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Government of the Galactic Empire..and other questions.

Posted: 2005-03-11 08:55pm
by GTGear2000
*Sorry if this question has been asked..I'm just a poor newb wanting some information*

How was the Imperial Navy ran and how big was a sector fleet usually?

Who ran the various Sectors of the Galactic Empire..Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs?

What were the various Ministries in the Galactic Empire and did the Emperor directly run the Empire..or was it left to his closest advisors?

How was the Imperial Army and Navy organized?

Re: Government of the Galactic Empire..and other questions.

Posted: 2005-03-11 10:29pm
by Admiral Bravo
GTGear2000 wrote:How was the Imperial Navy ran and how big was a sector fleet usually?
A sector fleet usually has around 24 Star Destroyers and 1,576 other combat starships(Dreadnoughts, figates, etc..). The Navies fleet's would be commanded by Admirals who in turn would report to a High Admiral who acted as the commander of a Moffs or Grand Moffs navy(though a Moff could also take command of the fleet seeing that they are the supreme commanders for there sector). Of course it does not always follow this chain of command as often Admirals or Grand Admirals would command one of the Empire's numerous stragetic fleets,(which have no territorial bounds unlike sector fleets) such as Death Squadron or the fleet around Byss in Dark Empire.
GTGear2000 wrote: Who ran the various Sectors of the Galactic Empire..Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs?
Grand Admirals were the highest ranking navel officers and did'nt have anything to do with running sectors. Grand Moffs ran regions and oversectors, while Moffs ran regular sectors.
GTGear2000 wrote:What were the various Ministries in the Galactic Empire and did the Emperor directly run the Empire..or was it left to his closest advisors?
There are a buttload of Ministries in the Empire but a few noticeble ones include: The Imperial Space Ministry, The Imperial Ministy of Land Management, The Imperial Correctional Facilities Ministry, and The Imperial Ministry of Energy which is where Palpatine secretly took the money for the DS II. By the time of Hoth Palpatine left most of the day to day running of the Empire to his Grand Visor, Sate Pestage while the Emperor studied the Sith arts(he was kind of like a Sith bookworm).
GTGear2000 wrote:how were the Imperial Army and Navy organized?
Thats a very specific question so I'll let someone who knows more about that subject deal with that.

Re: Government of the Galactic Empire..and other questions.

Posted: 2005-03-12 01:27am
by GTGear2000
Admiral Bravo wrote:
GTGear2000 wrote:How was the Imperial Navy ran and how big was a sector fleet usually?
A sector fleet usually has around 24 Star Destroyers and 1,576 other combat starships(Dreadnoughts, figates, etc..). The Navies fleet's would be commanded by Admirals who in turn would report to a High Admiral who acted as the commander of a Moffs or Grand Moffs navy(though a Moff could also take command of the fleet seeing that they are the supreme commanders for there sector). Of course it does not always follow this chain of command as often Admirals or Grand Admirals would command one of the Empire's numerous stragetic fleets,(which have no territorial bounds unlike sector fleets) such as Death Squadron or the fleet around Byss in Dark Empire.
GTGear2000 wrote: Who ran the various Sectors of the Galactic Empire..Grand Admirals or Grand Moffs?
Grand Admirals were the highest ranking navel officers and did'nt have anything to do with running sectors. Grand Moffs ran regions and oversectors, while Moffs ran regular sectors.
GTGear2000 wrote:What were the various Ministries in the Galactic Empire and did the Emperor directly run the Empire..or was it left to his closest advisors?
There are a buttload of Ministries in the Empire but a few noticeble ones include: The Imperial Space Ministry, The Imperial Ministy of Land Management, The Imperial Correctional Facilities Ministry, and The Imperial Ministry of Energy which is where Palpatine secretly took the money for the DS II. By the time of Hoth Palpatine left most of the day to day running of the Empire to his Grand Visor, Sate Pestage while the Emperor studied the Sith arts(he was kind of like a Sith bookworm).
GTGear2000 wrote:how were the Imperial Army and Navy organized?
Thats a very specific question so I'll let someone who knows more about that subject deal with that.
Thanks for help..lots of information I didnt know.Thanks a bunch.

