I'm still reading this, but I thought y'all would enjoy some tidbits:
pg.24: Church says that when he first started working on Star Wars, its inconsistencies were often confusing; he couldn't understand how landspeeders stil hovered even after being turned off. "Antigravity paint," he was told.
pg.39: After his resuscitation, Vader is handed over to Governor Tarkin,
pg.41: Rough draft:
PALPATINE: Anakin, he was bragging earlier about how he arranged to have your mother killed by the Tuskin Raiders.
The tremendous effort needed to generate the sustained lightning has transformed PALPATINE's face into that of DARTH SIDIOUS.
pg.42: DARTH SIDIOUS: I have waited all these years for you to fulfill your destiny [...] I arranged for your conception. I used the power of the Force to will the midichlorians to start the cell divisions that created you.
ANAKIN: I don't believe you.
DARTH SIDIOUS: Ahhh, but you know its true. When you clear your mind, you will sense the truth. You could almost think of me as your father.
ANAKIN: That's impossible!
YODA tells OBI-WAN that in his solitude he has training for him with "one who has studied with the Ancient Order Of The Whills...Your old master, Qui-Gon Jinn"
pg.46: There is a new height chart for Wookiees, but Lucas finds that these Wookiees are too short, reminding everyone, "Chewbacca is seven foot four-but he's a *small* Wookiee."
pg.61: Revised Second Draft:
PADME stays alive long enough to see both children being born, and they're held up for her to see. But she can "offer up only a faint smile"- the smile Leia will recall in Episode VI.
pg.72: George remaks to Rob Coleman that the story of Star Wars is actually recounted by R2-D2 to the Keeper of the Whills, one hundred years after ROTJ.
"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator