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After ROTS Spolier warning

Posted: 2005-04-19 01:37am
by Typhonis 1
OK How come Palpatine didn`t spin the fact that Padme was killed by the Jedi??Also why didnt he release the news that Padme and Anakin were married? This could have helped him somewhat. ASnakin Skywalker Hero of the Republic goes to dsave his wife from ttraitorous Jedi he fails and is badly injured in the process.

So why didnt he spin doctor this into even more support?

Re: After ROTS Spolier warning

Posted: 2005-04-19 01:44am
by JME2
Typhonis 1 wrote:OK How come Palpatine didn`t spin the fact that Padme was killed by the Jedi??Also why didnt he release the news that Padme and Anakin were married? This could have helped him somewhat. ASnakin Skywalker Hero of the Republic goes to dsave his wife from ttraitorous Jedi he fails and is badly injured in the process.

So why didnt he spin doctor this into even more support?
The new Scholastic Book series The Last of the Jedi confirms that Palpatine did spin the facts regarding Padme's death, blaming the Jedi. As for the marriage, he may have suspected or didn't know (and given that we are talking about the man who, as Mike points out in the main site, foresaw the attack on DSII, it's rather odd -- unless the Force blinded Palpy so that he wouldn't learn the details of his destruction (Vader sensing Luke in ROTJ, but not Palpatine supports this).

Re: After ROTS Spolier warning

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:51am
by NecronLord
JME2 wrote:As for the marriage, he may have suspected or didn't know
According to the novellisation he's known since day one ("You think I don't know? I still have friends on Naboo" or some such). Though of course, he could be lying.

Re: After ROTS Spolier warning

Posted: 2005-04-19 01:47pm
by JME2
NecronLord wrote:
JME2 wrote:As for the marriage, he may have suspected or didn't know
According to the novellisation he's known since day one ("You think I don't know? I still have friends on Naboo" or some such). Though of course, he could be lying.
Ah. I haven't touched the novelization; I'm going in with spoilers, but there are some scenes I don't want to know about yet.