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Debate between Thirdfain and I re PT

Posted: 2005-04-19 12:03pm
by Elheru Aran
So. Fain and I were on the AIM chat; Lindar came out with this quiz thing measuring how much you liked SW. Somehow or other, it became a debate regarding the merits of the PT.

Warning: long-ass quote... any and all misspellings are the faults of the respective speakers.
Thirdfain and Elheru Aran wrote: Comissar540 (10:39:22 AM): OT purist, that's me.

Comissar540 (10:39:32 AM): And I dare anyone to tell me the new ones aren't soul-less crap.

Comissar540 (10:39:39 AM): Cause they are.

elheru07 (10:39:44 AM): they might be crap but daaaaaaaaang do they ever look cool... :P

Comissar540 (10:39:45 AM): *curmudgeon*

LindarFenume (10:39:51 AM): lol

elheru07 (10:40:13 AM): seriously. try and tell me maul's not just one of the most fuckin' badass Sith you've ever seen... :D

Laurencegale (10:40:46 AM): He is not one of the most bas ass sith you have ever sen *waves hand in stupid way in front of el's eyes*

Comissar540 (10:41:22 AM): Yeah, he fought like a pussy, the fight was unbelievable, and 1 cool fight does not a movie make.

elheru07 (10:41:22 AM): *conjures DL-44 and blows a hole through LG's middle* there, now, as the servitors take away that rubbish... *flings blaster
away casually*

elheru07 (10:41:31 AM): oh, like a pussy?

elheru07 (10:41:34 AM): sure

Laurencegale (10:41:35 AM): Well, you know summer's on the way wehn the RHCP's are on the air again

Comissar540 (10:41:37 AM): The ewoks were bad enough. So then.... Gungans!

elheru07 (10:41:41 AM): i'd like to see you go up against him...

elheru07 (10:41:46 AM): and the Gungans weren't *that* bad

elheru07 (10:41:53 AM): seriously, the OT had its cringe moments

Comissar540 (10:42:01 AM): Look, his whole Force thing would let him win.

elheru07 (10:42:04 AM): "I'd rather kiss a Wookiee!"

Laurencegale (10:42:05 AM): uganuagts on Bespin come to mind

elheru07 (10:42:08 AM): indeed

Comissar540 (10:42:12 AM): But his actual fighting stance was retarded.

Comissar540 (10:42:23 AM): I'd kill him after his first attack missed.

Comissar540 (10:42:39 AM): He actually showed his back to his opponents for a second!

elheru07 (10:42:41 AM): with the double lightsaber? i'll give you that... but seriously, he was whoopin' ass till Obi-wan got lucky

elheru07 (10:42:55 AM): not his fault Qui and Obi were dunces

Comissar540 (10:43:03 AM): Because of choreography, not baddassery.

elheru07 (10:43:13 AM): that's non-SoD

Comissar540 (10:43:15 AM): And yeah, the OT had some cringe-moments.

elheru07 (10:43:24 AM): yes....

Comissar540 (10:43:35 AM): But the NT IS a cringe moment.

Comissar540 (10:43:43 AM): With some survivable stuff tossed in.

Comissar540 (10:44:00 AM): The pacing is godawful, the fight scenes are wooden and lack the OT's emotional connection...

Comissar540 (10:44:06 AM): I have a LOT of hope for ROTS.

Laurencegale (10:44:14 AM): might be a lack of credible actors for that

elheru07 (10:44:24 AM): mmhmm... speaking of which, have you seen the TV spots?

Laurencegale (10:44:25 AM): indeed, ROTs might redeem the SW name..

Laurencegale (10:44:29 AM): no

elheru07 (10:44:34 AM): not you, Comissar

Comissar540 (10:45:03 AM): The OT had no credible actors. They all started out with SW, there were no big names.

Laurencegale (10:45:15 AM): Alec Guinnes

Laurencegale (10:45:19 AM): :P

elheru07 (10:45:19 AM): Peter Cushing

Comissar540 (10:45:25 AM): Died off in the 1st one.

elheru07 (10:45:27 AM): not as 'big' now, but back then he was a big one

elheru07 (10:45:28 AM): so?

