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Posted: 2004-12-08 03:36pm
by Questor
Is there any reference to the number of oversectors in the empire? I remember the number six from somewhere, but I can't remember where.

Posted: 2004-12-08 05:32pm
by Illuminatus Primus

Posted: 2004-12-08 07:11pm
by President Sharky
Probably a couple hundred, they vary vastly in size however.

Posted: 2004-12-08 07:15pm
by Stark
I'm not sure how many there are, but Tarkins (oversector rim, or something) covered a huge stretch of the galaxy. I imagine most are much, much smaller.

Wouldn't the Republic have needed some form of 'oversector' to organise things involving more than a few sectors but less than the galaxy? Or would the sectors form their own loose political groupings outside the Republic?

Posted: 2004-12-09 06:36am
by Gunhead
Wouldn't the Republic have needed some form of 'oversector' to organise things involving more than a few sectors but less than the galaxy? Or would the sectors form their own loose political groupings outside the Republic?[/quote]

There must be sector sized groupings, but they are a part of the administration rather than outside of it. Just like there are planet sized and city sized administration. Of course all of these would have their own factions and stands on various issues.


Posted: 2004-12-09 09:39am
by Crown
Goddamit! I read the thread title as "Overactors" :oops:

Posted: 2004-12-09 01:05pm
by Eleas
As far as I remember things, the number was in flux. Oversectors were declared as soon as a sector-spanning threat arose, and assigned an independent and overwhelming force. This was intended to sidestep the difficulties of different sectors having to work together. Or was that "priority sectors"?

Posted: 2004-12-09 05:30pm
by Admiral Bravo
Eleas wrote:As far as I remember things, the number was in flux. Oversectors were declared as soon as a sector-spanning threat arose, and assigned an independent and overwhelming force. This was intended to sidestep the difficulties of different sectors having to work together. Or was that "priority sectors"?
Both oversectors and priority sectors are the same thing. I guess it depends on whoevers in charge of the oversector.

Posted: 2004-12-10 12:27am
by Publius
The term "Priority Sector" was used by Wilhuff Tarkin in his proposal of the Tarkin Doctrine, but Ars Dangor in his response uses the term "Oversector." The two are synonymous, and may be yet another example of the Galactic Standard/Basic dichotomy (other possible examples are "President of the Republic" and "Supreme Chancellor of the Republic," "President of the Senate" and "Chancellor of the Senate," and "Galactic Congress" and "Galactic Senate").

Known Oversectors/Priority Sectors explicitly identified as such are Oversector Outer, Bright Jewel Priority Sector, and Imperial Center Oversector (Azure Hammer Command). One may infer from the evidence that Black Sword Command and Azure Shield Command represent additional Unified Combat Commands associated with as yet unknown Oversectors. It is probable that there are a very large number of Oversectors of very widely ranging sizes, from AZSHIELDCOM's jurisdiction of Azure Sector and neighboring Sectors, to Oversector Outer's jurisdiction of almost the entire Outer Rim Territories Region.