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Things you'd like to see in ep. III
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:16pm
by Perinquus
What are some things some of you would like to see in episode III? Or at least expect to see?
I think Lucas has said we'll get to see Anakin in full Darth Vader regalia at teh end of the film, and that he's even retained James Earl Jones to do the voice again. I'd kind of like to see them go back to the concept drawing for Darth Vader that were done before filming began on ANH, and base Vader's costume on those. They should produce something which is instantly recognizable as Vader, but slightly different from what we saw in the original trilogy. After all, ep. IV is supposed to be something like 20 years after ep. III, so you'd expect Vader to refine, simplify and streamline his life support suit somewhat over such a long course of time.
We know Mace Windu is going to be killed; I'd also like to see him meet his death at the hands of Count Dooku. Dramatically speaking, I think that would be a good idea. Anakin could then charge in full of righteous anger, ostensibly to bring Dooku to justice, but during the fight, being headstrong and impulsive, and not very well able to control his emotions (as we have seen), he gives in to his anger and hatred, and it is at that moment that his crossing over to the Dark Side is complete.
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:25pm
by Stormbringer
Natalie Portman duing full frontal nudity!

Posted: 2002-11-16 05:39pm
by Sea Skimmer
A fucking huge space battle
A dedicated Separatist warship
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:40pm
by Kuja
An uber Endor battle. In other words: an utterly massive ground/air/space battle, showcasing Star Destroyers, attack ships, fighters, ground weaponry.
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:41pm
by Perinquus
(Ahem) Let's try to keep it limited to things we could realistically expect to see in a Star Wars movie.
Besides, I think I read somewhere that Natalie Portman said she won't do nude scenes in any films, and has turned down roles that require it on that basis, so you may have to live in disappointment.
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:42pm
by neoolong
I agree with Mike's page on this where it should be Boba Fett getting revenge on Mace Windu. I think that Count Dooku should threaten Amidala perhaps killing her, first using his lightsaber to cut off her shirt

. That would give a more credible reason for Anakin to kill Dooku, turn to the Dark Side, and take Dooku's place. This would then lead into Obi-Wan having to confront Anakin.
I would also like to see, Boba Fett actually having some skillz, and some wars in the actual stars. I would also like to see a major Jedi battle that totally tops the Genosian arena battle, with cool powers and such. And lastly, a really major Yoda fight. Even more spectacular and longer than the one in AOTC.
Posted: 2002-11-16 05:50pm
by Perinquus
neoolong wrote:I agree with Mike's page on this where it should be Boba Fett getting revenge on Mace Windu. I think that Count Dooku should threaten Amidala perhaps killing her, first using his lightsaber to cut off her shirt

. That would give a more credible reason for Anakin to kill Dooku, turn to the Dark Side, and take Dooku's place. This would then lead into Obi-Wan having to confront Anakin.
I would also like to see, Boba Fett actually having some skillz, and some wars in the actual stars. I would also like to see a major Jedi battle that totally tops the Genosian arena battle, with cool powers and such. And lastly, a really major Yoda fight. Even more spectacular and longer than the one in AOTC.
I don't think it will be possible for Dooku to kill Amidala. Remember that in ROTJ Leia said she remembers her mother, though the memories were vague, which suggests that Amidala died while Leia was still a small child. Leia also said she remembers her mother as a very sad figure, which suggests she lived in sorrow that she lost the man she loved (made worse by the fact that he wasn't just dead, but had become an avatar of evil), and by the fact that she had to be parted from her son Luke, and never got to know him. In any case, this seems to make it necessary that Amidala live on a good few years longer. It seems that Amidala must go into exile on Alderaan with her daughter, perhaps eventually marrying Bail Organa, whom Leia always thought was her father.
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:04pm
by neoolong
Perinquus wrote:neoolong wrote:I agree with Mike's page on this where it should be Boba Fett getting revenge on Mace Windu. I think that Count Dooku should threaten Amidala perhaps killing her, first using his lightsaber to cut off her shirt

