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Pellaeon and C'Boath

Posted: 2005-03-12 10:56am
by Trytostaydead
In the Thrawn Trilogy, a stormtroopers with a ysalamari pack always followed Thrawn around, and it was referenced that a number of other officers and such were protected by the ysalamari as well. How come Pellaeon, a confident of Thrawn's, didn't have a stormtrooper follow him around with a ysalamari? Didn't Thrawn think the Jedi Master would've tried to manipulate or extract information from him?

Re: Pellaeon and C'Boath

Posted: 2005-03-12 11:17am
by Crown
Trytostaydead wrote:In the Thrawn Trilogy, a stormtroopers with a ysalamari pack always followed Thrawn around, and it was referenced that a number of other officers and such were protected by the ysalamari as well. How come Pellaeon, a confident of Thrawn's, didn't have a stormtrooper follow him around with a ysalamari? Didn't Thrawn think the Jedi Master would've tried to manipulate or extract information from him?
I believe that Thrawn was the only officer with ysalamari trooper escort, although there are mentions of ysalamari scattered around the bridge. Pallaeon didn't have one in the scene in TLC because it was a plot device, errrr I mean C'boath was using the Force to control the various task forces and it would have distracted him or some such.