Comissar540 (10:45:31 AM): Peter cushing? minor character.

elheru07 (10:45:36 AM): Guinness RETURNED

elheru07 (10:45:41 AM): albeit as more or less a cameo

elheru07 (10:45:46 AM): but he still came back

Laurencegale (10:45:47 AM): who ever played Admiral ozzel was big brut tv at the time

Comissar540 (10:45:48 AM): The vast majority of the characters, around whom the majority of the plot revolved, were newbs.

elheru07 (10:45:56 AM): Harrison Ford wasn't

elheru07 (10:45:58 AM): relatively

Laurencegale (10:45:59 AM): was big on Brit TV

elheru07 (10:46:05 AM): ever hear of American Graffitti?

Laurencegale (10:46:15 AM): his first project

Laurencegale (10:46:18 AM): i think

elheru07 (10:46:23 AM): aye

elheru07 (10:46:33 AM): let's see.... Julian Glover (Veers)

Comissar540 (10:46:41 AM): A minor character.

Comissar540 (10:46:44 AM): Unimportant.

elheru07 (10:46:46 AM): So?

Comissar540 (10:46:56 AM): It'd be like having, oh, Samuel Jackson playing Windu.

Comissar540 (10:47:00 AM): Who gives a shit?

Comissar540 (10:47:12 AM): The major characters, aroudn whom the plot revolved, were freshmen,

elheru07 (10:47:16 AM): Would you call Obi-wan a 'minor character', considering he's more or less Luke's spiritual guide throughout the movies?

Comissar540 (10:47:16 AM): by and large.

Comissar540 (10:47:25 AM): While the NT has all experienced actors with names for themselves.

elheru07 (10:47:39 AM): Ewan Mcgregor wasn't that experienced

elheru07 (10:47:45 AM): not around TPM anyway

Comissar540 (10:47:47 AM): Come on.

Comissar540 (10:47:58 AM): Ewan McGregor is hardly a nobody.

elheru07 (10:48:02 AM): NOW, yes

elheru07 (10:48:07 AM): but back when TPM came out?

Comissar540 (10:48:08 AM): And Hayden Christiansen?

elheru07 (10:48:12 AM): ditto

Comissar540 (10:48:19 AM): And wosshername, that hot chick I've seen in a million movies, Amidala?

elheru07 (10:48:19 AM): AOTC got him into the public eye

Laurencegale (10:48:25 AM): Natalie Portman had been in a few before

elheru07 (10:48:27 AM): that's Natalie Portman, and she was in movies before

Comissar540 (10:48:30 AM): And SAMUEL FUCKING JACKSON?

elheru07 (10:48:33 AM): The Professional, for one

Comissar540 (10:48:38 AM): Come on.

elheru07 (10:48:40 AM): yes? and? so? therefore?

Laurencegale (10:48:46 AM): Leon as well

elheru07 (10:48:53 AM): are you saying Lucas should've just pulled a
bunch of rookies again?

Comissar540 (10:48:58 AM): No.

elheru07 (10:49:14 AM): dude, back then, *nobody* had heard of Star Wars

Comissar540 (10:49:14 AM): I'm sayiong that even with a stronger more experienced cast, his new dialogue isn't standing up.

Comissar540 (10:49:29 AM): It's wooden and has no emotion behind it.

Comissar540 (10:49:42 AM): Everyone remembers the Solo/Leia lines from the OT.

Comissar540 (10:49:59 AM): NO one's gonna remember the Hayden/Amidala lines from the NT.

elheru07 (10:50:13 AM): debatable...

elheru07 (10:50:16 AM): depends on ROTS

Comissar540 (10:50:25 AM): It all does come down to ROTS.

elheru07 (10:50:29 AM): indeed

Comissar540 (10:50:50 AM): I

Comissar540 (10:51:15 AM): I'm just gonna say- if SW started with TPM, we wouldn't be were we are today.

