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How many of you remain Spoiler Free?

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:43pm
by Stravo
So, how many of you have resisted reading the growing number of small print in the SW forums of late, avoided clicking on that oh so tempting Ep. III Spoiler thread?

I for one have remained as spoiler free as I can but not through any help of some posters around here. Grrrr....

I think I may actually stop going into the Pure SW forum very soon as I see a growing number of posters slinging spoilers around and I just don't want to ruin it this close to game time.

How about the rest of you? Spoiler free or not and why?

For me, I went into TPM and AOTC Spoiled as hell. I tried to go spoiler free for TPM but failed miserably and then after the horror of TPM I needed to make sure AOTC wasn't going to be as horrendous so I spoiled myself silly. Neither one was like the magic I felt going into the OT so I want to try and capture that feeling with this - the last SW movie as GL always intended. :wanker:

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:44pm
by Darth Bowser
I've read alot of spoilers here and I'm reading the Novelization currently.

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:45pm
by Crown
I've spoiled myself silly on this one (completely spoiler free for TPM, AotC, ANH, TESB and RotJ) on everything but the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel, which I'm expecting to kick much ass! :D

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:49pm
by El Moose Monstero
I don't care enough to be fussed about spoilers in all honesty, the main events of episode 3 have been known in a general sense for ages, so knowing a few more details doesnt bother me.

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:49pm
by Sharpshooter
For the most part, I've been able to resist the temptation and have avoided spoilers like the plague, with an occasional breach here and there and certain people failing to give spoiler warnings and shrinks, so much of it's going to be a nice surprise.

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:51pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I spoiled the fuck out of myself this time around, partially because it was so easy getting access to stuff. it started out as some info reports and pictures here, a little leaked footage or audio there, and before I knew it I was reading entire chapters of the novelisation and almost the entire graphic novel adaptation. Within a week I read the entire screenplay.

I couldn't help it, my curiosity and wanting to know more and more just completely took over...

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:55pm
by Dooey Jo
I read the comic versions for TPM and AotC before I saw them, so I knew exactly what the plots were. They've stopped publishing the comic now so I figured I might try seeing a SW film not knowing what's going to happen (except the obvious about Anakin and Vader). It will be for the first time, really. I'm so excited :mrgreen:

I've only been spoiled by very few pictures and the trailer(s), but they didn't show very much. And I've forgotten all about them now anyway. The only thing I remember is Obi-Wan's line, and I heard that one on CBS. They didn't even have the whole version of it in the trailer (if I recall correctly that is)...

Posted: 2005-04-19 03:59pm
by Connor MacLeod
I simply haven't cared whether or not I spoiled myself. I've sorta become disillusioned with the whole "OMG ITs STAR WARSSSTARWARSSTARWARS!!!1!!" euphoria crap. TPM disappointed and AOTC was only somewhat better (mainly because of the battles.) I read the novelizations for both prequels before I saw the movies (which I never really rushed to see.)

In this case, I've been spoiling my ass off (the script, the ICS/VD, the novel, the comic, etc.) simply because I've stopped caring about the plot. If I go to see the movie I'll be paying attention for interesting technical tidbits (like watching the visuals and whatnot), not because of the storyline. I'll save the storyline and filler crap as possible bathroom breaks.

Posted: 2005-04-19 04:24pm
by Companion Cube
Apart from reading the ICS and occasionally peeking into the spoiler thread to see if any interesting pictures have surfaced, i've remained fairly free of spoilers.

As for those situations where spoilers are placed in front of me, I tend to hit the 'back' button and think of England.

Posted: 2005-04-19 04:46pm
by 2000AD
spoiler free, always have been, alwas will be .... unless by idiotic intervention.

Re: How many of you remain Spoiler Free?

Posted: 2005-04-19 04:48pm
by NecronLord
Stravo wrote:I for one have remained as spoiler free as I can but not through any help of some posters around here. Grrrr....
Just for your benefit, I've been very careful on the RotS spoilers lately. Anyway, I am very cautiously hopeful regarding RotS, despite currently being spoiled more than Paris Hilton. :lol:

Posted: 2005-04-19 04:52pm
by Antares
I still dont have a clue what is going on besides knowing that vader has to somehow emerge after anakin was fighting with obi-wan and fell into some lava stuff.