Posted: 2005-03-12 10:50pm
by Admiral Bravo
No problem.

Re: Government of the Galactic Empire..and other questions.

Posted: 2005-03-13 08:14am
by Master of Cards
GTGear2000 wrote:

How was the Imperial Army and Navy organized?
Army I as far I know was 9700 stormtroopers on a Imp Deuce with jugs, AT-AT's,At-ST's Landing Barges

Army starfighters wings I think are 40 fighters Imp Navy follows standard 12 to squad 6 squads to a wing

Navy's huge Fleets are in the 100's

Re: Government of the Galactic Empire..and other questions.

Posted: 2005-03-13 09:37pm
by Publius
This is precisely the sort of subject that is discussed on this author's website, the Domus Publica.

The Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition, claims that Imperial ships are organized into lines, squadrons, systems forces, fleets, and the Sector Group; this broadly follows the actual use of the United States Navy's administrative organization into squadrons, groups, numbered fleets, and fleets. The term "Sector Fleet" is frequently used as though it were synonymous with "Sector Group," which introduces some ambiguity into the question; do you mean an actual fleet, or the sum total of Naval assets within an individual Sector? The former requires a greater degree of specificity, as the sourcebook gives details for superiority fleets, assault fleets, bombard fleets, deepdock fleets, and support fleets.

The quoted strength of a Sector Group is given as "at least 2,400 ships, 24 of which are Star Destroyers, and another 1,600 combat starships."

Generally speaking, the chain of command for any given Sailor in the Imperial Navy would run from the Sailor to his or her immediate work station supervisor, to the leading petty officer, to the leading chief petty officer, to the division officer, to the head of department, to the executive officer, to the commanding officer, to the line commander, to the squadron commodore, to the force commander, to the fleet commander, to the Sector Group commander in chief, to the Sectorial supreme commander (i.e., the responsible Moff).

Of course, some authors seem to have no idea what a petty officer is, and certainly not what a staff is. In point of fact, some authors seem to think that enlisted personnel either do not exist, or otherwise that they rather enjoy having a commander who is at one and the same time tyrannical, capricious, murderous, arrogant, and pompous.

The Imperial Sector is governed by the Sector Governor, who is responsible for "administering the sector-wide bureaucracy, which must answer both to the local Moff and the Imperial bureaucracy," according to the Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition. Although Sector Governors are frequently seen to be Moffs, it is important to note that the one is not synonymous with the other; there are Sector Governors who are not Moffs, and Moffs who are not Sector Governors. The Rebellion Era Sourcebook states that Sector Governors are elected, whereas Moffs are appointed by the Galactic Emperor's privy council of advisors, and therefore are not subject to electoral check.

Grand Moff is a higher degree within the college of Moffs, with greater rank and presumably additional rights, privileges, and immunities. The title of Grand Moff is often associated with the Government of a Region or an Oversector, two separate Echelons Above Sector; it is possible that the title of "Governor General," which is occasionally seen in such sources as the Imperial Sourcebook, Second Edition or Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, may be the Regional elective counterpart to the Grand Moff Governor, just as the Sector Governor is to the Moff Governor.

Grand admirals are especial officers handpicked and appointed personally by the Galactic Emperor himself. They are rather like Emperor Napoléon's aides de camp, being intended to provide an extra and direct level of control over the armed forces, as they can be dispatched to any assignment anywhere in the Galactic Empire, and are ultimately accountable to no one except the Galactic Emperor or his personal representative. Grand admirals are usually seen commanding task forces (Grand Admiral Josef Grunger, Grand Admiral Miltin Takel), overseeing special projects (Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin, Grand Admiral Martio Batch), or overseeing matters of especial importance (Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik, Grand Admiral Thrawn). They do not have any gubernatorial function of any kind, as evidenced by Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus's decision to exchange his flag for a Grand Moff's chair in order to govern the Core.

The subject of the Imperial Sector and its relationship with the Region and the Oversector is discussed in the article "Rattling the Saber."

The organization of the Imperial State is the subject of the article "All the Emperor's Men," and is a rather lengthy subject, indeed. Suffice it to say that only the Space Ministry, the Ministry of Intergalactic Transit, the Correctional Facilities Ministry, the Ministry of Energy, and the Ministry of Land Management are known by name. Only one actual Cabinet Minister, the Lady Chawkroft, Imperial Minister of Corrections, is known by both name and office.

