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How did Jabba get so big?

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:00am
by Butterbean569
In ANH (Special Edition), we see Jabba and Han talking next to the Falcon. Jabba's about as tall as Han, and seems to move around pretty well for being a slug. Of course in ROTJ, Jabba is a fat, worthless slimeball that looks much bigger than he does in ANH.

Why is this? My guess is that during ANH, Jabba hadn't "made it big" yet, while in ROTJ he was the biggest and baddest crime lord in the galaxy. Since he became such a rich and powerful crime lord, he spent his days in his palace eating and becoming fat. Are there any other ideas? Maybe Jabba hit a growth spurt?

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:06am
by Gandalf
I'd wager he's just been fairly sedentary in the ~4 year gap between AND and RoTJ. Plus it could be "middle age spread".

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:53am
by YurikoOtaku
I guess that he IS the crime lord of Tatooine after all.And he is a Hutt.

Posted: 2005-01-06 06:35am
by Frank Hipper
Wasn't there a hint of some sort in the ROTJ novelisation that Jabba had allowed himself to become something of a freakish distortion?

It's been more than twenty years since I've read it, so forgive my hazy memory.

Posted: 2005-01-06 07:38am
by Ghost Rider
Frank Hipper wrote:Wasn't there a hint of some sort in the ROTJ novelisation that Jabba had allowed himself to become something of a freakish distortion?

It's been more than twenty years since I've read it, so forgive my hazy memory.
Yeah the novel claims many illnesses and just general bad health.

Course with the re-redo of SW. He now looks big and fat in ANH. So the end...he just always was.

Posted: 2005-01-06 07:49am
by VT-16
Plus he sat on a throne-platform in Jedi, it was somewhat elevated. You notice that Bib Fortuna and C-3PO are not that small compared to him when they´re standing on the same platform.

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:17pm
by Lord Pounder
IIRC Hutts put on weight as a status symbol. I think it was in Darksaber where Leia and Han visit Durga and one of his underlings was a thin Hutt and ridiculed for his slenderness.

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:20pm
by Enforcer Talen
han solo trilogy states hutts go through several growth spurts.

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:45pm
by Hardy
While I can't objectively compare sizes, TPM Jabba does appear to be much larger than ANH DVD Jabba, but about the same size as ROTJ Jabba. Is this a discrepancy in ILM work, an illusion, or did Jabba lose weight around ANH only to regain it in ROTJ?

Posted: 2005-01-06 05:55pm
by Styphon
that's right, Jabba is the Oprah Winfrey of the Star Wars Galaxy... he's been on every diet around, but as soon as he goes off, he just puts the pounds back on! :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-06 07:06pm
by wolveraptor
perhaps Jabba had a ton o' money in the podracing business. after that shut down, he probably lost money, so he got thin. then he got into a more criminal empire type job, and the weight grew with the wealth.

Posted: 2005-01-07 11:44pm
by Elfdart
He ate at McDonald's every meal, every day. Check out Supersize Me. :shock:

Posted: 2005-01-08 03:53am
by Comosicus
Maybe it had something to do with the hermaphrodite nature of the Hutts. Jabba could have been in female shape in ANH and in male shape in ROTJ. I remember reading that Gardulla, the former master of Anaking changed to a female during the Boonta Eve race to honour Jabba, that kept this way the larger male form.

Posted: 2005-01-08 04:52am
by Typhonis 1
Maybe Jabba was pregnant in TPM? Hutts are Hermaprodites......

Posted: 2005-01-11 01:21pm
by Kurgan

Posted: 2005-01-11 09:33pm
by Drooling Iguana
Maybe he was depending on the profits from that Spice shipment more than he let on, and had to cut back after Han dumped it so that he could run away like a little girl.