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The Australia + Spyder Episode 3 Meet

Posted: 2005-03-21 06:47am
by Spyder
(Any chance of getting a stickies for the ep3 meet threads?)

Hey guys, I'm trying to get things booked for the ep 3 meet, I think those of us that are going should try to coordinate our efforts.

1: Do we have a final list of who's going?

2: Has anyone sorted anything out for accomodation?

I myself would like to spend perhaps a week in Melb, if anyone wants to share a room all would be cool.

Re: The Australia + Spyder Episode 3 Meet

Posted: 2005-03-21 07:14am
by Stofsk
Spyder wrote:1: Do we have a final list of who's going?
Off the top of my head:


Myself (duh)

Lord of the Farce




Chris O'Farrel (I believe he said he was gonna drive down?)

Maybe Vympel?

Mr Flibble wasn't sure if he could make it.

There are a whole bunch of others who either missed the previous threads or said "Oh yeah, I'll think about it and get back to you."

That's just off the top of my head.
2: Has anyone sorted anything out for accomodation?
Nope. And I don't think we can buy the tickets yet. We haven't agreed on which cinema we were gonna go to, but I have a friend who works in the Hoyts at Chadstone. I think the consensus was on the Friday rather than the Thursday. (so May 20th instead of opening night). We could even have it on the weekend. Whatever's the most flexible for people I suppose.

Both Lord of the Farce and myself have offered to put people up, but if you want to stay in a hotel then well... you can do that too. :)

Re: The Australia + Spyder Episode 3 Meet

Posted: 2005-03-21 07:43am
by Spyder
Stofsk wrote:Both Lord of the Farce and myself have offered to put people up, but if you want to stay in a hotel then well... you can do that too. :)
That would be quite cool and simplify the travel arrangements.

Although if we're going to agree on the 20th then this is something we need to get a consensus on right away before anyone books any flights.

Re: The Australia + Spyder Episode 3 Meet

Posted: 2005-03-21 07:47am
by Stofsk
Spyder wrote:
Stofsk wrote:Both Lord of the Farce and myself have offered to put people up, but if you want to stay in a hotel then well... you can do that too. :)
That would be quite cool and simplify the travel arrangements.
A couple of sofas are there for you. I'll let LotF speak for what he can offer travellers.
Although if we're going to agree on the 20th then this is something we need to get a consensus on right away before anyone books any flights.
Well, it was the 20th because IIRC Mokulas couldn't make it on the Thursday, or something. The weekend is another option.

Plus, I don't know when the tickets can be purchased.

Posted: 2005-03-21 08:45am
by Stark
Hey guys - whats it like getting from Mellie to Canberra? An old flame of mine is working for the AG atm and wants me to drop in if I can.

Posted: 2005-03-30 04:55am
by Spyder
Ok, let's set up a mailing list. Could everyone going please fire off an email to spyderizer at

Posted: 2005-03-30 07:36am
by Lord of the Farce
I've just checked my university's "Academic Calendar", and it seems that on the week of the 16th of May, I will still have some classes... Including one on the 20th (Friday), finishing at 5PM.

Posted: 2005-04-01 06:58am
by Chris OFarrell
Ok people, it IS radpidly starting to approach crunch time. We need to start finalising aircraft tickets and so on. We need to get a date set in stone SOON if this thing is going to go forward. If everyone could sign up to Spydas list quick, we can get this done.

Posted: 2005-04-07 03:07am
by Spyder
I've booked a flight to Sydney on the 15th. Without sufficient feedback on an agreeable date the people that are active in this thread are just going to need to specify one, make the arrangements and whoever can join us will be welcome.

Yes, that's harsh but if we don't get the ball rolling it's just not going to roll and Chris is going to have to put up with having me around all for nothing. People, think of Chris!

Posted: 2005-04-07 03:21am
by Stofsk
Spyder wrote:Yes, that's harsh but if we don't get the ball rolling it's just not going to roll and Chris is going to have to put up with having me around all for nothing. People, think of Chris!
I say put it on the 20th, as that's a Friday, try for sometime in the evening. That way Lord of the Farce can make it. If we can start booking tickets then that will be great. Another possibility is 21st, anytime saturday. Booking tickets is essential IMO.

The other problem happens to be transport. I don't drive... and it doesn't matter anyway, since we don't have a car - we own three cars, none of them work. They're like street ornaments. So public transport and taxis, unless someone happens to own a minivan?