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Favorite Star Wars gound/air/water vehicles?

Posted: 2005-04-16 03:46am
by Hellfire
Inspired by the "Favorite Star Wars Ship?" thread I decided to create my own. So what is your favorite ground/air/water vehicles? (From any era)


AT-AT: Most formidable ground vehicle ever in Star Wars. Can shrug off any vehicular weapon short of a concussion missile or proton torpedo, while dishing more hurt than anything else short of a airstrike by a TIE Bomber or Scimitar Bomber.

AT-ST: Complements the AT-AT, providing cover for its rear and flanks. Also great on its own for supporting infantry and general anti-vehiclar duty.

Snowspeeder: One of my favorite vehicles of all in Star Wars. Great for light attack runs, recon, and many other duties. And who can forget the tow cable tactic used against the AT-ATs?

V-Wing: Closest thing Star Wars has to an air superiority fighter.

Posted: 2005-04-16 03:56am
by Darth Raptor
Land: AT-AT. This position was almost usurped by the AT-TE. Can't touch this one though, except with space scale weaponry, of course.

Sea: Um, not much here. Actually the only SW sea units I can think of are from Galactic Battlegrounds, and I wasn't too impressed with any of those. Meh.

Air: For a fighter/interceptor, the V-Wing. For a bomber, the Scimitar.

Posted: 2005-04-16 06:36pm
by SylasGaunt
The Saber class Hovertank varient with the beam cannon on top. Love that thing.

Posted: 2005-04-16 06:58pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Land: AT-TE. I think the low to the ground profile looks more impressive than the tall AT-AT.

Sea: AT-AT: Swimmer variant. Not many choices here, and that one just seems the coolest.

Air: LAAT. Just a cool looking vehicle overall.

Posted: 2005-04-16 07:27pm
by Spacebeard
Speeder Bikes, especially the ones in ROTJ.
AT-AT (quite cool, too bad it started the "all military vehicles must be walkers" brainbug)

Bespin Cloud Car


Elaboration on my speeder bike choice:

- I love how they looks and also the sound, especially in the ROTJ chase.
- They seem like a sensible use of SW technology to fill a real vehicle
role; the repulsorlift actually benefits them and isn't just there to make
it look exotic or futuristic.
- Luke's proficiency with these vehicles actually makes sense given his
youth, though his familiarity with the EW systems on Imperial military
models is questionable.

Posted: 2005-04-16 07:48pm
by Lex
Land: AT-AT no question
Air: TIE Defender: faster, better shielded, more firepower, just pwns those gay x wings.

Posted: 2005-04-16 08:00pm
by starfury
land: AT-AT/Juggernut

air: X-wing, combat cloud car, not many for purely air-superiority fighters as opposed to both.

Posted: 2005-04-16 09:20pm
by SylasGaunt
Oh and the LAAT is definitely my favorite air vehicle.

Posted: 2005-04-16 11:15pm
by Coriolis
Land: The wankest vehicle of all :), the Droid Tank

Air: Definitely the LAAT loaded up with Clones

Sea: Meh...nothing in particular

Posted: 2005-04-17 09:55pm
by Lone_Prodigy
Land: Definitely the Juggernaut. 50 meters long, up to 300 clones inside, 8 anti-personnel blasters, 2 heavy automatic laser cannon turrets, 42 missiles with 30km range, and on top of that it can go 160 kph for up to 30,000km with 3 weeks supplies. :twisted: Better than a M1A1 any day.

Air: The EP3 Droid Gunship, armed to the teeth with missiles.

Water: The swimming AT-AT variant.

Posted: 2005-04-17 10:15pm
by Boyish-Tigerlilly
AT-PT I like. I think it looks cool, and it's small.

Posted: 2005-04-17 10:16pm
by Stravo
No doubt for me, I love and I do mean love the LAAT. I think it just looked so damned cool and the way it moves, guns up the ass, just fantastic. The prequels may be inferior to the OT in many ways but superior in terms of its vehicle designs - the AT-TE just looks so menacing and cool, etc.

Posted: 2005-04-17 10:33pm
by Firefox
Land: Juggernaut, though I'd say AT-AT/AT-TE otherwise.
Air: LAAT/i. Hands-down.
Sea: I can't think of anything in particular.

Posted: 2005-04-17 10:34pm
by JME2
Land: AT-TE. The big gun; say no more. 8)

Air: Republic Gunship (AOTC). I love the design and its 1940 influences.

Water: Don't have one -- yet.

Posted: 2005-04-18 12:37pm
by Vanas
Land: The Scout-Trooper Speeder bikes. Those things rock.

Air: The Victory Star Destroyer: Now, that's fuggin' fire-support.

Water: There are boats?

Posted: 2005-04-20 07:06pm
by LordChaos
Land - Speeder Bikes. I still want one.

Air - Y-wing. the true backbone of the rebel fighter force.

Posted: 2005-04-20 07:08pm
by Imperial Overlord
LAAT, no question. I also like the Hailfire Droid and the AT-TE.

TIE Defender in space. Even if the wanking is strong in this one.

Cap ships: Star Destroyers.