padawans (including Anakin) did; one would imagine if there were requirements or even an extraordinarily typical and strong correlation between Mastery in the Order and swordsmanship that the Padawans would be the first to fall across the board, with survivors being the rare exception and surviving Masters being the most typical.
And Luke outfights Palpatine in a lightsabre duel aboard HIMS
Eclipse in
Dark Empire even.
Stravo wrote:Compare even Obi Wan in TPM, as a padawan he is far more mobile and lethal than Luke was in any of the OT where he tends to wield his saber like a baseball bat.
So he's a better swordsman - Yoda was clearly ready to accept his Knighthood even despite the rudimentary quality of his swordsmanship, so I doubt it matters in Mastery.
Stravo wrote:Does this mean that the New Jedi Order will have to relearn or rediscover many of these skills or even lose them forever? And can he really be called a master with such obvious holes in his training.
Luke self-trains and relies on inspiration from the Force and adapts what knowledge he can recover from Force users and old texts throughout; not to mention the Holocron and his tutolege under Emperor Palpatine on Byss as part of Luke's plan to co-opt Palpatine from within.