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Asajj Ventress vs. Aurra Sing

Posted: 2005-03-29 02:44am
by Darth Fanboy
Battle of Dark Side femme fatales. Anyone care to place a bet?

Posted: 2005-03-29 02:59am
by Petrosjko
I'm betting on Sing. She's an accomplished huntress and predator who matched wits and lightsabers with some of the best among the Jedi, including Ki Adi Mundi. Ventress would have to work a while to match her headcount of Jedi taken in single combat.

More of a gut feeling than hard certainty, though. Ventress does have some mentoring from Dooku, even if he's just stringing her along.

Posted: 2005-03-29 05:16am
by Shroom Man 777
What? Just one little sparring match is barely what I'd call "mentoring".

Posted: 2005-03-29 10:45am
by Dorsk 81
But, ofcourse, that "one little sparring match" wasn't the extent of the trainning she received from Dooku. She may not have been given Sith trainning, but helping her with her saber skills should be more than enough to tip the balance.

Ventress takes it, because of her trainning from Dooku. While Sing was out chasing down bounties, Ventress was going toe-to-toe with Skywalker.

Posted: 2005-03-29 11:10am
by Shroom Man 777
Dorsk 81 wrote:But, ofcourse, that "one little sparring match" wasn't the extent of the trainning she received from Dooku. She may not have been given Sith trainning, but helping her with her saber skills should be more than enough to tip the balance.
Are you basing this on the comics? Because from the Clone Wars cartoons, she only had one encounter with Dooku. She claims she's a Sith, Dooku insults her, she attacks him, she gets zapped and KOed. She wakes up, fights Dooku, gets disarmed, Palpatine gives her a pep-talk, Dooku hands her a new bunch of sabres and the keys to a starship and was sent to ice Skywalker.

How, pray tell, did Dooku help her skills there?

Posted: 2005-03-29 11:24am
by Dorsk 81
Shroom Man 777 wrote:How, pray tell, did Dooku help her skills there? Databank wrote: Ventress' raw talent and fierce determination impressed Dooku. The charismatic leader of the Confederacy was able to recruit the young warrior by appealing to her disgust with the Jedi and the Republic. Dooku confirmed Ventress' bitter ideas that the Jedi had abandoned their ethics and convictions. Ventress proved her skills by challenging Dooku to a duel. Though Dooku won the sparring contest, he invited Ventress to accompany him back into the Confederacy as a personal protégé.

Though Ventress longed to identify herself as a Sith, she did not receive Sith training. While Dooku helped hone her talents, he taught her none of the knowledge unique to the Sith. Her skills were a combination of incomplete Jedi training coupled with her own techniques. Her raw talents and bottomless well of anger and pain bolstered her dark side abilities. Giving into her rage granted her further powers.

Posted: 2005-03-29 01:32pm
by YT300000
Sing has killed many Jedi. My vote is for her.

Also, I'm amazed the thread has gone this long without anyone crafting a lesbian scene.

Posted: 2005-03-29 04:42pm
by Darth Fanboy
Just scouring the SW Databank, looks like Aurra Sing was beaten by Aayla Secura, though Secura never killed her. Learning more about this Implant that allowed Sing to feed on fear, odd...

I wonder if it would feed on the dark side?


Dooku hired sing to track down the young Boba Fett? My god where have I been?

Posted: 2005-03-29 05:14pm
by Kartr_Kana
Sing would win because she has the experiance fight Jedi. Ventress is just another case of teen angst blostered by the dark side a la Anakin.

Posted: 2005-03-29 05:15pm
by Darth Fanboy
Kartr_Kana wrote:Sing would win because she has the experiance fight Jedi. Ventress is just another case of teen angst blostered by the dark side a la Anakin.
In the novel Dark Rendezvous, Ventress notes she has killed over a dozen Jedi, I think the number is closer to 16 or 17.

Posted: 2005-03-29 05:23pm
by Kartr_Kana
Sing has atleast 9 jedi kills chronicaled and others that are not mentioned(see the databank) also sing was trained as jedi until the age of 9 she has the force, spent her teen years as a pirate was trained by the anzati who are some of the most deadly hunters in the galaxy. She also has better control of herself in my opinion which would give her the advantage.

Posted: 2005-03-31 04:16pm
by Spartan
Sing killed Jedi and Jedi masters, and simultaneously fought two members of the Jedi Council plus the Dark Woman and lived to tell the tale. She even had the nerve to poach to Jedi in the shadow of the Temple itself.

The two are so similar in origin, they are almost interchangable. Lets just remember that if Obi Wan really wanted to kill Ventress, she'd be bloody bits by now. On the other hand the Jedi Council didn't want to put down Aura down either....something about being misunderstood....blah-blah not yet apar t of the darkside.....

Hello...she'd off'd six Jedi, including two master at that point, and sported a red lightsaber. Not part of the dark-side...I mean really. :lol: