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Jedi/Sith with blasters

Posted: 2005-01-26 05:45am
by Shroom Man 777
We see that Jango Fett can kill some Jedi with blasters, although it was in the presence of Dooku. We can see that Jedi do in fact get killed by massed blaster fire or well-placed shots. So if a Jedi, or a Sith, went all Punisher or Equilibrium and got two blaster pistols and went against other Jedi/Sith, how'd he fare?

Posted: 2005-01-26 06:58am
by Gunhead
Preston with jedi powers.... Oh, what the fuck I'm saying, he don't need no stinking jedi powers. =P

That would be some bad juju for a lot of people. Lightsabers are all fine and dandy, but when the guy who you're fighting can precog your precognitions.... my head hurts...
Well, the lightsaber wielder only needs to lose his cool once and blammo he's dead or maimed. Or both.


Posted: 2005-01-26 07:12am
by GeneralTacticus
The only thing is, the guy with the blasters has really no defence against his own shots coming back at him except dodging, so it's a two way street - whoever fucks up first is going to die. That seems to be pretty much how it works in an ordinary lightsabre duel... if you fuck up and let a single lightsabre blow through, you're in deep shit.

Note also that your gunslinging Jedi is likely to do much worse against non-Force-wielders than the lightsabre-user, because his ability to escape being hit is much reduced, and he's restricted to whatever RoF his own blasters can put out, whereas the sabre-wielding Jedi is limited only by how many bolts he bounce back.

Posted: 2005-01-26 09:05am
by Shroom Man 777
But see, unlike a normal Jedi, he's not gonna jump into the middle of the fray, ready to deflect all the blaster bolts and lop off heads. He's gonna crouch, present the lowest target profile, shoot from corners, shit like that, things the Punisher would do.

Posted: 2005-01-26 02:19pm
by YT300000
Shroom Man 777 wrote:But see, unlike a normal Jedi, he's not gonna jump into the middle of the fray, ready to deflect all the blaster bolts and lop off heads. He's gonna crouch, present the lowest target profile, shoot from corners, shit like that, things the Punisher would do.
Use bodies as shields, lob grenades as if they were candy, employ weaponry that could blow apart the whole room in a few hits... :D

Posted: 2005-01-26 03:47pm
by Praxis
Blaster in one hand, lightsaber in the other. Pop off a blaster shot, he reflects it at you, you reflect it at him, etc, etc. Basicly pong, except the guy who lets it through first gets smacked :)

Oh, and use the force to throw grenades all over the place.

Posted: 2005-01-27 04:44pm
by Manus Celer Dei
Praxis wrote:Blaster in one hand, lightsaber in the other.
I always wanted to do that sort of thing in KOTOR. I was so dissapointed when when i found out you couldn't :(

Posted: 2005-01-27 05:33pm
by Crazedwraith
Praxis wrote:Blaster in one hand, lightsaber in the other. Pop off a blaster shot, he reflects it at you, you reflect it at him, etc, etc. Basicly pong, except the guy who lets it through first gets smacked :)
:D I've always loved that idea too :D

Surely the blaster bolt would stope eventually, the laws of physics demands it somewhere I'm sure.

Posted: 2005-01-27 05:36pm
by NecronLord
Manus Celer Dei wrote:I always wanted to do that sort of thing in KOTOR. I was so dissapointed when when i found out you couldn't :(
MOD! There was a mod for Jedi Knight that gave you a wrist mounted blaster to do that... Was superb for killing other Jedi.