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Did Pealleon deserved to be promted to Grand Admrial?
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:09pm
by Mike_6002
Simple did good ol'Gilad deserve his promotion. I haden't read much EU books but I was shocked when Gilad made GA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he earned it through hard years of work, and rise through the ranks with out doing the stabby stabby act!!!!
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:16pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
When was this?
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:17pm
by Mike_6002
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:When was this?
Some time during the NJO series and we find out he a GA at the battle of Ithor
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:18pm
by Raptor 597
No, he became a Supreme Commander.

He didn't the stabby stabby thing, instead he followed the Leaders around them being usually smart except Daala, an takes after they die or run. He deserved it, though he helped save the Remnants of the Empire. His excellent tactical mind at Ordina, wiped the Rebels off their ass, and Pealleon helped make the Rebels think twice about the high casualties tryng too finish off the Empire. So yeah he deserved his promotion.
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:20pm
by Raptor 597
Mike_6002 wrote:Spanky The Dolphin wrote:When was this?
Some time during the NJO series and we find out he a GA at the battle of Ithor
Yeah, he was Grand Admiral of the Empire's Navy, which goes under the Supreme Commander title.
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:21pm
by Mike_6002
Captain Lennox wrote:No, he became a Supreme Commander.

He didn't the stabby stabby thing, instead he followed the Leaders around them being usually smart except Daala, an takes after they die or run. He deserved it, though he helped save the Remnants of the Empire. His excellent tactical mind at Ordina, wiped the Rebels off their ass, and Pealleon helped make the Rebels think twice about the high casualties tryng too finish off the Empire. So yeah he deserved his promotion.
I thought also he held the rank of Grand Admrial I heard it on the NJO website
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:28pm
by Raptor 597
Mike_6002 wrote:Captain Lennox wrote:No, he became a Supreme Commander.

He didn't the stabby stabby thing, instead he followed the Leaders around them being usually smart except Daala, an takes after they die or run. He deserved it, though he helped save the Remnants of the Empire. His excellent tactical mind at Ordina, wiped the Rebels off their ass, and Pealleon helped make the Rebels think twice about the high casualties tryng too finish off the Empire. So yeah he deserved his promotion.
I thought also he held the rank of Grand Admrial I heard it on the NJO website
Supreme Commander handles both Navy & Army. So yeah, he's a Grand Admiral.
Posted: 2002-11-18 06:47pm
by Mike_6002
Lennox what happened at Ordaina???
Ships and how it went down???
And the source, like I said I haven't read very many novels

Posted: 2002-11-18 07:14pm
by Raptor 597
Mike_6002 wrote:Lennox what happened at Ordaina???
Ships and how it went down???
And the source, like I said I haven't read very many novels

Reaper and a decent Imperial Fleet, competely aninhilates down a large Rebel Taskforce, commanded by the most Elite New Republic Carrier, the
Endurance. Stabilizing that Imperial Border, making the Rebels Piss on themselves. If you want an quick EU history, buy the Essential Chronology.
Posted: 2002-11-18 07:16pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Sadly though, the victory was somewhat useless as the NR decided that if the Empire could beat them head to head, they send mass amount of forces.
But he kept the Empire together into a somewhat stable force and is now rebuilding. It would have collapsed into civil war without him.
Posted: 2002-11-18 07:59pm
by Raptor 597
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Sadly though, the victory was somewhat useless as the NR decided that if the Empire could beat them head to head, they send mass amount of forces.
But he kept the Empire together into a somewhat stable force and is now rebuilding. It would have collapsed into civil war without him.
Yes, it is sad, but Pealleon probably could of orchestrated the Campaign well, and give the Rebels one bloodly compsure.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:10pm
by Darth Yoshi
Pellaeon doesn't have the genius like the other thirteen Grand Admirals, but he has kept the Empire alive. I'm surprised though. Wasn't the Emperor the only one who could give the rank of Grand Admiral?
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:17pm
by Mike_6002
Captain Lennox wrote:Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Sadly though, the victory was somewhat useless as the NR decided that if the Empire could beat them head to head, they send mass amount of forces.
But he kept the Empire together into a somewhat stable force and is now rebuilding. It would have collapsed into civil war without him.
Yes, it is sad, but Pealleon probably could of orchestrated the Campaign well, and give the Rebels one bloodly compsure.

