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Just a theory of mine concerning Episode I
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:40pm
by Vertigo1
Ok, I'm sure we're all familiar with the scene where Anakin accidentally fires two "proton torpedoes" towards the reactor of the droid control ship. This little scene is used quite often to "prove" lower yields for torpedoes. However, I have another theory.
What if they were really earlier versions of the rockets shown in EP2? The launching system appears to be similar. (note the same sound effect is used for both launches) The damaged caused by the rockets in EP2 is consistant with the damaged caused with the "torpedoes" fired from the naboo fighters in EP1. I'm curious if anyone here would agree with my theory.
(Keep in mind that I'm not taking into account of whether or not the "torpedoes" were armed or not.)
Posted: 2002-11-19 09:50pm
by pecker
R2 set them to a lower yield so Anakin wouldn't blow himself up

Posted: 2002-11-19 09:52pm
by Vertigo1
pecker wrote:R2 set them to a lower yield so Anakin wouldn't blow himself up

Nah, if he was THAT concerned he would've taken control of the fighter and landed it back in the hangar bay, or just flown away from the fight.

Posted: 2002-11-19 10:26pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I don't know. Those things were pathetic. Relatively slow, unpowerful, etc.
Posted: 2002-11-19 10:28pm
by Vympel
I have no respect for the N-1. It sucks.
Posted: 2002-11-20 11:21am
by meNNis
it looks nice

Posted: 2002-11-20 11:52am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Or it could be that the N-1s were little more then pretty little ships designed for air shows.
Posted: 2002-11-20 01:35pm
by neoolong
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Or it could be that the N-1s were little more then pretty little ships designed for air shows.
I always thought that the culture of Naboo was pretty artsy and decadant. The architecture seems to show this and so does the design of the spacecraft. Like the N-1's.
Posted: 2002-11-20 01:56pm
by Jim Raynor
The Naboo are SW's version of the UFP, all style and no substance.
Posted: 2002-11-20 02:07pm
by Stravo
I believe that Ray Chang or one of the design gurus at ILM stated early on that the Naboo ships were purely ceremonial and not true fighters like the X-Wing and TIE fighters. They were there to look good. Also add in the fact that the Republic has not had a major war in 1,000 years, the military on tiny worlds like Naboo may just be the bare minimum required to ward off pirates and such, relying more on the Republic for protection than their own military force. It was quite obvious that the Gungans were the only ones on Naboo with an army, the Naboo themselves had a glorified police force.
So the yield on the proton torps could be low simply because they didn't need high yield torpedoes because they rarely if ever go into combat.
Posted: 2002-11-20 03:14pm
by neoolong
Stravo wrote:I believe that Ray Chang or one of the design gurus at ILM stated early on that the Naboo ships were purely ceremonial and not true fighters like the X-Wing and TIE fighters. They were there to look good. Also add in the fact that the Republic has not had a major war in 1,000 years, the military on tiny worlds like Naboo may just be the bare minimum required to ward off pirates and such, relying more on the Republic for protection than their own military force. It was quite obvious that the Gungans were the only ones on Naboo with an army, the Naboo themselves had a glorified police force.
So the yield on the proton torps could be low simply because they didn't need high yield torpedoes because they rarely if ever go into combat.
The Nubians are a bunch of pacifists. When Jar Jar talked to Amidala in TPM he told her how they had a grand army. He also said that that might be why the Nubians don't like the Gungans.
As such, the Nubian "military" is probably going to really suck.
Posted: 2002-11-20 03:40pm
by Sea Skimmer
Given the massive fireballs rising from what's mostly a shaped charge weapon when fired against the ships outer shielding and hull, I'd suspect they where powered down or even disarmed with only the propellant contributing to the blast.