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Is this an ICS typo, or some horrible miscalculation?

Posted: 2002-07-24 05:13am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Or am I just a scientific ignoramus? Well thats why Im consulting you, anyways to the point. In the AOTC:ICS, it states that the Naboo cruiser (seen in AOTC) has a peak reactor output of 3 X 10 12 Megawatts, and the shielding6 X 10 12 Megawatts.

Later it states the Acclamators peak reactor output is 2 X 10 23 watts, and shielding is 7 X 10 22 watts.

Now is it just me or would the puny, civilian class starship have higher reactor and shiled output then the mighty warship? I dont have any graphic calculators on me so excuse me for not doing the calculations myself.And even though the exponet is double in size, the prefix mega- has gotta make you wonder, whats goin on here?

Posted: 2002-07-24 05:19am
by Crown
Mega = 10x6 so;

peak reactor output = 3x10x18W

sheilding = 6E18 W

sitll at least 4 to 5 order of magnitude greater for the Acclamators!

Posted: 2002-07-24 05:26am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Thank you for clearing that up, Crown.

Posted: 2002-07-24 05:28am
by Crown
Actually thank Mr Wong, he's page provided very convinient scientific abreviations and constants, it's on his imperial page click science and then constants! :D

Re: Is this an ICS typo, or some horrible miscalculation?

Posted: 2002-07-24 06:13am
by Executor
[quote="Darth Garden Gnome"]Or am I just a scientific ignoramus? Well thats why Im consulting you, anyways to the point. In the AOTC:ICS, it states that the Naboo cruiser (seen in AOTC) has a peak reactor output of 3 X 10 12 Megawatts, and the shielding6 X 10 12 Megawatts.

Later it states the Acclamators peak reactor output is 2 X 10 23 watts, and shielding is 7 X 10 22 watts.

The Acclamators still stronger like Crown said, but there has there is a mistake in that passage. The reactor has 3e12 Mega Watts, but the shielding is 6e12 Mega Watts, twice what the reactors peak is

Possible Rationalizations

Posted: 2002-07-24 08:27am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
1) It is a juxtaposition of the two numbers.
2) The number does not literally state the number of joules consumed every second, but some other measure, like peak shield resistance (flood more than 6E18W into the shield and it'll collapse at once, even if it was in pristine condition before that).

Re: Is this an ICS typo, or some horrible miscalculation?

Posted: 2002-07-24 11:28am
by Darth Wong
Executor wrote:The Acclamators still stronger like Crown said, but there has there is a mistake in that passage. The reactor has 3e12 Mega Watts, but the shielding is 6e12 Mega Watts, twice what the reactors peak is
How do you know that's a mistake? A shield system dissipates energy at a certain maximum rate. This does not have to be limited by the maximum reactor output. In real-life, an air conditioner can move 7000 BTU's while only consuming 3000 BTU's; this is not a "mistake"; it is due to the fact that the system is moving energy, not generating it.

Re: Is this an ICS typo, or some horrible miscalculation?

Posted: 2002-07-24 11:32am
by Executor
Darth Wong wrote:
Executor wrote:The Acclamators still stronger like Crown said, but there has there is a mistake in that passage. The reactor has 3e12 Mega Watts, but the shielding is 6e12 Mega Watts, twice what the reactors peak is
How do you know that's a mistake? A shield system dissipates energy at a certain maximum rate. This does not have to be limited by the maximum reactor output. In real-life, an air conditioner can move 7000 BTU's while only consuming 3000 BTU's; this is not a "mistake"; it is due to the fact that the system is moving energy, not generating it.
I only say its a mistake because all the other ships that have reactor and shield data have the shields at somewhere around 20-35% of the reactor peak.

Re: Is this an ICS typo, or some horrible miscalculation?

Posted: 2002-07-24 01:05pm
by Darth Wong
Executor wrote:I only say its a mistake because all the other ships that have reactor and shield data have the shields at somewhere around 20-35% of the reactor peak.
A smaller ship needs a proportionally stronger shield to have a chance of survival. The shield dissipation in excess of reactor power was no mistake; I know for a fact that it was done deliberately.

Posted: 2002-07-24 01:15pm
by Master of Ossus
The shields can absorb/deflect more energy than is pumped into them because it is more efficient to absorb/deflect energy than it is to fire it. Otherwise, there would be little point in having shields. It would be a better strategy just to add weapons and try and hit your enemies with the first shot. The efficiency of deflector shields makes them a necessity on SW ships, and it allows a ship to continue to fire slightly less energy (the shields do take SOME power) for a longer period of time. Because, in almost all combat scenarios, the end result is more power being cranked out in the long run, this is considered a better overall strategy.

In other words, if you shoot something at me and take a certain amount of power to do that, I don't need to spend that much power to neutralize the shot.

Posted: 2002-07-24 01:40pm
by His Divine Shadow
Get Masterconverter, it rocks