Die Rebels Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:27pm
by Master of Ossus
Pelleon was the best remaining Imperial Naval Officer. As such, he did deserve the promotion.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:31pm
by Publius
The most correct answer is "No, Vice Admiral Pellaeon does not deserve to be promoted to grand admiral." He is a grand admiral only insofar as the Imperial Remnant is concerned; he never advanced further than the grade of vice admiral in the service of the Galactic Empire.
Gilad Pellaeon is no more grand admiral than Zsinj is warlord, than Harrsk is supreme warlord, than Delak Krennel is prince-admiral, than Teradoc is high admiral, and than Delvardus is superior general.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:33pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Publius wrote:The most correct answer is "No, Vice Admiral Pellaeon does not deserve to be promoted to grand admiral." He is a grand admiral only insofar as the Imperial Remnant is concerned; he never advanced further than the grade of vice admiral in the service of the Galactic Empire.
Gilad Pellaeon is no more grand admiral than Zsinj is warlord, than Harrsk is supreme warlord, than Delak Krennel is prince-admiral, than Teradoc is high admiral, and than Delvardus is superior general.
The moffs could promote him.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:34pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Darth Yoshi wrote:Pellaeon doesn't have the genius like the other thirteen Grand Admirals, but he has kept the Empire alive. I'm surprised though. Wasn't the Emperor the only one who could give the rank of Grand Admiral?
He was the leader of the Empire. The max title is better.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:37pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Pellaeon is competent and he wins consistently. Most of the time, that's all a nation needs.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:54pm
by Publius
The moffs could promote him to no grade superior to that of high admiral or surface marshal. Grand admiral is a grade superior to that of moff, and available only by Imperial appointment.
With the Emperor's death, there is no satisfactory way for an officer to be promoted to grand admiral. Although the Moff Council (or Remnant Assembly, as Karrde referred to it) may have granted the title "Grand Admiral" to Pellaeon, it would obviously not be comparable to the lapsed grade held by Rufaan Tigellinus, Zaarin, and Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
Posted: 2002-11-18 08:57pm
by Ghost Rider
Well given that they ruled the Empire(or what was left) essentially would be the same thing.
They(the council of moffs rule the Empire just the same way Palpatine did) thus they have the same authority.
I mean the only difference is who is in charge...and the level of competence, but as GAT pointed out...he wins battles.
Posted: 2002-11-18 09:30pm
by Kuja
Yes, he deserved it. He's a competant, cool-headed commander.
Posted: 2002-11-19 04:33pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Publius wrote:The moffs could promote him to no grade superior to that of high admiral or surface marshal. Grand admiral is a grade superior to that of moff, and available only by Imperial appointment.
With the Emperor's death, there is no satisfactory way for an officer to be promoted to grand admiral. Although the Moff Council (or Remnant Assembly, as Karrde referred to it) may have granted the title "Grand Admiral" to Pellaeon, it would obviously not be comparable to the lapsed grade held by Rufaan Tigellinus, Zaarin, and Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
However Publius, the Imperial Remnant is rather in reality a different political and governmental entity then the Empire at the time of "Emperor" Carivus' death. Therefore, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Remnant is a rank under a different regime and perfectly valid. It is clear he could not be a Grand Admiral of the Galactic Empire, that entity is defunct and the Emperor long dead. It is a technicality, and Pelleaon's regime fancies itself as in direct lineage with Palpatine's regime, that is in fact untrue.
Posted: 2002-11-19 04:42pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Captain Lennox wrote:Mike_6002 wrote:Captain Lennox wrote:No, he became a Supreme Commander.

He didn't the stabby stabby thing, instead he followed the Leaders around them being usually smart except Daala, an takes after they die or run. He deserved it, though he helped save the Remnants of the Empire. His excellent tactical mind at Ordina, wiped the Rebels off their ass, and Pealleon helped make the Rebels think twice about the high casualties tryng too finish off the Empire. So yeah he deserved his promotion.
I thought also he held the rank of Grand Admrial I heard it on the NJO website
Supreme Commander handles both Navy & Army. So yeah, he's a Grand Admiral.
Supreme Commander is not a rank, but a honorific. According to the Mandel Blueprints of the Executor, I believe Lord Darth Vader was Supreme Commander. Lord Darth Vader (according the Mandel Prints of the Executor, IIRC), Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Military Executor Sedriss, Military Executor Xecr Nist, High Admiral Daala, and High Admiral Pelleaon all held the honorific of Supreme Commander, in the Galactic Empire for the former five, and in the Imperial Remnant for the latter two.
As you can see, the honorific of Supreme Commander does not imply any particular rank, position, or title in the Galactic Empire nor its ideological descendant, the Imperial Remnant.
Posted: 2002-11-19 06:15pm
by Lord Pounder
I said before when i was under the Muad'Dib title, Pellaeon was not a good Leader. He had the Rebel out gunned 2-1 in Kuat and he ran. He lost the Empire it's major shipyard and then he made the criminal action of participating in the Empire's civil war. He did redeem himself by holding off the Rebels with that treaty, In general he is a good captain but not an Admiral much less Grand Admiral. He didn't have the vision of the inovation of tatics to earn the white uniform.
Posted: 2002-11-19 06:20pm
by God Emperor
yes, he servived the worst and came out on top. he say what good and bad leaders did and was able to learn what not to do and what to do