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How many Lost Ancient Civs in the GFFA?

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:12pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
I just read the Yoda thread and noticed that there are all these leftover super-tech artifacts floating around the GFFA and I'm wondering how many distinct artifact builders are there?
Is there some sort of huge backstory that I just am not getting?

Anyway, to start off the thread I'll state the artifacts I can remember and assume they each were built by a different civilization unless you can tell me otherwise.

There's Centerpoint. (What is that again?)

Star Forge (from KOTOR, right?)

The amazing Lando-shrinking machine (from Lando Calrission and the Starcave of Thonboka? It's from one of the old Lando books.)

The Hand of Thrawn

Those temples on Yavin that let force users juice it up.

Uh... Yoda?

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:21pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
Centerpoint Station was/is a device of huge size, a space platform that could project FTL hyperspace shockwaves ('pulses') that could move planets through hyperspace, or nova a star. Corellia system was 'built' with thsi machine, IIRC.

It's theorized a race called the 'Hyperspace Aliens' (who might be Yoda's race, if you ask me) built this thing, but no one knows for sure.

Starforge was built by the Rakata, who died out in a war with someone long ago. It's a massive space factory that can build gargantuan fleets. Has to do with the Darkside.

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:22pm
by Darksider
The Yavin temples were built by Exar Kun.....

He's considered ancient history by the time of the GCW, but he doesn't date further back than the republic.

And how is Yoda an artifact?

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:23pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
The Hyperspace Aliens are also credited with assembling the Maw black hole supercluster, and might have some connection to the Sharu from billions of years ago.

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:24pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Darksider wrote:The Yavin temples were built by Exar Kun.....

He's considered ancient history by the time of the GCW, but he doesn't date further back than the republic.
Kun only built some temples and added to many that were already built by the Massassi under Naga Sadow a thousand years before.

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:34pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
One has to wonder WHY the Centerpoint Builders (sorry but Hyperspace Alliens sounds like a sequel to Lilo and Sitch) would build the Maw and Corella, or bring humans there.

Centerpoint Station is obviously a weapon. It's potential as a strategic weapon--logically it could hurl planets into deep space, into suns, cause novas--is too great for it to be otherwise. Some kind of strategic weapon, or superweapon, is the best answer there.

But the Maw seems to have no purpose. And Corellia, while home to humans, is also largely useless. Gathering humans as a selective breeding program to produce a large number of Force sensitives would be teh best explaination for why they brought humans in but that still doesnt explain why they built a star system, or the black holes of the Maw.

It's odd, like most of the enigmatic past of the GFFA.

Posted: 2005-04-27 05:59pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
The theory is that the Maw was used to travel across vast distances of space-time. The Hyperspace built Centerpoint Station to construct the Corellian System, then used the Maw to travel into the future and across the Universe to Earth, brought cro-magnon humans back with them to Corellia, then used the Maw again to disappear to another dimension.

I don't agree with the Force-sensitive breeding programme idea, one because it sounds stupid, two because Force-sensitivity isn't inherently genetic.

I think that the reason is unknown, and better left that way.

I also suggest you actually figure out what the hell you're talking about, 18, before you go around making up silly contrived theories. It seems like you're basing a lot of it on half-assed hearsay and partially just making shit up.

Posted: 2005-04-27 06:07pm
by Quadlok
Couple more I can think of:

Teleport gates (don't remember real name) in the Gree enclave. They don't really work anymore.

The robot race that built Vuffi Raa (Lando's droid in the old days.) They're 50 kilometer diameter spheres that apparently roam the uncharted backwaters of the GFFA.

Posted: 2005-04-27 07:21pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Rakata; the Sharu; the anonymous constructors of the Corellian System (and presumably the Maw black hole cluster); Gree; Wuffi Ra's robot race; race responsible for bequeathing the advanced hyperdrive technology that united the galaxy to the Corellians (possibly same as the constructors of the Corellian System?).

Posted: 2005-04-27 07:29pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The theory is that the Maw was used to travel across vast distances of space-time. The Hyperspace built Centerpoint Station to construct the Corellian System, then used the Maw to travel into the future and across the Universe to Earth, brought cro-magnon humans back with them to Corellia, then used the Maw again to disappear to another dimension.

I don't agree with the Force-sensitive breeding programme idea, one because it sounds stupid, two because Force-sensitivity isn't inherently genetic.

I think that the reason is unknown, and better left that way.

I also suggest you actually figure out what the hell you're talking about, 18, before you go around making up silly contrived theories. It seems like you're basing a lot of it on half-assed hearsay and partially just making shit up.
As an aside, traveling forward in time then back again along a single timeline opens all kinds of causality can o' worms. Since "a long time ago" could easily be a matter of a thousand years or so, its quite possible the Maw is simply used to punch wormholes through space and retrieve paleolithic man to seed the galaxy with humans within half a million years ago. That would allow for human settlement in the galaxy to spread sufficiently for speciation and adaptation observed and still afford enough time after the events of the films (perhaps in the neighborhood of several thousand years) for it to be "a long time ago." I think we should avoid time travel whereever possible.

Posted: 2005-04-27 07:37pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Ok... some more questions...

-Who are the Sharu?

-The yoda thing was a joke referencing the thread discussion about Yoda and the Whills and the Centerpoint Builders.
The theory is that the Maw was used to travel across vast distances of space-time. The Hyperspace built Centerpoint Station to construct the Corellian System, then used the Maw to travel into the future and across the Universe to Earth, brought cro-magnon humans back with them to Corellia, then used the Maw again to disappear to another dimension.
:shock: WTF?
What story does this appear in?

What explanation is even given for this?

The Rakata; the Sharu; the anonymous constructors of the Corellian System (and presumably the Maw black hole cluster); Gree; Wuffi Ra's robot race; race responsible for bequeathing the advanced hyperdrive technology that united the galaxy to the Corellians (possibly same as the constructors of the Corellian System?).
Who are these guys and what sources are they mentioned in? I though hyperdrive was invented after millenia of they're a gift?

Posted: 2005-04-27 10:10pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
I thought Hyperdrives were developed over time too. But, as i understand it, it can be traced back to some ancient species who built it first and gave it to Corellian humans.

I think thats all about it though, others might know a bit more.

Posted: 2005-04-27 10:13pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
No, that's really about it. 25,000 years ago, the Corellians bought hyperdrive technology from an unknown alien species, possibly from the outer edges or outside the Galaxy.

Posted: 2005-04-27 10:57pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:No, that's really about it. 25,000 years ago, the Corellians bought hyperdrive technology from an unknown alien species, possibly from the outer edges or outside the Galaxy.
Yeah, okay. Where did you find that out? What book or story is that from?

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:06pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I don't think it's from any specific book. It's more like general cross-EU information.

But let me go check...

EDIT: Tyrant's Test and Star Wars Gamer #2.

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:28pm
by Utsanomiko
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:The theory is that the Maw was used to travel across vast distances of space-time. The Hyperspace built Centerpoint Station to construct the Corellian System, then used the Maw to travel into the future and across the Universe to Earth, brought cro-magnon humans back with them to Corellia, then used the Maw again to disappear to another dimension.

I don't agree with the Force-sensitive breeding programme idea, one because it sounds stupid, two because Force-sensitivity isn't inherently genetic.

I think that the reason is unknown, and better left that way.

I also suggest you actually figure out what the hell you're talking about, 18, before you go around making up silly contrived theories. It seems like you're basing a lot of it on half-assed hearsay and partially just making shit up.
Says the supporter of the Star Wars equivalent to Intelligent Design. :P :wink:

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:31pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Well at least I actually know what the fuck I'm talking about. :P

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:40pm
by Utsanomiko
Yeah, true enough, but not everyone does. Hence why the thread was started in the first place.

Posted: 2005-04-28 04:38am
by Kurgan
I nominate Spanky to write the wikipedia article on the Hyperspace Aliens... ;)

Posted: 2005-04-28 06:31am
by GeneralTacticus
18-Till-I-Die wrote:Centerpoint Station was/is a device of huge size, a space platform that could project FTL hyperspace shockwaves ('pulses') that could move planets through hyperspace, or nova a star. Corellia system was 'built' with thsi machine, IIRC.

It's theorized a race called the 'Hyperspace Aliens' (who might be Yoda's race, if you ask me) built this thing, but no one knows for sure.

Starforge was built by the Rakata, who died out in a war with someone long ago. It's a massive space factory that can build gargantuan fleets. Has to do with the Darkside.
The Rakata died out (well, almost all of them) due to civil war, not some outside attack. KotOR made this quite clear.

(It should be noted that the Rakata did suffer from some sort of plague at the time their fell, which could have been a bio-weapon used by some other race, but since there's no evidence to suggest this, I consider it unlikely.)

Posted: 2005-04-29 07:42pm
by Tychu
18-Till-I-Die wrote:One has to wonder WHY the Centerpoint Builders (sorry but Hyperspace Alliens sounds like a sequel to Lilo and Sitch) would build the Maw and Corella, or bring humans there.

Centerpoint Station is obviously a weapon. It's potential as a strategic weapon--logically it could hurl planets into deep space, into suns, cause novas--is too great for it to be otherwise. Some kind of strategic weapon, or superweapon, is the best answer there.

But the Maw seems to have no purpose. And Corellia, while home to humans, is also largely useless. Gathering humans as a selective breeding program to produce a large number of Force sensitives would be teh best explaination for why they brought humans in but that still doesnt explain why they built a star system, or the black holes of the Maw.

It's odd, like most of the enigmatic past of the GFFA.
Centerpoint station wasnt used to create the Corellian system, all the planets in the Corellian system were outfitted with engines, The Corellian system in my opinion (i got it from somewhere but) was made because their original location/system probally had a star going nova and to these ancient aliens they had some purpose, political or religous

And also the Maw i believe was made by the "Ancients" (good ol' StarGate) to place all of the blackholes in one area so they wouldnt rip apart the galaxy when they were all scatterd across the galaxy, of course more starts went nova, more blackholes were formed since the "Ancients" Dissaperance so the Maw couldnt realy be found out

Posted: 2005-04-29 07:48pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Tychu wrote:Centerpoint station wasnt used to create the Corellian system, all the planets in the Corellian system were outfitted with engines,
Wait, what? No, the planets were outfitted with repulsor points or whatever they were called, which Centerpoint then locked onto and pulled the planets across the Galaxy.
And also the Maw i believe was made by the "Ancients" (good ol' StarGate) to place all of the blackholes in one area so they wouldnt rip apart the galaxy when they were all scatterd across the galaxy, of course more starts went nova, more blackholes were formed since the "Ancients" Dissaperance so the Maw couldnt realy be found out
That sounds like way too much supposition for my tastes.