. That would give a more credible reason for Anakin to kill Dooku, turn to the Dark Side, and take Dooku's place. This would then lead into Obi-Wan having to confront Anakin.
I would also like to see, Boba Fett actually having some skillz, and some wars in the actual stars. I would also like to see a major Jedi battle that totally tops the Genosian arena battle, with cool powers and such. And lastly, a really major Yoda fight. Even more spectacular and longer than the one in AOTC.
I don't think it will be possible for Dooku to kill Amidala. Remember that in ROTJ Leia said she remembers her mother, though the memories were vague, which suggests that Amidala died while Leia was still a small child. Leia also said she remembers her mother as a very sad figure, which suggests she lived in sorrow that she lost the man she loved (made worse by the fact that he wasn't just dead, but had become an avatar of evil), and by the fact that she had to be parted from her son Luke, and never got to know him. In any case, this seems to make it necessary that Amidala live on a good few years longer. It seems that Amidala must go into exile on Alderaan with her daughter, perhaps eventually marrying Bail Organa, whom Leia always thought was her father.
Okay, fine just threatened to kill then, like my first suggestion.
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:10pm
by Master of Ossus
I want Phantom Menace to be redeemed. We simply HAVE to be missing something with that movie, but I don't know what it is. I want for that movie to be made into an amazing part of the saga. Much like AotC added new context to the OT, I want Episode III to add context and content to ALL of the prequels, and the OT.
Posted: 2002-11-16 06:12pm
by Kuja
A horrible, spectaularly painful death for Jar Jar!

Posted: 2002-11-16 06:30pm
by Mr Bean
Death by Base Delta Zero to Jar Jar is the hope and dream of every true Star Wars fan out there
Posted: 2002-11-16 08:18pm
by Exonerate
A massive battle between Anakin vs. Dooku vs. Obi-Wan + Yoda.

Get Jar Jar to die for a lost cause...
Posted: 2002-11-16 08:19pm
by neoolong
Also, a new Sith lightsaber type. In TPM we had the double-bladed saber. In AOTC we had the curved handled saber. We need a new one in Ep. III. Hmm. Maybe two shorter bladed sabers instead of the standard one lightsaber. That would look badass in a fight.
Posted: 2002-11-16 08:49pm
by Slartibartfast
I want to see Jar Jar accidentaly trip with some turret-control mechanisms, creating a mess of security turret lasers which kill dozens of Jedis in the rooms except him because of his character shield. Then he stands up and says "Meesa in deep trouble now!"
Posted: 2002-11-16 09:48pm
by Raptor 597
Well it'll be great too see the Space Battle which'll is pretty mch gonna happen at the end of the film, commmaned by Admiral Wilhuf Tarkin and his Super Star Destroyer early model/huge ass Battlecruiser name Vanquisher with a young Piett as an aid. Plus a Lightsaber duel that rivals all others.
Posted: 2002-11-16 10:08pm
by Crown
I have mentioned this before, but I will say it again for justification...
I want to see Obi-Wan open up a can of whoop ass on Anakin!

Posted: 2002-11-16 10:09pm
by Exonerate
Posted: 2002-11-16 11:30pm
by The Dark
neoolong wrote:Also, a new Sith lightsaber type. In TPM we had the double-bladed saber. In AOTC we had the curved handled saber. We need a new one in Ep. III. Hmm. Maybe two shorter bladed sabers instead of the standard one lightsaber. That would look badass in a fight.
I'd like to see the variable length lightsaber from one of the EU books (I'm kinda frightened to admit I think it was a KJA...I was young and didn't know better at the time). That would be a nasty surprise for a Jedi, to think he's safely out of range of that evil Sith's blade, when all of a sudden it stretches an extra foot or two