Luckily i am just a scifi fan in general and no decent SW fan, thus i have never cared about upcoming SW films much.

Posted: 2005-04-19 04:55pm
by Isolder74
I'm spoiler free because I want to enjoy the last star wars. I like many know the 'lore' of what will happen but have kept myself far away from the Spoilers here and elsewhere.

Posted: 2005-04-19 05:29pm
by JME2
I've allowed myself spoilers since this is the last film before the OT and thus we already know the basic details of what will happen. There are a few things I've, however, tried to remain spoilers free on (i.e. Luke and Leia).

Posted: 2005-04-19 05:30pm
by Crayz9000
I've seen most of the pictures and read a lot of the notes, but I have refused to read any of the leaked screenplays/transcripts etc. Most of the time I simply gloss over the Ep3 spoiler thread looking for pics.

Posted: 2005-04-19 05:35pm
by Frank Hipper
I'm about 99% spoiler free, so far...

That 1% of spoilage comes from people posting pictures of the Venator class, and metion of the Battle of Corruscant.

I got the Marvel comic of TESB and had it memorised before I ever saw the damned movie, a lesson in spoilage that came at a high price, you bastages have earned my wrath for your sloppy ways.

Posted: 2005-04-19 05:37pm
by Hardy
I actually wasn't spoiled for TPM or AOTC, so I can't say that being spoiled for ROTS is ruining too much for me. I do have plenty of limits, however as I do want to keep the film exciting. For example, I try to avoid things that havea huge impact, such as how Vader gets suited, what certain things look like, and I also try to avoid learning mundane events to keep the film surprising. Basically, I avoid things that I think Lucas would want to surprise us with.

With the release of the script, however, I've now started to remain spoiler free and've been so for about a week, now. It's far too dangerous to read spoiler sites, as I may inadvertantly learn something I don't want to know.

Posted: 2005-04-19 05:40pm
by Enforcer Talen
diving headfirst into spoilers. the movie looks so coooool

Posted: 2005-04-19 06:01pm
by 000
I had no idea what was going to happen in TPM, aside from trailers, and I thought it was the worst movie I'd ever seen. With AotC I read the script right beforehand, so I knew how bad the dialog was, but I was still disappointed.

For RotS I'm reading as many spoilers as I can, mostly to brace myself for what will almost certainly be another bad movie. At least knowing about everything for months before I see it, I'll be prepared for everything instead of being shocked by its awfulness in the theater.

Although reading the book now guarantees disappointment, since it's written so well, and very little of its depth will make it to the screen.

Posted: 2005-04-19 06:13pm
by Dillon
I've read a few leaked chapters of the novelization, have the audio novel, but am trying not to listen to it, and refuse to spoil the sound track for myself.

Posted: 2005-04-19 06:28pm
by Slartibartfast
I've only seen what has been publically announced. Maybe some isolated snippets of the novelization, but they mostly were only talk about tech capabilities. The trailers tho have been spoilerish as hell, and it's very hard to avoid those. Not a single time that I remember, have I read the small print of the spoiled SDnetters ;) when talking about RotS, obviously.

By the time they show RotS over here tho, I'm sure the board will be chock full of spoilers. I'll probably watch it three or more months later than you guys :?

Posted: 2005-04-19 06:44pm
by nightmare
Mostly spoiler-free, though it's impossible to keep up with SW and completely avoid ROTS news at the same time. I've managed to stay away from most plot points, I think.

Posted: 2005-04-19 07:11pm
by Old Plympto
I think I've read / heard / seen 90% of all ROTS spoilers there is in the world.

Posted: 2005-04-19 07:25pm
by Cal Wright

I've picked up figures, the VD, ICS, and the Making of. To be honest with you, I'm holding off from finding out what might be more shocking elements that could arise. For the most part though, there isn't really anything you can hide now. It's more in how they piece it together.

Posted: 2005-04-19 08:10pm
by Imperator Galacticus
For myself, I am somewhat spoiled. I have seen both the trailers, the ICS, and a little of the VD. I've read a couple of pages out of the novelization when I happened to pass the magazine section in Wal-Mart, but I haven't gone further than that.

I hope that we can get something at least semi-watchable, not comparable to ESB's height, just something that will blow TPM and AOTC away and make us remember the sensations that we had when watching the OT. As someone says in almost every SW movie, "I've got a bad feeling about this...."