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A Question of TurboLasers

Posted: 2005-03-28 06:44pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Ok, So lets say I wanted to put together a purely Conical text of Turbolasers. Like, I was making a book along the lines of “So you want to buy a TurboLaser?”

I have seen vast amounts of information on the Nature* of Turbolasers, ((Mainly on the main website, which has been helpful))of their power settings, powerlevels, etc etc. But what I have not been able to find is a good list of all the different Types of TurboLasers and their corresponding PowerSettings.

It’s just a habit of mine to try and archive things and make Databases of specific topics, and for some time I have wanted to make an accurate of all the types of information about a TurboLaser you can get, Exmp:

Type of TurboLaser: (Light, Med, Heavy, Quad, Dual, Battery sizes))
Size??? ((how much space on a ship would it take up))
Energy used ???
Possible Settings/EnergyLevels ???

I have done research, and I have a fairly wide list of all the Types of TurboLasers, but so far finding specific information about them ((That doesn’t conflict with one another)) is more difficult.

Posted: 2005-03-28 06:56pm
by Aaron
Well the Quads on the Acclamator had a yield of 200 Gigatons. And I believe those are a MTL Quad by the Empires standards.

Unfortunatly I don't have my AOTC:ICS handy so I can't offer anything more constructive.

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:58am
by Crazedwraith
Lasers cannons used for point defense on Acclamatiors: yeild = 6 megatons.

And acclaimator carries 24 of said weapon.

The TF core ship has 280 light laser cannons. Yield= 8 kilotons.

Re: A Question of TurboLasers

Posted: 2005-03-29 07:37am
by Lord Revan
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Type of TurboLaser: (Light, Med, Heavy, Quad, Dual, Battery sizes))
Size??? ((how much space on a ship would it take up))
Energy used ???
Possible Settings/EnergyLevels ???
I think only "true" types would be light, medium and heavy. a quad TL (for example) would be a quad (M)TL battery in single (quad) mount, it's a lot simple to say QTL (Single, Dual, Quad , etc. tells how many gun you have per mount(AKA turret)).

For power levels, we know Acclamator quad MTLs have max. yield of 200 GT (though I don't know that's per gun or per turret).

Posted: 2005-03-29 01:05pm
by Connor MacLeod
Probably the reason why its so scarce is because its so functionally variable (in terms of output "levels", classification, and whatnot.) The 'heavy turbolasers' on a Venator for example are not neccesarily the same as the heavy TLS on an ISD. Or the HTLs on the support destroyer. I suspect the same is true for the Executor.

As for outputs.. they can generally vary the power level of the blast to rather LARGE degrees (many orders of magnitude.) - witniss the Death STar's superlaser, which can fire a "low-power' ship-killing burst up to a 'full-power' - "scatter the planet's mass at high speed" shot.