Posted: 2002-11-16 11:40pm
by Vympel
Boba will NOT kill Windu. That's ridiculous- Boba won't even be able to fit in the armor yet and the only possible way Boba could kill Windu is with Slave I.
What has Samuel L Jackson said again and again? "I'm not gonna die like a punk".
Getting killed by a little kid in a ship IS dying like a punk. It just ain't gonna happen. The end.
The space battle will happen at the BEGINNING of the film people, not the end.
Posted: 2002-11-26 03:27pm
by Currald
I want Tarkin. I want to know why Tarkin can hold Vader's leash. Tarkin Tarkin Tarkin. And I want a huge space battle with every single old ship ever from the EU, just for kicks. And Tarkin.
Posted: 2002-11-26 06:21pm
Anakin Killing all Separatist Leaders when He thinks Padme is killed when a convoy of Naboo ship are abushed. In fact she crash lands on Dagobah. Anakin Kills Count Dooku while Palpatine watches, and Palpatine Then dubs him Darth Vader. Anakin Storms into the Jedi Temple and Kill all Jedi that Crosses him. Mace and Obi Wan Team against Anakin and Anakin Beats both of them Killing Mace, and escaping from Obi Wan in a ship(perhaps he leaves Obi Wan Alive b/c he has reservations in Killing him), Obi Wan follows Anakin to a Planet with Lava. There is a magnificent battle between the Two, they are evenly matched, but Anakin is gradually gaining an advantage, but still he is destracted b/c he doesn't want to kill Obi Wan, who uses his distraction to his advantage and eventually leads to knocking Ani into a lava pit.
A space battle in the Begining and one in the end. Plus Vader Killing Boat loads of Jedi.
Posted: 2002-11-26 06:27pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Vympel wrote:Boba will NOT kill Windu. That's ridiculous- Boba won't even be able to fit in the armor yet and the only possible way Boba could kill Windu is with Slave I.
What has Samuel L Jackson said again and again? "I'm not gonna die like a punk".
Getting killed by a little kid in a ship IS dying like a punk. It just ain't gonna happen. The end.
The space battle will happen at the BEGINNING of the film people, not the end.
If Boba Fett really is just a clone, maybe he'll ask the Kamio aliens to speed along his growth rate like they did to the other clones so he can get revenge on the Jedi and whatnot. Then Windu will be surprised as all hell to sense the same person much older than what he should be. And we'll have a great fight to watch.

Posted: 2002-11-26 06:35pm
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Vympel wrote:Boba will NOT kill Windu. That's ridiculous- Boba won't even be able to fit in the armor yet and the only possible way Boba could kill Windu is with Slave I.
What has Samuel L Jackson said again and again? "I'm not gonna die like a punk".
Getting killed by a little kid in a ship IS dying like a punk. It just ain't gonna happen. The end.
The space battle will happen at the BEGINNING of the film people, not the end.
If Boba Fett really is just a clone, maybe he'll ask the Kamio aliens to speed along his growth rate like they did to the other clones so he can get revenge on the Jedi and whatnot. Then Windu will be surprised as all hell to sense the same person much older than what he should be. And we'll have a great fight to watch.

Hasn't it been confirmed that Boba is not gonna have a major role in Ep. 3. Plus I would hate to see Boba Kill him. I'd rather see Anakin Kill him.
Posted: 2002-11-26 06:47pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I'd like to see Boba Fett redeem himself from getting killed by a blind man with the butt of a blaster rifle and never killing anyone in ANY Star Wars movie. I mean, c'mon! You can't just leave off without showing why Boba Fett is feared! I think if Boba Fett's growth was accelerated and he was in his prime in Episode III, it would sure as hell explain why he sucked ass at ground combat in TESB and RotJ.
Posted: 2002-11-26 06:58pm
by Sea Skimmer
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I'd like to see Boba Fett redeem himself from getting killed by a blind man with the butt of a blaster rifle and never killing anyone in ANY Star Wars movie. I mean, c'mon! You can't just leave off without showing why Boba Fett is feared! I think if Boba Fett's growth was accelerated and he was in his prime in Episode III, it would sure as hell explain why he sucked ass at ground combat in TESB and RotJ.
The EU established that Boba escaped the Sarlack or however you spell it.