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SWTC Update: Saxton's rational; ROTS "Death Star"

Posted: 2005-04-12 06:33pm
by The Original Nex

Apparently Curtis is of the mind that the battle station in ROTS is not the actual Death Star as seen in ANH. He goes into greater detail in the reading.

Posted: 2005-04-12 06:38pm
by Firefox
What explains Tyranus taking the plans with him to Sidious? Could it have been to allow lead time to reverse-engineer the design, or to show his master what they were building?

Posted: 2005-04-12 06:55pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Why would they need to reverse-engineer what they already have? Plus he's got the plans right there.

Posted: 2005-04-12 06:59pm
by Master of Ossus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Why would they need to reverse-engineer what they already have? Plus he's got the plans right there.
That doesn't necessarily mean that they have the sort of huge-scale industrial facilities for precision parts that they would need in order to construct their own death star. Even if they had all the technology required to do something like that, giganto-projects like this one would require a huge engineering effort. Hell, it's difficult enough to design and build new cars even though we obviously have plenty of technology for designing and building motor-vehicles.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:02pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I see.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:10pm
by Tribun
Remember that the disk with the plans was already three years old, and most likely not even complete. To take that thing apart to get the missing data was the best thing to do.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:31pm
by Vympel
I don't have the novel with my right now, but I think the novel talks about them watching the 'construction' of something. Anyway, is there a problem with the RotS Death Star being the same one as in ANH? I don't really think there is- sure, one took a lot longer to build than the other, but that can be explained as having to be built in secret before the dissolution of the Imperial Senate.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:43pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Meh; that's many orders of magnitude slower than the DS2, which remember was MUCH larger than the DS1. It doesn't help the EU problems either.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:49pm
by Imperator Galacticus
Also, the Republic (and hence the Empire) just got done fighting a major civil war that devastated almost the entire galaxy. Logically the Imperial military would ask the Emperor to rebuild the galaxy's infrastructure first before venturing ahead with something as time and resource-consuming as a Death Star.

Posted: 2005-04-12 07:50pm
by Galvatron
Vympel wrote:I don't have the novel with my right now, but I think the novel talks about them watching the 'construction' of something. Anyway, is there a problem with the RotS Death Star being the same one as in ANH? I don't really think there is- sure, one took a lot longer to build than the other, but that can be explained as having to be built in secret before the dissolution of the Imperial Senate.
Not just built in secret, but funneled money into its construction without the Senate finding out. If the Senate had oversight of military spending, I can see why this would have been such a gradual process relative to the DS2's rapid, balls-out construction.

Posted: 2005-04-12 08:26pm
by Chris OFarrell
Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet. Its commented in SOTE that the Empire had diverted "huge" amounts of resources, manpower and cash to some secret project that everyone was trying to figure out. Clearly the Emperor wasn't trying for the subtle secret approach insofar as hidng the raw materials, even if the construction site itself was guarded.

Posted: 2005-04-12 08:32pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Chris OFarrell wrote:Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet. Its commented in SOTE that the Empire had diverted "huge" amounts of resources, manpower and cash to some secret project that everyone was trying to figure out. Clearly the Emperor wasn't trying for the subtle secret approach insofar as hidng the raw materials, even if the construction site itself was guarded.
I don't remember that shit at all. All I remember is that the Spynet recieved word of some project - and that was an intentionally dropped trick by Palpatine and Xizor to lead them to the Suprosa, which would eventually lead the to the DS2 and destruction.

Posted: 2005-04-12 08:58pm
by Chris OFarrell
Yeah. For SOME reason whenever someone brings up SOTE and waves it around yelling about how it shows the DS2's production time, they quietly walk past THAT part of the book and pretend it doesn't exist.
SOTE pp 162

"The Empire has embarked on a new military project," Melan began. "We do not yet know what or where the project is, but we do know it is vast - the Emperor has diverted huge amounts of money, material and men for this secret enterprise".