Laurencegale (10:51:25 AM): indeedy doody with a bucket of slugs on top

elheru07 (10:51:47 AM): well, one presumes that back in '75 Lucas would've kinda written it a LOT differently...

elheru07 (10:52:29 AM): and IIRC he originally started with what became pretty much IV-VI, only added I-III later on

elheru07 (10:52:59 AM): so TPM or what would become TPM, was not a factor back then

Comissar540 (10:53:14 AM): Of course it wasn'

Comissar540 (10:53:15 AM): t

Comissar540 (10:53:36 AM): My point is that TPM is NOT the alluring, interesting, emotional space opera that ANH was.

Laurencegale (10:54:13 AM): .. was it even meant to be?

Laurencegale (10:54:45 AM): Don't foet, it was aimed at a different generation

Laurencegale (10:54:48 AM): forget*

elheru07 (10:54:56 AM): indeed

elheru07 (10:55:04 AM): the 'Hey, cool, that looks awesome' generation

Comissar540 (10:55:32 AM): I'm 19!

Comissar540 (10:55:39 AM): I'm not some fossil.

elheru07 (10:55:48 AM): coulda fooled us... /dry

Laurencegale (10:55:51 AM): hehe

Comissar540 (10:55:52 AM): It's not like I saw the OT originally.

Laurencegale (10:55:56 AM): EXACTLY

Laurencegale (10:56:17 AM): The PT is aimed at the modern generation of 10 yr olds, who wont be impressed by 2 hours of folklore

Comissar540 (10:56:27 AM): Bullshit.

Comissar540 (10:56:43 AM): I loved the OT when I fist saw it.

Laurencegale (10:57:26 AM): but had you seen the matrix at the time? or any other huge blockbuster? no, you can't have done when you were ten

Laurencegale (10:57:41 AM): Blame on CGI or whatever

Comissar540 (10:57:44 AM): Notce that the first Matrix did great.

Comissar540 (10:57:47 AM): But the second?

Comissar540 (10:57:52 AM): And the 3rd?

Laurencegale (10:57:56 AM): indeed

elheru07 (10:58:11 AM): The second and third deviated from the formula of the first

Comissar540 (10:58:12 AM): And the Matrix was SO much better than TPM, besides.

elheru07 (10:58:16 AM): took the philosophy bullshit too far

Comissar540 (10:58:21 AM): The MAtrix aims at being a wild, stylish, confusing ride.

Comissar540 (10:58:25 AM): And hits.

Comissar540 (10:58:26 AM): TPM?

elheru07 (10:58:27 AM): actually, i would disagree with you on that, but that's a matter of opinion

Comissar540 (10:58:33 AM): it's 2 hours of exposition.

Comissar540 (10:58:39 AM): With a BEVY of awful moments.

Comissar540 (10:58:45 AM): "Let's do a barrel roll!"

elheru07 (10:58:49 AM): well, the whole idea is to set the stage

Comissar540 (10:59:03 AM): "Oops, I just busted a TF battleship! By accident!"

elheru07 (10:59:06 AM): get people back into the Star Wars mold, so to speak

Comissar540 (10:59:20 AM): "I'm 12, and I can kick ass in a little space fighter. Let's have a racing scene!"

elheru07 (10:59:26 AM): it wasn't the greatest, but it does two things-- set the stage for Palpatine, and establish Anakin as exceptional

Comissar540 (10:59:29 AM): "Meesa Jar Jar Binks!"

Comissar540 (10:59:43 AM): You can establish a kid as exceptional without being retarded.

elheru07 (10:59:57 AM): how? show him poring through a volume of higher calculus?

elheru07 (11:00:11 AM): suuuuuuuuure

Comissar540 (11:00:27 AM): OH, come the fuck on.

elheru07 (11:00:48 AM): now, i'm not saying i swallow it-- for example, i figure Artoo piloted the N-1 most of the time

elheru07 (11:01:03 AM): and i'll give you that the podrace scene was pretty dumb (if cool)

Comissar540 (11:01:04 AM): I'll tell you how not to do it: "I've got a shit-ton of midichlorians. Got any space fighters I can fly to shoot down a
battleship with? Did I mention, I'm 12?"

elheru07 (11:01:10 AM): ten, actually

Comissar540 (11:01:16 AM): Who gives a fuck/

Comissar540 (11:01:18 AM): ?

elheru07 (11:01:26 AM): and you will note that the

elheru07 (11:01:33 AM): 'space fighter' bit was *accidental*

Comissar540 (11:01:39 AM): YEah.

