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Question on Kolto?

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:45pm
by Nephtys
I'm not the most knowledgable person on Warsie stuff. I'm not really much of a fan even, I just enjoy some of the games, and watch the movies. Though the recent two have been pretty uh... cruddy, IMO. But with KOTOR, what's the deal with the Koto substance? Or however it's spelled?

It seemed to me just like an old-style Bacta analogue. Is it mentioned in any other source, and what the heck is the difference?

<Edit - Fixed thread subject>

Re: Question on Koto?

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:49pm
by Lord Revan
Nephtys wrote:I'm not the most knowledgable person on Warsie stuff. I'm not really much of a fan even, I just enjoy some of the games, and watch the movies. Though the recent two have been pretty uh... cruddy, IMO. But with KOTOR, what's the deal with the Koto substance? Or however it's spelled?

It seemed to me just like an old-style Bacta analogue. Is it mentioned in any other source, and what the heck is the difference?
it's Kolto and it can obtained only from Manaan. In terms of function it's pretty much the same as Bacta, but Bacta can manufactured else where(then the orginal source) while Kolto cannot be.

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:53pm
by YT300000
Kolto. Yeah, its basically bacta, but... different. Or something.

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:55pm
by Cabwi Desco
I happen to believe kolto is actually firaxan shark shit. sure they say it feeds on it but i think its just quite literally shark shit.

Posted: 2005-04-09 05:56pm
by YT300000
SPOILERS. Though, in this thread, that's kinda obvious.

Wouldn't it be cool if in (for lack of a better word) reality, Revan had killed the huge Firaxa, and with no more kolto, other substances immediately started being researched, which eventually lead to bacta?

The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.

Posted: 2005-04-09 06:00pm
by Civil War Man
YT300000 wrote:The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.
Not really, though you can tell KOTOR 2 which ending of KOTOR 1 you want to use, and minor details of the storyline will vary accordingly. I'll leave it up to you to play the game and figure out how.

Posted: 2005-04-09 06:02pm
by Ghost Rider
It's briefly mention that the Kolto plant is a part of the process of Bacta. Thus in the 4000~some odd years the Kolto plant could have some orgination of such.

Posted: 2005-04-09 06:04pm
by Lord Revan
YT300000 wrote:SPOILERS. Though, in this thread, that's kinda obvious.

Wouldn't it be cool if in (for lack of a better word) reality, Revan had killed the huge Firaxa, and with no more kolto, other substances immediately started being researched, which eventually lead to bacta?

The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.
There's the problem that in KOTOR2 there's no indication that Kolto was in short supply.

Posted: 2005-04-09 06:55pm
by YT300000
Lord Revan wrote:
YT300000 wrote:SPOILERS. Though, in this thread, that's kinda obvious.

Wouldn't it be cool if in (for lack of a better word) reality, Revan had killed the huge Firaxa, and with no more kolto, other substances immediately started being researched, which eventually lead to bacta?

The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.
There's the problem that in KOTOR2 there's no indication that Kolto was in short supply.
Oh well. It would have been an interesting conspiracy theory.

Posted: 2005-04-09 09:46pm
by Darwin
though according to the entry on Manaan, eventually something catastrophic DID happen to Kolto production, leading to Bacta being the prime medical substance in use.

It seems like Kolto is superior to Bacta in most ways, aside from its singular source.

Posted: 2005-04-10 12:14am
by Stofsk
YT300000 wrote:The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.
It doesn't. At the end of DS-KOTOR, Revan has killed the usurper, the SF is secure, and his fleet has crushed the Republic thanks to his chicky-babe unleashing the juju.

At the start of KOTOR 2... the Republic is still standing. So... doesn't fit all that well IMO. As for Kolto, I consider it the ancestor to Bacta. Kolto eventually leads to the discovery (or invention?) of Bacta. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bacta something that can be grown anywhere?

Posted: 2005-04-10 12:21am
by JediMaster415
All I could find at the CUSWE was:
Category: Technology
Type: Medical
Planet of Origin: Thyferra

A rejuvenatory fluid that circulates healing bacteria around a wound to speed recovery, bacta was originally created by the Vratix. The fluid contained living organisms that help speed a patient's recovery by latching onto a wound and aiding in the regeneration process. It was first created by the Vratix, on Thyferra, by combining the chemical kavam with the organic lotion alazhi.
Also, it says that the Zaltin and Xucphra coporations have a monopoly on it, thanks to Palpatine. Both are stationed on Thyferra.