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:03pm
by Vympel
I've never read SotE. The opening crawl of RotJ puts paid to the idea that the Death Star II was built concurrent with the first easily, since it says the Empire had "begun" construction of a new station. That places it at the very longest immediately after the first was destroyed.

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:12pm
by Chris OFarrell
Vympel wrote:I've never read SotE. The opening crawl of RotJ puts paid to the idea that the Death Star II was built concurrent with the first easily, since it says the Empire had "begun" construction of a new station. That places it at the very longest immediately after the first was destroyed.
SOTE moves it up a little to around a 6 month time period. Though I've never been entirely sure. That was just the time when the Allience heard about it and when XTS was hired to move some stuff. The dialouge makes it clear the 'construction project' as Vader and the Emperor refer to it had been going on for some time before the book.

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:18pm
by Nephtys
Chris OFarrell wrote:Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet. Its commented in SOTE that the Empire had diverted "huge" amounts of resources, manpower and cash to some secret project that everyone was trying to figure out. Clearly the Emperor wasn't trying for the subtle secret approach insofar as hidng the raw materials, even if the construction site itself was guarded.
Excuse me if I'm off-topic, but.. if the Bothan Spynet is known to be one of the best intelligence apparatus in the galaxy, and Bothans themselves as famous for having excellent spies.. why would you EVER hire a bothan for ANY job?

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:36pm
by Chris OFarrell
...I don't understand. Your saying because they are good and known to be good, why would you hire them????

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:43pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Chris OFarrell wrote:...I don't understand. Your saying because they are good and known to be good, why would you hire them????
Probably as in "If the race is well known to have great spies, wouldn't they automatically be under much more suspicion, making them more of a liability?"

That's what I got from it.

Posted: 2005-04-12 09:45pm
by Stofsk
I think Nephyts is trying to say "How do you trust great spies that work freelance?"


Posted: 2005-04-12 09:57pm
by YT300000
Nephtys wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet. Its commented in SOTE that the Empire had diverted "huge" amounts of resources, manpower and cash to some secret project that everyone was trying to figure out. Clearly the Emperor wasn't trying for the subtle secret approach insofar as hidng the raw materials, even if the construction site itself was guarded.
Excuse me if I'm off-topic, but.. if the Bothan Spynet is known to be one of the best intelligence apparatus in the galaxy, and Bothans themselves as famous for having excellent spies.. why would you EVER hire a bothan for ANY job?

Money, Ideology, Coersion and Ego. For Bothans, money is their ideology, and where their ego comes from. So, unless you're coercing them, in which case you'd better watch your ass, you just need to pay them enough. Afterall, repeat customers are important in their business.

Posted: 2005-04-13 01:12am
by Nephtys
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:...I don't understand. Your saying because they are good and known to be good, why would you hire them????
Probably as in "If the race is well known to have great spies, wouldn't they automatically be under much more suspicion, making them more of a liability?"

That's what I got from it.
Yep! That's what I mean.

Posted: 2005-04-13 01:30am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Nephtys wrote:Yep! That's what I mean.

The Bothans probably don't act as the infiltrator kind of spy, doing jobs like the Cylon agents in BSG. They probably stay away from any nosy eyes and observe from afar, collecting as much information as they can that way. So less infiltration, more covert sneakiness.

Just my opinion, though.

Posted: 2005-04-13 02:22am
by NecronLord
Secret seperatist technology? Great Weapon?

You know, that's actually a rather cool rationalisation.

Posted: 2005-04-13 03:02am
by Slartibartfast
Chris OFarrell wrote:Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet.
The Emperor feeding them that information himself might have had something to do with it.

Posted: 2005-04-13 03:09am
by Chris OFarrell
Slartibartfast wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:Well the DS2 WAS in fact noticed quite quickly by the Bothen Spynet.
The Emperor feeding them that information himself might have had something to do with it.
Possibly... The Bothens DID appear to notice the resources movements on their own, I would guess from the context. Then they tried to slice the computer on Courscant. At a guess I would say that was when they came to the attention of the Emperor. Who then with Xizor came up with the computer plan.