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Posted: 2005-02-25 06:59am
by Gorefiend
Are there any clues to what happend to the planet and it's cloners after the clone wars?

Posted: 2005-02-25 11:26pm
by Tychu
it simply walked away :D

I really think it just went back into unknown lands or if not it was continued as a Stormtrooper clonning facility

Posted: 2005-02-26 03:12am
by JME2
Possible Episode III Spoilers:



GL has said that Kamino will not be seen in ROTS. The Expanded Universe will therefore be left to tell the tale of the planet's utltimate fate. I've speculated and written on the matter in The Best of Both Worlds.

Posted: 2005-02-26 07:17pm
by Darth Yoshi
IIRC, according to Star Wars Insider, a rogue clone trooper formed a new group of Mandalorian warriors which attacked the planet during the Clone Wars. The planet apparently survives, since sometime after Dark Empire Boba Fett returns to Kamino for a tune up. Taun We repairs his body, but demands that he hunt down the clone trooper responsible for attacking Kamino as payment.

Posted: 2005-02-27 04:54am
by Gorefiend
bloddy hell... those mandolorians are starting to become sith-like, you kill them every second year and they still keep coming back o.O

btw: which insider issue was that in? and was it a short story, or just a articel ?

Posted: 2005-02-27 07:26am
by Robert Walper
JME2 wrote: I've speculated and written on the matter in The Best of Both Worlds.
Shameless flaunting and propaganda of your ongoing fanfic, JME2? Have you no modesty man? ;) :P

Posted: 2005-02-27 12:54pm
by JME2
Robert Walper wrote:
JME2 wrote: I've speculated and written on the matter in The Best of Both Worlds.
Shameless flaunting and propaganda of your ongoing fanfic, JME2? Have you no modesty man? ;) :P
I do; I just don't show it... 8)