There's more but that's all that is pertinent.

this thing needs a (spoiler!) tag

Posted: 2005-04-10 02:10pm
by Cabwi Desco
Stofsk wrote:
YT300000 wrote:The Dark Side ending works suprisingly well in more than one way, too. Just say that he's the one who killed off all the Jedi, leading to KOTOR 2. Although I haven't yet played KOTOR 2, but I'd imagine it would work.
It doesn't. At the end of DS-KOTOR, Revan has killed the usurper, the SF is secure, and his fleet has crushed the Republic thanks to his chicky-babe unleashing the juju.

At the start of KOTOR 2... the Republic is still standing. So... doesn't fit all that well IMO. As for Kolto, I consider it the ancestor to Bacta. Kolto eventually leads to the discovery (or invention?) of Bacta. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Bacta something that can be grown anywhere?
Right, well I actually have theories on the DS discrepancies

After revan took over the star forge and made his 'infinite fleet' he went toward the galactic core with his fleet where the republic was still strong and he was forced back. He settled for most of the outer rim instead of the core. Instead when darth traya, darth sion, and darth nihilus started to rise, he chose rather than loose his power he would leave and carve out a massive empire in the 'true' sith galaxy. Without revans leadership the sith in the outer rim collapsed in internal revolution and infighting. the star forge was destroyed due a massive loss in controll due to the fact that revan was gone (i.e. no sith lord powerful enough to control the facility).

The kolto is another problem, it could be determined that the poisonous chemicals that were used werent exactly as harmful as suspected and small crops actually still existed untill the manaan authorities could clean up most of the mess, that or the selkath had MASSIVE amounts hoarded away in underwater warehouses just waiting for the big profit.

And lastly for how carth is still allive even if you slaughter his ass on the star forge? in reality he didnt die, his body was kept on board in a stasis state untill the republic came to rescue his ass in a massive boarding action.

but of course these are just theories.

Posted: 2005-04-10 03:35pm
by White Haven
Not enough intervening time between the two games. Not by half.

Re: this thing needs a (spoiler!) tag

Posted: 2005-04-10 03:58pm
by Civil War Man
Cabwi Desco wrote:Right, well I actually have theories on the DS discrepancies

<theories snipped>
Traya trained Revan. Revan, whether light or dark, leaves to fight the 'true' Sith Empire, and abandons former party members. Sith in the rim did collapse after DS Revan leaves, as evident when you go to Korriban. No mention of the Star Forge, but it likely still exists considering that T3 thought it best to keep the navicomputer on the Ebon Hawk locked. As for Carth, he only makes a cameo in KOTOR2 if you set Revan to light side. Otherwise his role is played by a generic Republic admiral.

Re: this thing needs a (spoiler!) tag

Posted: 2005-04-10 04:30pm
by YT300000
Cabwi Desco wrote:And lastly for how carth is still allive even if you slaughter his ass on the star forge? in reality he didnt die, his body was kept on board in a stasis state untill the republic came to rescue his ass in a massive boarding action.

but of course these are just theories.
Everytime I played Dark Side, he always ran into the bushes on the unknown planet (carrying about a bazillion credits worth of armour and guns, I might add :wink:) in a cutscene, and just disappeared. He might have gotten picked up by someone and taken back to civilization.

Re: this thing needs a (spoiler!) tag

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:32pm
by teleguy
CivilWarMan wrote:
Cabwi Desco wrote:Right, well I actually have theories on the DS discrepancies

<theories snipped>
Traya trained Revan. Revan, whether light or dark, leaves to fight the 'true' Sith Empire, and abandons former party members. Sith in the rim did collapse after DS Revan leaves, as evident when you go to Korriban. No mention of the Star Forge, but it likely still exists considering that T3 thought it best to keep the navicomputer on the Ebon Hawk locked. As for Carth, he only makes a cameo in KOTOR2 if you set Revan to light side. Otherwise his role is played by a generic Republic admiral.
The Starforge is mentioned in Bastillas Holocron message on Korriban . IIRC it has been destroyed because none of the remaining Sith could control it.

Posted: 2005-04-10 07:07pm
by Cabwi Desco
where is bastilas holocron message on korriban? the only holocron I found was dead becuase of the thorium charges.

Posted: 2005-04-10 07:08pm
by Civil War Man
Cabwi Desco wrote:where is bastilas holocron message on korriban? the only holocron I found was dead becuase of the thorium charges.
That's because you set Revan to light side at the beginning. If you set him/her to Dark Side, the holocron works and Bastila talks about Revan.

Posted: 2005-04-11 12:03am
by Cabwi Desco
no I set revan DS at the beginning, I just foolishly used the thorium charges on the other mandalorian weapons cache thinking if i used 'em it would just smash the holoron again... damnit!