Alderaans Support
Posted: 2002-11-20 03:06am
What could Alderaan have brought to the Rebellion if it hadn`t been blown to hell and gone?
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
We never saw that in the ANH movie. So it didn't happen.Darth Pounder wrote:in the novelisation Vader describes the Death Star as taking damage from Alderans Ground Space weaponary, every thing from Turbolasers to an Ion Cannon like the one used on Hoth in ESB.
And we never saw the death star go across the galaxy to yavin but we can tell it happened. And besides the novels are canon anyway, so there.IRG CommandoJoe wrote:We never saw that in the ANH movie. So it didn't happen.Darth Pounder wrote:in the novelisation Vader describes the Death Star as taking damage from Alderans Ground Space weaponary, every thing from Turbolasers to an Ion Cannon like the one used on Hoth in ESB.
She was desperate. And like I said, she was willing to bend the truth to try and save her planet.Durran Korr wrote:Leia said "Alderaan has no weapons!" in the Death Star. If Alderaan had in fact attacked the Death Star just a moment ago surely she would have realized the futility of using such a claim and abstained from using it.
No, which is why I'm inclide to beleive that they tried. It's possible they only get a few light ships to open up and they were destroyed. Defenses doesn't necessarily mean huge surface to space guns. There are any number of possible set ups.Durran Korr wrote:And if Alderaan was in fact attacking the Death Star, don't you think we would have seen Ion Cannon fire being directed at the Death Star in the movie while the Death Star commences its primary ignition and blows Alderaan out of space? Do you think Alderaan would just sit there and let itself be blown up?
It's possible they didn't have time to get the defenses online or were slow too it in the face of an unanticipated threat. They've never seen the like of the Death Star and could have screwed up.Durran Korr wrote:That doesn't explain why we did not see Ion Cannon fire. Unless Tarkin sent a detachment of Imperials down to Alderaan to destroy their ion cannons or something (which didn't happen), we should see some ion cannon fire, lots of ion cannon fire, if Alderaan is as well-armed as it is claimed to be by revisionists, being directed at the Death Star. There is no reason why they would suddenly stop when we view the planet.
Not to nitpick but she might have just been realistic. The no weapons could refer to ground to space weaponry. And that is certainly within the realm of possibility and the fact that we don't see any fire coming from the planet. Unless you want to take it literally which means she means that nobody even has a knife on that planet.Stormbringer wrote:She was desperate. And like I said, she was willing to bend the truth to try and save her planet.Durran Korr wrote:Leia said "Alderaan has no weapons!" in the Death Star. If Alderaan had in fact attacked the Death Star just a moment ago surely she would have realized the futility of using such a claim and abstained from using it.
What, that Alderaan would just happen to cease firing very visible Ion Cannon blasts (ref. ESB) whenever we look at it?neoolong wrote:Not to nitpick but she might have just been realistic. The no weapons could refer to ground to space weaponry. And that is certainly within the realm of possibility and the fact that we don't see any fire coming from the planet. Unless you want to take it literally which means she means that nobody even has a knife on that planet.Stormbringer wrote:She was desperate. And like I said, she was willing to bend the truth to try and save her planet.Durran Korr wrote:Leia said "Alderaan has no weapons!" in the Death Star. If Alderaan had in fact attacked the Death Star just a moment ago surely she would have realized the futility of using such a claim and abstained from using it.
What, that Alderaan would just happen to cease firing very visible Ion Cannon blasts (ref. ESB) whenever we look at it?[/quote]Durran Korr wrote:[quote="neoolong]Not to nitpick but she might have just been realistic. The no weapons could refer to ground to space weaponry. And that is certainly within the realm of possibility and the fact that we don't see any fire coming from the planet. Unless you want to take it literally which means she means that nobody even has a knife on that planet.
Uh, I don't have the tape with me but if they showed weapons then okay. Nor did I deny that Alderaan didn't to anything to the DS.IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Alderaan did jack shit to the Death Star. Stop hiding from the fact. Watch the movie again.