Comissar540 (11:01:44 AM): The word isn't accidental.

Comissar540 (11:01:50 AM): It's "Deus Ex Machina."

elheru07 (11:01:52 AM): Qui-gon tells him to get his ass into cover, then stay there

elheru07 (11:02:08 AM): and he starts poking buttons... like any curious kid would

elheru07 (11:02:15 AM): and i'm sure Linds-chan here could testify to that

elheru07 (11:02:57 AM): and it lifts up and starts flyin' about-- he sees the droids, sees the trigger, puts two and two together (really, how hard do you think this is?)

elheru07 (11:03:07 AM): SW tech is *deliberately* user-friendly

elheru07 (11:03:27 AM): hello? Luke? flying a X-wing after a few hours in a simulator?

Comissar540 (11:04:01 AM): Luke's been flying aricraft for years. He's 19.

elheru07 (11:04:14 AM): that's EU

elheru07 (11:04:30 AM): but if you want to pull that out, Anakin's had
several podraces

Laurencegale (11:04:32 AM): *cough* landspeeder cough*

elheru07 (11:04:42 AM): landspeeder =! aircraft

elheru07 (11:04:53 AM): it's their equivalent of a CAR

Laurencegale (11:04:54 AM): Similar Controls :p

elheru07 (11:05:03 AM): nope

Comissar540 (11:05:04 AM): It was conceivable that what is essentially a well trained civilian pilot daredevil could, with the force, handle a starfighter specifically designed to have controls similar to the T-16.

Comissar540 (11:05:08 AM): JAckasses!

Comissar540 (11:05:28 AM): Luke's landspeeder is not what of which I speak, but rather the T-16 skyhopper he flew.

elheru07 (11:05:46 AM): which, again, is EU aside from the model he was playing about with, unless it's mentioned in the novelization

Comissar540 (11:05:48 AM): Which while a civilian plane, is specifically designed to be a trainer for the Incom T-65 Xwing.

elheru07 (11:06:07 AM): Still EU

elheru07 (11:06:13 AM): unless in novelization

Comissar540 (11:06:38 AM): *shrug* So? He's 19, you can see the wing of the T-16 in his garage through one of the doors, it's far from inconceivable that the EU is correct. It's plausible.

Comissar540 (11:06:51 AM): Anakin is 10.

Comissar540 (11:06:53 AM): 10.

elheru07 (11:07:02 AM): as i said, if you want to play that card, Anakin's had several podraces (implied in the movie itself) and while stupid, it still states that he's had piloting experience (to a degree)

Comissar540 (11:07:24 AM): Yeah.

Comissar540 (11:07:27 AM): Starting when he was 8.

Comissar540 (11:07:45 AM): Skills don't come that easily, bub. And POdracers are NOTHING like starfighters!

elheru07 (11:08:13 AM): okay, let's go over the sequence of events, shall we?

elheru07 (11:08:22 AM): Qui-gon tells Anakin to take cover, he hops into a N-1

elheru07 (11:08:28 AM): Artoo pops into the fighter

Comissar540 (11:08:38 AM): "Training Aircraft for probably 4-5 years" as opposed to "atmospheric-only racing craft of completely different design and operation for maybe 1 year at most."

elheru07 (11:08:55 AM): Qui-gon and gang walk off and tell Anakin to stay, he starts playing about with buttons

elheru07 (11:09:17 AM): hits the wrong one, grabs the closest thing to a control stick that he can see (because he's used to controlling Podracers with a *stick*)

elheru07 (11:09:50 AM): presses the trigger in the process, sees it shoot, then the fighter swings about to exit the hangar, sights fall on the droidekas

elheru07 (11:10:13 AM): the flight up to the DCS was *automated*

elheru07 (11:10:38 AM): and, if you had kept attention to the fight from there, Anakin was basically careening about the place more or less out of control

elheru07 (11:11:08 AM): the skid into the hangar-- veeeeeeery lucky

elheru07 (11:11:50 AM): and the whole bit about waiting in there while everything came back online-- Artoo was taking care of it, Anakin? 'Shit, I'm in trouble now, hide'

elheru07 (11:12:10 AM): and when everything's back on, 'Okay, eat this, droid bitches!'

