Demolishing Darkstar's bullshit about the novelization
Posted: 2005-04-04 09:45pm
Except of course for the tiny fact that if the planetary shield had been raised, they wouldn't have been able to kidnap Palpatine, making the entire "inside job" a colossal waste of time.It's official . . . there are no planetary shields in Star Wars. Coruscant is invaded at the start of the opening fleet battle, and then pelted with debris from it, killing uncounted numbers of people over the course of the hours of combat. The only defense against it is the planet's surface defense umbrella, consisting of surface gun emplacements, fighters, and of course the orbiting fleet.
In other words, planets are defended just like I said they are.
Good one, Darkstar. Isn't there something in Labyrinth of Evil about this?
Here we see Darkstar predictably assuming that the turbolasers referred to must be referring to the heavier weapons and in paticular that turbolasers can be equivalent to nuclear explosions.Here we get a little bit of firepower quantification, albeit a somewhat vague one. The Hiroshima airburst, for instance, vaporized very little. However, this does directly contradict the EU claims of multi-gigaton firepower. After all, if a 300 gigaton impact would be big enough to annihilate Long Island, NY and Connecticut with 5000 degree molten material within 10 seconds from impact, then simply vaporizing a small town would be less energetic by orders of magnitude.
This also serves to reinforce the idea that the bolts themselves have the power, as opposed to the unusual recent EU claim that the bolts are mere tracers for lightspeed beams.
Merely repeating what he thinks is *proof* that there are no planetary shields in Star Wars- because one wasn't in evidence above Coruscant in one big set-up. Whatever.The Confederacy landed on Coruscant and took Palpatine in the midst of the fleet combat. In other words, no trace of planetary shielding over the center of government.
On a lighter note, the EU's idea of TV . . . the HoloNet . . . gets a mention
Of course, the quote here makes no claims about how big the "chunks" are, nor does he tell us what recent EU has made claims to the contrary.Republic cruiser hulls can be damaged by starfighter weaponry. Granted, most of us knew this sort of thing, but recent EU has made claims suggesting the contrary.
It's funny how Darkstar can take "ablative shielding" and turn it into "ablative armour".There's no mention of actual shields on these fighters . . . just this ablative armor beneath easily-scorched paint.
Ifyou think children's superstition serves an exhaustive analysis of every possible power system for any ship whatsoever, never mind a moonlet sized planet-destroying battlestation- yeah I suppose it does The absurdity doesn't get much better than this- fusion furnaces must be exactly like ordinary medium yellow suns, because these Tatooine tykes say so! Of course, there are EU referring to fusion being used for power generation in ships. The difference is its not the only thing- and the full name of hypermatter reactors is actually, you guessed it, hypermatter-fusion.Once again, we have it clearly stated that Star Wars power systems are fusion-based like suns are, much as was seen in the other novelizations. It can hardly get any plainer.
This stands in stark contradiction to the claims made elsewhere.
So sorry Darkstar. No contradiction for you.
Clearly, Darkstar thinks its reasonable to call missiles "lacking any brain at all" simply for the crime of not being aware of another missile's whereabouts while tracking their target. Of course, Jango Fett's missile had no trouble avoiding numerous obstacles in the field chase, but don't let that stop Darkstar from painting with a broad brush.Missiles appear to lack almost any brain at all.
An outright lie. The missile referred to in this quote is a BUZZ DROID missile, the shrapnel are actually BUZZ DROIDS. God what a liar.As with TPM and other examples, we see that starfighter weapons are sub-kiloton in yield . . . multi-megaton missiles do not spray shrapnel.
Needless to say, its the hangar bay shield, not the shield of the whole ship, which is likely already failed.Not very effective shielding, what with the emitter in plain sight and readily shootable.
As expected, Darkstar sets up the inevitable "this entire passage is contradicted" claim. He also lies about the quote- it doesn't say anything about the ships travelling at near c. Just their weaponry.This is an interesting claim on Stover's part, but ultimately futile. We see the exterior shots in the film, and they correspond to the "enjoy"-able view. Also:
1. Ships at lightspeed do not remain in planetary orbit unless they are circling madly.
2. Hundreds of kilometers as a combat range is mentioned, as opposed to the millions or billions of kilometers from Saxton.
