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Long time ago and far away...
Posted: 2005-01-20 11:09am
by Kruk
I wondered what SW Galaxy looks like now. I mean, the movies are happening long time ago in the galaxy far far away.
Assuming, that SW happening in the same period as B5-FO's childhood (befor partial ascencion of Vorlons) - about 10 000 000 years ago. How SW galaxy looks after 10 000 000 years? Have they advanced or they are standing in the loop - developing and forgoting technologies? Have the races there ascended and turned into FO's or are still humans?
Posted: 2005-01-20 12:55pm
by Jim Raynor
I don't understand how someone's supposed to be able to answer these questions. Furthermore, the people in SW are supposed to be the same as Earth humans who are in another galaxy for some unknown reason. 10 million years ago, there weren't any homo sapiens.
Posted: 2005-01-20 01:41pm
by Batman
Jim Raynor wrote: Furthermore, the people in SW are supposed to be the same as Earth humans who are in another galaxy for some unknown reason.
Err-says who? I can't recall any mention of this in the movies OR the EU.
Posted: 2005-01-20 02:06pm
by Crown
Batman wrote:Jim Raynor wrote: Furthermore, the people in SW are supposed to be the same as Earth humans who are in another galaxy for some unknown reason.
Err-says who? I can't recall any mention of this in the movies OR the EU.
I'm pretty sure that it's on Dr Saxton's website somewhere, the odds of aliens naturally evolving into humans exactly like us (well even superficially like us), are too astronomically low IIRC. Although he doesn't put a time frame on the 'long time ago'.
As to the original question; I'm not sure that they would become 'First Ones', different universe.
Although I could see the SW Galaxy taking the next evolutionary step; everyone becoming more attuned to the Force. Whether that's Jedi, or Ait-Ting Monks, or whatever. And if this changes them into Yoda's 'luminous beings' is pretty much open to discussion.
Posted: 2005-01-20 02:41pm
by UCBooties
The humans of the star wars galaxy suffer a series of terrible cataclisms including a plague and a devestating war with a vapiric species of aliens. These events wipe out many civilizations and, in order to survive, humans learn to ascend to a higher plain of existance, but not before sending teams from their own galaxy to our galaxy in order to seed human life. To do so they build a series of gates...
Posted: 2005-01-20 02:42pm
by dragon
So what they immegrated to our galaxy or something after the movies or something
eDit ok that made little sense damn fever can't think staright
Posted: 2005-01-20 02:50pm
by UCBooties
not so much, I was tying star wars in to the Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis back story as a joke. Not very funny, but I do what I can.
Posted: 2005-01-20 02:58pm
by dragon
UCBooties wrote:not so much, I was tying star wars in to the Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis back story as a joke. Not very funny, but I do what I can.
Hum ok I was refering to something else but as I said this fever is making it really hard to think. But yeah actually you could make similar basis after all suppsodely we were created in god imagine who knew they were humnas from another galaxy.
Posted: 2005-01-20 09:17pm
by wolveraptor
i always thought that "a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" meant that the people telling the story were people long after the New Republic, who had migrated to a different galaxy and were retelling a story that had happened in that old galaxy.
Posted: 2005-01-20 10:05pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I've had this idea broiling as a fanfic idea for some time now: Earth humans went through a wormhole in the future into the Warsverse, a long time ago. Slowly, these humans developped force powers on Corellia. By the time of today, they have become Q.
Posted: 2005-01-21 07:07am
by Dead_Ghost
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:I've had this idea broiling as a fanfic idea for some time now: Earth humans went through a wormhole in the future into the Warsverse, a long time ago. Slowly, these humans developped force powers on Corellia. By the time of today, they have become Q.
*Reflects about the idea of a galaxy with countless bilions of humans with the powers of Q*
Probably, we would kill ourselves until only one survived...
You know, I'm a bit more curious about what would be like the replacing species for mankind
Kruk wrote:How SW galaxy looks after 10 000 000 years? Have they advanced or they are standing in the loop - developing and forgoting technologies? Have the races there ascended and turned into FO's or are still humans?
The most probable chances are, methinks, that Mankind evolved to FO. Assuming they survived until then, of course
. As for the other races, I don't know whether Centauri, Minbari, and the rest would "follow us", so to speak... Mostly because Humanity is a deathly-curious being, no?
Posted: 2005-01-22 12:15am
by Tychu
Crown wrote:Batman wrote:Jim Raynor wrote: Furthermore, the people in SW are supposed to be the same as Earth humans who are in another galaxy for some unknown reason.
Err-says who? I can't recall any mention of this in the movies OR the EU.
I'm pretty sure that it's on Dr Saxton's website somewhere, the odds of aliens naturally evolving into humans exactly like us (well even superficially like us), are too astronomically low IIRC. Although he doesn't put a time frame on the 'long time ago'.
As to the original question; I'm not sure that they would become 'First Ones', different universe.
Although I could see the SW Galaxy taking the next evolutionary step; everyone becoming more attuned to the Force. Whether that's Jedi, or Ait-Ting Monks, or whatever. And if this changes them into Yoda's 'luminous beings' is pretty much open to discussion.
whos to say they are like us. I mean the outsides can be the same but their DNA can be totally diffrent remember ( i cant remember her name you know that gou'ld whos a girl who plays with the DNA of those people turning them into monsters who use the "force" her quote to Jonas "you dont know how diffrent you are from being seperate for a thousand years" or somethind similar) so their DNA can be totally diffrent. I mean their bodies are made so that a handfull of them can detect the force through midochlorians which is a "part" of them. Our DNA might not be campatiable to bond with anything like MidoChlorians even if something exists
Posted: 2005-01-22 12:18am
by Tychu
Furthermore its stated that life will always live in someway if given the chance. We as Humans like to believe that were lucky but arent we quite remarkable? I mean humans have evolved to live in most types of climates around the world were few animals can. Maby were just like a generic mold and it is quite easy for other creatures to evolve like us on other worlds. Making the SW humans who also live on most planets in the SW galaxy cause they evolved to do so
Posted: 2005-01-22 12:37pm
by The Original Nex
Well, from what GL has said Star Wars took place "millions and millions of years ago".....Anything could be going on there right now....