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BDZed Planet Info: Caamasi Recovery
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:45am
by Illuminatus Primus ... 1121caamas ... 1107caamas ... 1114caamas
After over 45 years, Caamas has been aggressively terraformed to restore it. The planet's crust has cooled, and the atmosphere has been restored to pressure and sufficient moisture has been pumped into the atmosphere to reform the oceans. However, the soil, air, and water is still quite toxic and breath-masks must be worn at all times.
There is an airtight dome settlement of a little over two hundred Caamasi and Ithorian researchers, known as Refuge City.
Sufficiently mutated flora and fauna have escaped from a curiously crashed Ithorian herd ship nearby and survived. It has spread into an area of a 15 km radius. It consists mostly of mutated shrubs which are likely extremely stout bioengineered species.
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:59am
by Sea Skimmer
Does this web content actually hold weight? I cant recall the rules for Star Wars web canon/offical ect..
Posted: 2002-11-22 01:01am
by Illuminatus Primus
The background info is official, since its taken out of/in addition to the background info in the Sourcebooks themselves. The characters IIRC and the stats obviously are not official, but apocryphal.
Posted: 2002-11-22 01:07am
by Sardaukar
It's a preview excerpt from a WOTC book so yes, it's official.
Posted: 2002-11-22 07:56am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Vision of the Future/Spectre of the Past says they didn't try to terraform it. They overrule any RPG book.
Posted: 2002-11-22 11:52am
by Ender
Was it ever explicitely stated that Caamas was BDZ, or was that just what fans inferred?
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:11pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Ender wrote:Was it ever explicitely stated that Caamas was BDZ, or was that just what fans inferred?
What else was it, a light rain shower?
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:39pm
by Mr Bean
Every single person and animal on the planet was killed down to the single-celled things as mentioned by Camassa in Zahn books
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:43pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I'll assume that calling it a "DBZ" rather than "BDZ" in the title is a joke or something.
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:44pm
by Ender
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Ender wrote:Was it ever explicitely stated that Caamas was BDZ, or was that just what fans inferred?
What else was it, a light rain shower?
A standard bombardment like Embrelene got. The problem is that if it was a BDZ, it cuts the balls off the operation as this indicates that there were people, plants and animals that survived it.
Posted: 2002-11-22 12:46pm
by Mr Bean
I'll assume that calling it a "DBZ" rather than "BDZ" in the title is a joke or something.
Glad somone finaly noticed that
Not like I did it

Posted: 2002-11-22 12:50pm
by Ender
Any animals that survived the initial attack died a slow death of starvation and asphyxiation. Immense clouds of soot and smoke filled the atmosphere, radically altering the climate. The resulting atmosphere is toxic to most aliens, and a breath mask is now required for any sustained activity. Without vegetation, erosion runs rampant and dust storms commonly sweep the landscape. Even the oceans have become polluted from runoff.
So either this was not a true BDZ, or a BDZ is not what we pictured, as there would not be any oceans (all to steam) and the ground would all be lava (killing the animals instead of the lack of oxyegen).
Posted: 2002-11-22 01:05pm
by Mr Bean
Not a Full BDZ then? A partial(For example Melting the Citys to bed-rock would do that)
If you burned off just the five feet under every CITY it would be enough to kill the planet, Prehaps they did not have the Full Hour Required for a Full BDZ operation and just slaged the Citys?
Posted: 2002-11-22 05:34pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:Not a Full BDZ then? A partial(For example Melting the Citys to bed-rock would do that)
If you burned off just the five feet under every CITY it would be enough to kill the planet, Prehaps they did not have the Full Hour Required for a Full BDZ operation and just slaged the Citys?
They attackers wanted secrecy. Chances are they blasted enough to kill all humans and then had to turn their attention to dealing with any ships jumping into the system before they could turn around and escape.
It is unlikely they had time to totally melt the surface. I'd suspect they'd hit cities and towns with the full weight of there firepower before having a more light coating of flak bursts all over to blind people and crush buildings but not do really serious surface damage.
Posted: 2002-11-23 09:31am
by Illuminatus Primus
Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Vision of the Future/Spectre of the Past says they didn't try to terraform it. They overrule any RPG book.
They said it'd be easier to try and terraform a dead world, that doesn't mean they didn't try.
Posted: 2002-11-23 09:33am
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I'll assume that calling it a "DBZ" rather than "BDZ" in the title is a joke or something.