3. Interesting "prismatic splinters against shields". Reminds one of that hit on Tantive IV in ANH.
In any case, I have a feeling that the "view wall" is actually a "window" in the film, and will probably be very similar to the bridge window from the same ship.
Clearly Darkstar is trying to ape Mike's criticism of the Federation in his canon analysis pages. Of course, no one ever claimed the Empire wasn't evil.Dooku of Serenno ponders the future . . . a racist Empire, an Empire of Man, in whose very genesis the destruction of alien power was arranged.
Once the Senate was swept away in ANH, all the leaders of the Empire were human. Every officer and soldier of the Empire was human. Now we officially know why.
God knows where he got this claim from. Really.Incidentally, this also suggests that Serenno was colonized, along with planets like Tatooine (as told in ANH) and Naboo. Little wonder the Gungans didn't like the surface-dwellers.
Notice the automatic assumption that there was a defensive shield arond the bay atmospheric shield of the Invisible Hand, when its clear that Star Wars ships have multiple shield quadrants.The EU's name for a ship type gets canonized in the "Carrack-class", though I doubt the EU ship type will appear in the film.
More importantly, we have the statement that these ships were attacking the faltering shields of the Invisible Hand. This is after the ship has had its docking bay depressurized by Jedi fighter weapons blasting out the bay's atmosphere containment shield . . . meaning that the fighters shot and flew right through any defensive shielding. And, of course, that had been quite few minutes back, chronologically.
This does, however, imply a possible shield resistance of several hours worth of combat. While that sounds good, the fact that defensive shielding does little to nothing against fighters is not good.
He bolds this as if this is some kind of important statement. Maybe hes trying to claim that starfighter weapons = capital ship weapons?Like the fighter weapons, the Republic warships' anti-ship weapons couldn't blast all the way through enemy capital ship "heavy armor" in one hit.
As above.Further, the ship's gravity generators were shifting wildly, throwing the down-angle every which way. This was happening before the ship even lost her sheilds. To my knowledge, no such failure has ever occurred in Trek, where the one instance of gravity failure was via direct hits by torpedoes. One button-press later and all was restored.
On the good side, the SW crew was prepared for this kind of difficulty by having seat belts.
again. Let's just put our hands over our eyes and forget Slave I's blaster cannons in the asteroid field, shall we? This armorplast isn't looking so shabby then, is it? If you want to interpret it that way and not just exaggeration.One might be tempted to think this duranium is the same substance referred to on Trek since TOS. However, one would be wrong to make that presumption.
Interesting that a ceramic material is considered sufficient to stop a starfighter weapon . . . not some ultradense armor or advanced nano-material. Then again, given the starfighter weapons we've seen (for instance, on Naboo in TPM), this isn't necessarily a surprise. It certainly stands in stark contrast to the one kiloton weapons claimed by Saxton and friends.
Funny, no evidence of that anywhere in the canon.Here we see how Star Wars vessels evade tracking. This helps serve to explain Han's line in ANH about losing the Imperials . . . he'd probably made a number of hyperjumps.
For some reason I doubt we'll see this in the film.Man, with all those exploding consoles around you'd think they were on the bridge of a Federation starship. Of course, Trek consoles seldom set people on fire or shred them, so perhaps SW exploding consoles are worse.
BTW, what is "radiation-scatter"? Isn't that "radiation"? Or am I being redundant and saying the same thing?
Notice the automatic assumption that the glancing hit from the starfighter must be weak.The bridge "view wall" is merely a window made of transparisteel . . . somewhat different than the computerized view wall mentioned earlier. A glancing hit from a fighter was all that was required to crack it . . . one wonders what a direct hit might've done, or even an proton grenade.
Little wonder that most SW ships have so few windows, given how weak they seem to be. When the Enterprise-D crashed into a planet, plowing through hills, most of her windows were intact.
Darkstar still crowing about this apparent "proof" of no planetary shields in SW.Here again we see that there is no such thing as planetary shielding in Star Wars.
For Coruscant, the surface-defense system . . . Coruscant's protective umbrella . . . is precisely that which I have previously stated it should be: surface guns and ships.
I trust this demonstration is as impressive as it is thorough.
There's also Darkstar crowing a lot about the Invisible Hand breaking apart on re-entry, of course, the ship had been hit for six by concentrated firepower from the enemy and in general being damaged as hell, as if this matters to anyone.