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Episode III Comic Super Spoilers!!!!!!!! Thread

Posted: 2005-04-24 12:52am
by Tychu
now that i have the third issue in the series, i will once again state my frustration with this series, Its to short, the Ep II was much longer variation of the movie

anyways the spoilers are here so if anyone dosent want to view them youve have enough of warnings


1) Dooku dies in the begining of the movie, Sidious tells Grievous that he'll soon have a new apprentice and to get every seppie in a single area for the "final" battle

2) Grievous dies half way through the movie, Obi Wan kicks his a**

3) The code for the termination of the Jedi is 66 :) and there pretty much murderd, it doesent feel like a SW movie, theres alot of murdering, not the usually hero or villian falls with a firefight or shot out of the sky, its plane murder

4) Now in my opinion it seems Palpatine is telling Anakin that hes his father, but i talked to my comic book guy about it and he dosent believe me though I mean Palpy says Darth Paragus new had to create life through the force and kept people from dying, he was murderd in his sleep by his apprentice, "My Master taught me these powers" so Palptine was Paragus' apprentice and he created Anakin

5) When it seems that Anakin may in fact be a hero he becomes whinney and stupid and murders Mace Windu just as Windu was about to kill Palpatine, what a piece of Sh*t it could have been over, but we all know it couldnt have been but still Anakin is the biggest shit ive ever seen. He believes Palpatine that the Jedi were trying to assassinate him and take over the Republic. Hes so dumb :( why couldnt Luke have been born a generation before

6) They Jedi die, its a sad momment, damn Clone troopers murdering their generals, even one called him General right before he shot Ki-Adi-Mundi

7) Palpatine starts turning pruney when he starts electrocuting Mace Windu, who goes down like a big chump when Anakin betrayes him with more arm cuttings

if anyone else wants to add anything please post, or you can just spread your grief and anger towards whinney Anakin

The comic depicted the turn towards the darkside quite fast, I hope and believe that the movie goes more into why he turns so easily

oh and The clones also kill all the Jedi children in the temple,......well maby most.........

Posted: 2005-04-24 11:52am
by Vympel
We know this man. I posted this already, over a month ago IIRC.