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So, got the ROTS ICS, hope this hasnt been posted already.

Posted: 2005-04-03 06:16am
by white_rabbit
Well, I hope this is constructive, its a section from the ROTS ICS, the specs on the Invisible Hands Quad HTL turbolaser mounts.

Equivalent to a magnitude ten Earthquake.

Google tells me thats 1 trillion tons of TNT, which converts
4.184E22 joules, which converts to 10 teratons, which results in 2.5 teratons per barrel.

Posted: 2005-04-03 06:38am
by Lone_Prodigy
Yay, I was disappointed to hear that the new ICS lacked firepower numbers. I'm glad at least some made it in.

Posted: 2005-04-03 06:39am
by Chris OFarrell
The major problems I see are:

"Magnitude' is not defined. We don't know what SW unit earthquakes are measured in. We also don't know if its talking about the total energy of a magnitude 10 Earthquake or the effects on the surface. Afterall a HTL impact on the surface of a planet isn't a massive movement under the surface.

Posted: 2005-04-03 08:11am
by Tribun
Holy fuck! :shock:

That seems to be a really high number!
I wonder how the Treekies will deal with that. MTL with 200GT, and now HT with 10TT!
(I assume that TT is above GT)

Posted: 2005-04-03 08:27am
by Chris OFarrell
Tribun wrote:Holy fuck! :shock:

That seems to be a really high number!
I wonder how the Treekies will deal with that. MTL with 200GT, and now HT with 10TT!
(I assume that TT is above GT)
:roll: Pray tell why is your first reaction to post in the PSW forum about how you think Terkkies will apparently have some kind of emotional breakdown? Yeash, get a GRIP.

Posted: 2005-04-03 12:01pm
by Tribun
Chris OFarrell wrote:
Tribun wrote:Holy fuck! :shock:

That seems to be a really high number!
I wonder how the Treekies will deal with that. MTL with 200GT, and now HT with 10TT!
(I assume that TT is above GT)
:roll: Pray tell why is your first reaction to post in the PSW forum about how you think Terkkies will apparently have some kind of emotional breakdown? Yeash, get a GRIP.
I just said this, because I can already see the reapeating of the last time a ICS came out.

Of course I also was surprised at this statement. Also, how do they measure earthquakes in the SW galaxy? Since there could be quakes on planets that could be MUCH stronger than quakes on earth, 10 could be an even higher number.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:00pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Chris OFarrell wrote:The major problems I see are:

"Magnitude' is not defined. We don't know what SW unit earthquakes are measured in. We also don't know if its talking about the total energy of a magnitude 10 Earthquake or the effects on the surface. Afterall a HTL impact on the surface of a planet isn't a massive movement under the surface.
Its obviously talking about the energy. The "surface effects" do not define the magnitude of an earthquake. The energy content does.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:06pm
by nightmare
Well, I don't see a huge problem with it since the books are "translated" for us. The books are using our units after all. The number seem a little higher than expected, but this is supposed to be a flagship. It stands to reason that it's a bit better equipped than standard ships. I try to avoid this stuff until I've watched the movie, but my suggestion would be to compare the guns on it with those on the Acclamator and an ISD.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:14pm
by Spartan
Well, first off the quote uses the term "earthquake". Earth does not exist within the context of the SW Galaxy. So, obviously Dr. Saxton by choosing that phrasing intended for the reader to interpret it as a magnitude 10 earthquake as it’s is known to us on Earth.

The problem is that there are several different magnitude scales, with regard to earthquakes. All of which make certain assumptions, and vary widely with regard to how they quantify the results. It’s really very difficult to quantify something as complicated as an earthquake with a single number value. Sure we could assume that the Rictor scale was what was intended. But in what way are they similar: area of affect, the number of fatalities, or the degree of ground swaying?

Hopeful someone can get a qualification from Dr. Saxton. At least we have an idea of the order of magnitude involved.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:29pm
by Cej4096
A few more quotes.

From the Venator page:
Main reactor annihilates up to 40,000 tons of fuel per second at maximum power
The DBY-827's precise, long-range tracking mode enables it to hit a target vessel at distances of over ten light-minutes, while the turret can rotate in three seconds in its close-fighting, fast-tracking mode. Seven different blast intensities provide a choice between crippling shots and out right vaporization of the enemy. The Venator-class, as a true warship, can feed almost its entire reactor output to its heavy guns when required.
From the Jedi Interceptor page:
When traveling at hyperspeed, shields protect the ship and booster against potentially fatal collisions with interstellar gas and dark particles, while stasis fields slow the passage of onboard time, so that the pilot ages only as fast as the rest of the galaxy.
From the Invisible Hand page:
These included the hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated and melted the crust of the former city-planet of Humbarine, an ancient founding world of the Republic.
From the Juggernaut page:
The very name of these rolling giants call up memories of crushing defeat for the galaxy's quintillions of battle droids and their separatist masters.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:41pm
by Mange
Cej4096 wrote:A few more quotes.
From the Venator page:
The DBY-827's precise, long-range tracking mode enables it to hit a target vessel at distances of over ten light-minutes, while the turret can rotate in three seconds in its close-fighting, fast-tracking mode. Seven different blast intensities provide a choice between crippling shots and out right vaporization of the enemy. The Venator-class, as a true warship, can feed almost its entire reactor output to its heavy guns when required.
Ten light-minutes?! Now that's really impressive! That's a range of 180 million kilometers. Wow.