Comissar540 (11:12:24 AM): Long story short: Elheru likes it when stories are resolved by little-kid's fantasy Deus Ex Machina.

Comissar540 (11:12:35 AM): I hate you.

elheru07 (11:12:35 AM): *sigh* no, fucktard

elheru07 (11:12:48 AM): i am trying to explain an plausible, SoD sequence of events

elheru07 (11:13:05 AM): I agree that it's stupid, but you have to look at it within the context of the movie

elheru07 (11:13:26 AM): not just stand outside and holler 'OMG it SUX0R!!!1!'

elheru07 (11:13:39 AM): which is what you're doing

Comissar540 (11:13:41 AM): I saw it inside the context of the movie. And it was lame.

elheru07 (11:13:50 AM): lame, but explainable

Comissar540 (11:13:59 AM): And you can explain away poor writing with hard-to-believe chains of events.

Comissar540 (11:14:11 AM): :"Explainable" and "Good" are NOT the same thing!

elheru07 (11:14:21 AM): here's a hint, bub

elheru07 (11:14:25 AM): since when did i say it was good?

Comissar540 (11:14:35 AM): No one wwalks out a theatre going "That movie sucked, but if I follow a convoluted path, it's plausible."

Comissar540 (11:14:50 AM): You seem pretty keen to defend it, and the worst scene in the mopvie in particular

elheru07 (11:15:15 AM): *cough* 'worst'? *points out most anything with Jar Jar in it*

Comissar540 (11:15:35 AM): JAr Jar was godawful, but that scene where Qui Gion grabs his tongue was funny.

Comissar540 (11:15:44 AM): Making him less lame than Little Sithlord Ani.

Comissar540 (11:15:49 AM): Only just.

elheru07 (11:16:16 AM): who's a smart kid with emerging Force sensibilities

Comissar540 (11:16:17 AM):

Comissar540 (11:16:28 AM): Stravo just posted a damn good point about the whole Ani thing.

Comissar540 (11:16:37 AM): And the most glaring weakness to the character.

elheru07 (11:17:28 AM): oh, certainly, I can agree with all of that

elheru07 (11:17:37 AM): and, again, it all comes down to RoTS

elheru07 (11:18:07 AM): *that* will establish whether Anakin in the PT, is going to be believably Vader of the OT

Comissar540 (11:18:16 AM): *shrug* even if ROTS is good, I'm never gonna watch TPM again.

elheru07 (11:18:24 AM): your pick...

Comissar540 (11:18:28 AM): And prolly not AOTC either.

Comissar540 (11:18:40 AM): Fuck, they named a movie "Attack of the

Comissar540 (11:18:41 AM): come on.

Comissar540 (11:18:53 AM): They could have called it "The Clone Wars."

Comissar540 (11:18:57 AM): They could have!

elheru07 (11:19:12 AM): a.) it's the BEGINNING of the wars, and b.) it's not the worst title out there

elheru07 (11:19:29 AM): it's lousy, but it's what GL gave us, so fuckin' live with it

Comissar540 (11:20:03 AM): O-o What does that mean?

