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Star Wars RotS figs are here!

Posted: 2005-04-02 10:50am
by Cal Wright
Alright! Who braved the midnight madness's to collect little kids toys!

Ooh, ooh, I did, I did!

Does anyone know when they're going to release the ARC-170, not the lego, but the RotS version? It was showing on lists to be out, but the stores didn't have it, and the .com's don't have it there either.

What all did everyone get? I picked up about half the figs, and a few vehicles.

Posted: 2005-04-02 12:42pm
by Darth Bowser
All I know is you assholes kept me at work late. :wink:

Posted: 2005-04-02 04:15pm
by Sharpshooter
Let the merchendising begin!

No toys for me (I'm a cheap bastard) but I bet my brother's home at this very minute playing with the doubles he likely got (and at 25, no less) - and I actually sort of envy him on that...

Posted: 2005-04-02 04:24pm
by Techno_Union
Yes indeed I was there at Wal-Mart at 11:30 till 1 in the morning.

Though I didn't pick up the figures at all, I went for the diecast vehicles and the larger Tri Fighter... mmm, me love my metal ISDs and Tri fighters!

Posted: 2005-04-02 06:03pm
by Rogue 9

Posted: 2005-04-02 06:07pm
by Trytostaydead
WOOHOO! They brought back the Stardestroyer model kit! So happy!

Posted: 2005-04-02 06:41pm
by spongyblue
My brother in law spent from last night at 11:00pm till about 9am the next morning traveling with a band of cronies he met along the way to every store in the metro El-Paso area for the figs. I, on the other hand was only able to pick up a Clonetrooper.

Posted: 2005-04-02 06:48pm
by Firefox
I picked up Darth Tater (collectible) and the RotS ICS. I'm still waiting for the Revell Republic Star Destroyer.

Posted: 2005-04-02 10:28pm
by Cal Wright
I just picked up the VD, ICS (Go Saxton!) and the Making of RotS plus the new insider.

Posted: 2005-04-02 10:33pm
by Tychu
well today i had to work 4/2 so i picked up a few figures at Target, Bail, Grievous, that Jedi who looks like Eath Koth

then i figured, ill go visit my friend at his job at Party City, its not my fault KB toys is across the street, so yeah i went across the street and bought another 60 bux worth of figures, im done buying stuff for the week

Posted: 2005-04-02 11:21pm
by Firefox
I made another trip by the store this evening and picked up another Darth Tater, in addition to two of the new Titanium Series Hasbro ships (LAAT and Eta-2). Cute lil' die-cast ships.