The Imperial Armed Forces have not been treated in any real detail. There have been a handful of references to Army Command, Navy Command, Central Command, the High Command, the Imperial General Staff, and the Navy Department, but no details have been given. For a time, there was even a rather asinine debate over whether the Imperial State even had such a thing as a high command (but then, there have been quite a number of rather asinine debates as regards the Empire and some of its practices – one should never underestimate the power of stupidity when found in numbers, especially when encouraged by self-serving authors and their pet characters).

Posted: 2005-03-14 01:03pm
by Andras
This is the organization of Sector Fleets per Imperial Sourcebook
Lines: Component Ships
Battle: 1 Imperator Class Star Destroyer
Light Attack: 3-6 Frigates- Heavy Cruisers
Heavy Attack: 4-8 Light - Heavy Cruisers (and Victory SDs)
Pursuit Line: 4-10 Corvettes- Lt Cruisers
Recon lines: 2-4 Frigates - Lt Cruisers
Skirmish Line: 4-20 Corvette or smaller
Torpedo Line: 2 Torpedo Spheres
Troop Line: 4 2 Troop transport, 2 Strike class
1 Army Corps per Transport

Squadrons Component Lines (4-8 lines)
Light: 2-5 Light, 1-2 Skirmish, 1 Recon; or
2 Recon, 1-2 Skirmish, 1-3 Pursuit
Heavy: 2-4 Heavy, 1-3 Light, 1 Recon; or
3-5 Heavy, 1-2 Skirmish, 0-1 Light
Battle: 1 ISD, 2-4 Light, 1-2 Pursuit, 0-1 Recon
Troop: 2-4 Troop, 1-2 Light, 1 Skirmish, 0-1 Heavy
Bombard: 2-4 Bombard, 1-2 Skirmish, 1 Pursuit, 0-1 Heavy

Systems Forces Component Squadrons (4-8 Squadrons)
Superiority- 3-4 Battle, 1-2 Light, 0-2 Heavy
Escort- 2-4 Heavy, 2-4 Light
Transport- 2-4 Troop, 1-2 Heavy, 1-2 Light
Bombard- 3-5 Bombard, 1-2 Light, 0-1 Heavy
Technical- 8 Heavy Transports plus 16 Escort Frigates
Support- over 100 various transports, 6 depots

Fleets Component Forces (4-8 Forces)
Superiority- 2-4 Superiority, 2-4 Escort, Technical, Support
Assault- 2-4 Transport, 2-3 Escort, 0-1 Bombard, Technical, Support-
Bombard- 2-4 Bombard, 2-4 Escort, Technical, Support
Deepdock- 2 Deepdock complexes, 1 Force Escort, 2 Force Technical, plus Engineering Corps

Sector Group Headquarters
4 Superiority Fleets avg 396 ships each, 6 ISD
0-2 Assault Fleets avg 376 ships each, 16 Army Corps
0-2 Bombard Fleets avg 416 ships, 24 Torpedo Spheres
1 Deep Dock Fleet avg 280 ships, 2 Deepdocks
1 Support Fleet at least 500 ships of various sizes
1-15 additional Squadrons under the Moff’s control

The normal unit strength (squadrons, forces, fleets) is 4 lesser components (lines, squadrons, forces), but they may be augented with up to 4 additional component units. Since Victory's go into Heavy Attack lines as heavy cruisers, VSDs and ISDs rarely operate together. A single Imperial Navy Squadron is usually the same size as the total Old Republic Naval forces in a sector.

Typical craft per line
Corvettes: CEC Corvettes, CEC Gunships
Frigates: KDY Nebulons, Lancers
Lt Cruisers:DMC Carracks, KDY-1000s
Med Cruisers: LOR Strike
Hvy Cruisers: RDS Victory, RDS Dreadnought, SFS Vindicator, SFS Immobilizer, Escort Carrier, Taskforce Cruiser

Posted: 2005-03-18 04:52pm
by GTGear2000
Great information.Thanks alot to everyone who posted. :D