[edited for content]
Mindless flaming will not be tolerated. The title has been corrected, and makes no difference as to the validity of the arguments presented in this debate. Stay on topic.
-Master of Ossus
Posted: 2002-11-23 05:22pm
by Ender
Sea Skimmer wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Not a Full BDZ then? A partial(For example Melting the Citys to bed-rock would do that)
If you burned off just the five feet under every CITY it would be enough to kill the planet, Prehaps they did not have the Full Hour Required for a Full BDZ operation and just slaged the Citys?
They attackers wanted secrecy. Chances are they blasted enough to kill all humans and then had to turn their attention to dealing with any ships jumping into the system before they could turn around and escape.
It is unlikely they had time to totally melt the surface. I'd suspect they'd hit cities and towns with the full weight of there firepower before having a more light coating of flak bursts all over to blind people and crush buildings but not do really serious surface damage.
Good point. As it was a core world, inoreder to bug out before getting caught you wouldn't have very long before some other ship popped into the system. Another factor may be the strength of the ships involved. It wouldn't be an Acclamator, Dreadnaught, or a VSD because those would all make it clear that the Republic was behind it. So it was probably a weaker ship.
Posted: 2002-11-24 02:50am
by Lord Poe
Specter of the Past (hardcover)
pg. 43-44-- "The royal library on Alderaan has a great deal of information on the attack that burned off Caamas."
The destruction of Caamas had happened before her time, but the pictures were as vivid as if she'd witnessed the aftermath of the event in person.
The attack had been sudden and thorough, with a viciousness that had made it stand out even against the widespread devastation of the Clone Wars that had preceded it.
It was still not known who the attackers had been who had come out of nowhere to systematically and ruthlessly burn off the planet.
I, Jedi
pg. 433: "Well back before I was born, right after the Clone Wars, the world of Caamas was brutally attacked and hit with enough firepower that the vegetation boiled off the world, leaving it a dead rock, and the vast majority of the Caamasi dead on it.
Because of the thoroughness and sheer ferocity of the attack, no one knew who had ordered it or carried it out.
pg.434: Factions within the Empire certainly did what they could to help the survivung Caamasi after the immolation of their world.
Posted: 2002-11-24 03:07am
by Sea Skimmer
Ender wrote:Sea Skimmer wrote:Mr Bean wrote:Not a Full BDZ then? A partial(For example Melting the Citys to bed-rock would do that)
If you burned off just the five feet under every CITY it would be enough to kill the planet, Prehaps they did not have the Full Hour Required for a Full BDZ operation and just slaged the Citys?
They attackers wanted secrecy. Chances are they blasted enough to kill all humans and then had to turn their attention to dealing with any ships jumping into the system before they could turn around and escape.
It is unlikely they had time to totally melt the surface. I'd suspect they'd hit cities and towns with the full weight of there firepower before having a more light coating of flak bursts all over to blind people and crush buildings but not do really serious surface damage.
Good point. As it was a core world, inoreder to bug out before getting caught you wouldn't have very long before some other ship popped into the system. Another factor may be the strength of the ships involved. It wouldn't be an Acclamator, Dreadnaught, or a VSD because those would all make it clear that the Republic was behind it. So it was probably a weaker ship.
I'd suspect it was more likely twenty or more ships jumping in from all directions. That would allow for their opening salvos to destroy anything in orbit and all spaceports while also providing jamming coverage. With multiple ships something like a Dreadnought could be used and the task completed in ten minutes.
Posted: 2002-11-25 11:58am
by Illuminatus Primus
The mission had some key differences from a BDZ.
BDZ: Terror strike, ensure all resources will be unusable.
Caamas: Genocidal attack, kill all Caamasi
The Base Delta Zero ensures people know the intent, and it also melts the surface of the planet. Bye bye atmosphere. The Camaasi attack just needed to blow the cities and the shield generators (they're buried deep underground but apparently all but one were still destroyed), and heat the atmosphere to the point where all complex life would be killed. It didn't require the thoroughness of a BDZ. In fact, the thoroughness and time tables required for a BDZ were anathema to the secret and specific nature of that mission. It seems likely that they wreck the biosphere and such enough to ruin the planet to a significant degree, but this appears to be no true BDZ.
This is useful in showing Trekkies what even a much-scaled-down, secret, half-baked version of a BDZ can do.