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Let's Over Analyse!

Posted: 2005-04-07 11:45am
by Alexus
In AOTC in the arena battle, Mace drops his saber. Jango jumps for that saber really ferociously. Maybe HE wants to be Jedi!

- Wouldn't it be cool?
- Wouldn't it make no sense at all?

Now, over analyse any part of Star Wars.


EDIT: 200th post! W00t!

EDITEDIT: THIS IS A JOKE. Do I need to hammer it into your brains?

Posted: 2005-04-07 11:47am
by Durandal
Uh ... right.

Posted: 2005-04-07 11:50am
by Xenophobe3691
Wow...that equation in Durandal's sig is more interesting than this thread...

I want it.

Posted: 2005-04-07 11:50am
by Alexus
Judging from your use of language, I can surmise that you are a woman from Utah. I'm correct aren't I?

Posted: 2005-04-07 12:05pm
by Xenophobe3691
Alexus wrote:Judging from your use of language, I can surmise that you are a woman from Utah. I'm correct aren't I?
I'm an Aerospace Engineering Student in Central Florida. WAAAAAY off.

Posted: 2005-04-07 12:07pm
by Alexus

Posted: 2005-04-07 12:11pm
by Ghost Rider
Spicy chicken and Spam....ah

Oh yeah...lock.