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:51pm
by Gorefiend
The DBY-827's precise, long-range tracking mode enables it to hit a target vessel at distances of over ten light-minutes, while the turret can rotate in three seconds in its close-fighting, fast-tracking mode.
.. but an ISD can't seem to hit a light freighter flying a few clicks in front of it. ;)

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:54pm
by Mange
Gorefiend wrote:
The DBY-827's precise, long-range tracking mode enables it to hit a target vessel at distances of over ten light-minutes, while the turret can rotate in three seconds in its close-fighting, fast-tracking mode.
.. but an ISD can't seem to hit a light freighter flying a few clicks in front of it. ;)
Clearly you understand the difference hitting a small, fast moving freighter and a large, sluggish capital ship?

Posted: 2005-04-03 01:58pm
by Gorefiend
Sure I do, but it strikes me as odd that a Veni should be able to snipe something out of space from 180 million kilometres away, whilst two ISD hunting a light freighter don’t land anything but narrow strip shoots, might just be really bad gunners, though.

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:13pm
by Shroom Man 777
Its a maximum limit. The M-16 has a max range of a few hundred meters, do you see soldiers in Iraq having firefights at those ranges? Not often, anyway.

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:21pm
by Sea Skimmer
Gorefiend wrote:Sure I do, but it strikes me as odd that a Veni should be able to snipe something out of space from 180 million kilometres away, whilst two ISD hunting a light freighter don’t land anything but narrow strip shoots, might just be really bad gunners, though.
Or they didn't want to score lots of direct hits, because then they'd risk accidentally destroying the Falcon. The whole idea was to take Leia and Han and company prisoner, and for that the flak burst near misses are simply a safer if slower course of action.

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:22pm
by Shroom Man 777
Yeah. Wasn't the MF a shitty ship during that time?

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:27pm
by Gorefiend
I was talking about when the Falcon runs from Tatooine, not a Hoth, of course they weren’t shooting to kill at Hoth, or they would have just picked them of with 2-3 full volleys, and not send fighters after them.

Re: So, got the ROTS ICS, hope this hasnt been posted alrea

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:33pm
by Connor MacLeod
white_rabbit wrote:Well, I hope this is constructive, its a section from the ROTS ICS, the specs on the Invisible Hands Quad HTL turbolaser mounts.

Equivalent to a magnitude ten Earthquake.

Google tells me thats 1 trillion tons of TNT, which converts
4.184E22 joules, which converts to 10 teratons, which results in 2.5 teratons per barrel.
No its not. The formula for figuring out the energy of an earthquake of a given magnitude is 1.74x10(5+1.44[Ms]) where Ms represents the magnitude.

Edit: The quote in question is:
ROTS:ICS wrote: Quad TL cannon's maximum yield is equivalent to magnitude-10 earthquake

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:34pm
by Firefox
Perhaps even then they weren't shooting to kill, since they were trying to locate a droid with the stolen plans?

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:42pm
by Connor MacLeod
The Utapaun fighter has 2 reactors (one per wing), and each annihilates 3.1 kg of fuel each second. (or 2.79e17 watts per reactor.. 5.6e17 watts total.)

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:42pm
by NecronLord
Mange the Swede wrote:Ten light-minutes?! Now that's really impressive! That's a range of 180 million kilometers. Wow.
That's fairly obviously talking about an intert enemy. An active enemy vessel could have altered course and gotten itself thousands of kilometers out of the way by the time the bolt arrived. Even the Death Star could dodge the Venator's fire at that range.

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:43pm
by Connor MacLeod
Gorefiend wrote:I was talking about when the Falcon runs from Tatooine, not a Hoth, of course they weren’t shooting to kill at Hoth, or they would have just picked them of with 2-3 full volleys, and not send fighters after them.
What ar you talking about? Didn't you see the flashes during that chase? They WERE hitting the ship. And those that didn't were at best near-misses.. Its actually a well known Imperial fire tactic discussed in Hutt Gambit (used to box in the enemy to allow them to be more easily targetd.)

Posted: 2005-04-03 02:44pm
by NecronLord
An inert enemy even.

Posted: 2005-04-03 03:07pm
by Mange
NecronLord wrote:
Mange the Swede wrote:Ten light-minutes?! Now that's really impressive! That's a range of 180 million kilometers. Wow.
That's fairly obviously talking about an intert enemy. An active enemy vessel could have altered course and gotten itself thousands of kilometers out of the way by the time the bolt arrived. Even the Death Star could dodge the Venator's fire at that range.
Heard of targeting computers? :wink: