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Force Users Throwing Capital Ships Around?
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:33pm
by McC
A friend and I are discussing the capabilities that a planet full (i.e. 10,000+ -- think much higher, though -- millions) of Jedi might have. He contends that such a planet, when focusing as one, could hold off or entirely push back an encroaching fleet, whereas I say that the range to orbit is too great for such a feat to take place.
Are there any canon incidents that would support either position?
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:38pm
by Lord Revan
well 30 padawans and 2 Jedi Knights throw a fleet of SDs out of the whole Yavin system (while standing on a Massassi Temple).
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:39pm
by Gunhead
Wankatine did stuff like that me thinks.
I'm not that well versed on the EU, but some examples should be there.
In general they involve writers sitting on their asses going:

"oohh... lightsabers.... I.. can... feel... the...FOOOORRRCCEEE!"
Yes, not a pretty picture I know.
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:40pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Lord Revan wrote:well 30 padawans and 2 Jedi Knights throw a fleet of SDs out of the whole Yavin system (while standing on a Massassi Temple).
With their Force powers massively amplified, and the action resulting in the one serving as the conduit to bassically fry to a crisp.
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:40pm
by Dorsk 81
It killed Dorsk 81 though, the one who did the pushing, because he "reached to deep into the well of the Force", or something to that effect.
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:45pm
by Elheru Aran
Dorsk 81 wrote:It killed Dorsk 81 though, the one who did the pushing, because he "reached to deep into the well of the Force", or something to that effect.
You know, that's really strange, you talking about your name's inspiration like that...
Anyway. If they have some way to focus their Force push, I see no reason why not. However, said focus is the trick there-- otherwise they'll be basically pushing a bit of atmosphere out into space. Might tickle the ships a bit. They'd need some way to channel the collective floodlight into a single spotlight, so to speak.
Posted: 2005-05-04 04:49pm
by Imperator Galacticus
A group of 30 or so Jedi apprentices in Champions of the Force focused their energy through the central Massassi Temple pinnacle and mentally pushed seventeen(?) ISDs to the edge of the system while crippling their hyperdrives.
However the explanation was that the Massassi Temple somehow augmented the disciples' strenght of the Force. This explanation was bull shit on the part of the author writing the book, as there was no mode in hell that the students could have dealt with the ISDs through any other means. But the principle is the same in that a group of Jedi Knights (or Masters even) probably can't move a space fleet without some inane augmentation of their Force powers.
Posted: 2005-05-04 05:09pm
by 000
Not only did they hurl the ISD's out of the system, the shot them out of the system at rate many times faster than the speed of light. How the hell they could have done that is beyond me.
God, I hate KJA.
Posted: 2005-05-04 05:09pm
by NecronLord
Consider the powers supposedly held by the Valley of the Jedi. That was the power of only a thousand Jedi Knights and a Sith Lord or two.
Posted: 2005-05-04 05:40pm
by wolveraptor

God I hate that kind of wanktastic crap.

I mean honestly, throwing a fleet of Star Destroyers? This is why the Jedi piss me off with their masturbatory Force-wankings.
On a happier note, I'm a Jedi Knight! Oh yeah!

Posted: 2005-05-04 06:51pm
by Crom
Well, Yoda did say, "Size matters not," but that doesn't seem to imply a no-limits fallacy. Nor do we really get a good idea on the range of the Force as used by a Jedi or Sith. Vader killed a man on television so ... well, I don't know.
Judging by the amount of concentration required by Yoda to manipulate rocks thrown at him by Dooku, or to levitate an X-Wing, I would think that moving a Star Destroyer would be beyond the normal Jedi abilities. I've never really gotten a good impression, outside the EU, of how Jedi could work in teams Force manipulating things.
The most impressive feats, in the OT, weren't telekinesis related. They're most impressive abilities were precognition related. I'm still impressed that Luke, in Condensed Jedi Basics 101, managed to see into the future to the events of what was happening to his friends light-years away.
So a planet of millions of Jedi could potentially be aware of the impending threat of an invasion threat and perhaps prepare accordingly.
Posted: 2005-05-05 12:00am
by Illuminatus Primus
gladius wrote:Not only did they hurl the ISD's out of the system, the shot them out of the system at rate many times faster than the speed of light. How the hell they could have done that is beyond me.
God, I hate KJA.
Retroactively made a manifestation of the Force Storm power - specifically the hyperspace wormhole part of the trick. Yeah I know, its a huge reach. But you got to do what you got to do. Fuck you KJA.
Posted: 2005-05-05 12:06am
by 000
I see... still stupid, though, but what can you do. If only all of the authors had followed Zahn's example.
Posted: 2005-05-05 12:14am
by Illuminatus Primus
gladius wrote:I see... still stupid, though, but what can you do. If only all of the authors had followed Zahn's example.
You mean a Supreme Commander without ministers, a government, a staff, or subordinates? Zahn does not understand how militaries work. Thrawn should've been in a warroom somewhere helping plan the war in broad strategic strokes and helping with logistics and development. What we see Thrawn doing is what seperate FIELD COMMANDERS should be doing. Thrawn should have a staff to administer his command. He should have a government to control the bureaucracy and administrate the state.
Zahn where a galactic scale war is fought with 200 piddly poorly-designed warships being the all to end all? Where the enemy Supreme Commander is planning SHIPPING missions? Where maybe several tens of thousands of clones is enough to piss yourself over?
No, I'd prefer an author that wasn't terribly minimalist and had a good grasp of the scale, technology, and grandeur of the STAR WARS universe.
Posted: 2005-05-05 12:18am
by 000
I meant in terms of force use, of course. He stuck pretty close to the level of ability demonstrated in the movies.
Posted: 2005-05-05 12:18am
by Noble Ire
No, I'd prefer an author that wasn't terribly minimalist and had a good grasp of the scale, technology, and grandeur of the STAR WARS universe.
As far as I can tell, no author has ever effectively conveyed this, not even GL himself (the Battles of Coruscant in ROTS
and later in Star by Star maybe are the exceptions to this rule.