Comissar540 (11:20:25 AM): He makes some crap movies and I can't be unhappy ab out it, I should just shut up and take what he gives me?

elheru07 (11:20:33 AM): in other words? don't whine like a little bitch about trifles

Comissar540 (11:20:54 AM): Movies ARE trifles, and good film-making is based on trifles.

elheru07 (11:21:03 AM): be unhappy by all means, but be unhappy about the serious stuff... the title isn't *that* much of a concern

Comissar540 (11:21:06 AM): Camerawork, dialogue, character developement. Little trifles like that.

elheru07 (11:21:22 AM): uh, no. since when was character development a 'trifle'?

elheru07 (11:21:43 AM): it's important in any literary endeavour

elheru07 (11:21:50 AM): movies included

Comissar540 (11:22:01 AM): Yeah, I was being sarcastiv.

elheru07 (11:22:16 AM): obviously so

Comissar540 (11:22:34 AM): And I'm saying it's "Trifles" like that which we've seen left at the wayside in the last 2 SW movies.

elheru07 (11:24:03 AM): that, i can agree with... however, one should not simply drop trou and piss all over the PT simply because they think it sucks

elheru07 (11:24:26 AM): which is, to be honest, what i see you doing here

elheru07 (11:25:00 AM): it is still Lucas' vision of Star Wars, and while we may not like it, it's what we have to work with, EU aside

elheru07 (11:25:51 AM): you don't see NL and IP talking about the suckitage of AOTC while debating clonetrooper tactics, do you?

elheru07 (11:26:38 AM): no, they both debate the tactics as seen in the movie, in context, and search for plausible arguments, also in context

elheru07 (11:27:05 AM): They both admit it's pretty brain-dead, but they *work with it*

elheru07 (11:27:45 AM): and that's pretty much all I have to say on this matter...

Laurencegale (11:28:35 AM): *eyes blled* Dude.. too much time on ye hands...

Laurencegale (11:28:48 AM): bleed*

elheru07 (11:28:54 AM): hmm?

elheru07 (11:29:01 AM): is it that hard to understand?

elheru07 (11:29:06 AM): and yeah, i suppose i do

Laurencegale (11:30:05 AM): lol

Comissar540 (11:30:33 AM): It's not hard to understand at all.

elheru07 (11:34:12 AM): oh, and on another topic...
So. Opinions? Comments? Am I an idiot? Is Fain a dunce? Or are we both approaching it from the wrong angle? Thoughts appreciated... feel free to quote sections and comment in particular.

Posted: 2005-04-19 12:14pm
by Shroom Man 777
Luke was a good pilot. In ANH, his friend babbles about him being the best something-something in the Outer Rim.

Posted: 2005-04-19 12:16pm
by McC
*shrug* I like the PT the more I watch it, personally. The more you think about how these movies connect and work together, the better they get, IMO.

Anakin and Padme at first seemed awful, but then I thought about the context, and while still awful to watch, it made sense. The most you can blame you can point is at Lucas for choosing that direction for the story. The dialogue, directing, and acting makes plenty of sense, in context, and cannot be faulted for the way the story unfolds.

I never like child actors in movies, with amazingly rare exceptions. Jake Lloyd was not one of them.

Jar-Jar is moderately bearable if you think about what he's saying. Usually, once you translate his lines out of his moronic speaking style, he's actually a sarcastic asshole, which is kind of funny. Plus, his dimwittery essentially launches the Empire, which is enough poetic justice for me.

I tend to watch AOTC more than I do TPM or the OT DVDs at this point. I usually skip past the opening chase, though, because for some reason it just seems to drag. After that, in the cantina, is when the story picks up for me.

Posted: 2005-04-19 10:53pm
by Cabwi Desco
Shroom Man 777 wrote:Luke was a good pilot. In ANH, his friend babbles about him being the best something-something in the Outer Rim.
'luke here is the best bush-pilot in the outer rim territories'

Posted: 2005-04-20 12:38am
by Stofsk
McC wrote:I tend to watch AOTC more than I do TPM or the OT DVDs at this point. I usually skip past the opening chase, though, because for some reason it just seems to drag. After that, in the cantina, is when the story picks up for me.
TPM in the first 20 mins was good. Then it just got dull.

AOTC picks up after the car chase thing, which really feels slow to me. I don't know why.

Posted: 2005-04-20 10:15am
by McC
Stofsk wrote:AOTC picks up after the car chase thing, which really feels slow to me. I don't know why.
I agree. I suspect it's because nothing really changes throughout the whole chase. There's no twist, nothing new that happens. So it's just the same thing for about 10 minutes or however long the chase lasts.