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Ship capabilitys
Posted: 2005-05-05 04:37pm
by Kartr_Kana
I was hoping to get stats for as many star wars ships as possible. Acceleration, power output, shield capabilitys, guns(number and output), etc. and not the WEG ones but actual stats. I was going to do it myself but I have seen partial stats for different ships mentioned in different arguments and was hoping to compile a comprehensive version that can people can be refered to.
Posted: 2005-05-05 04:52pm
by Ender
buy the following
And read SWTC.
Seriously, unless you want to get specific about ships, that's about all I can tell you. Read established benchmarks, read the methodology, and start your own work. A number of us do it.
Posted: 2005-05-05 04:54pm
by Lord Revan
first it cappablities and AOTC:ICS has some stats.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:01pm
by Kartr_Kana
I have AOTC:ICS and it is good, but I cannot find anything like it for TPM, ANH, TESB, ROTJ and from what I hear ROTS:ICS does not have numbers either.
Imperator I
Imperator II
Victory I
Victory II
T.I.E. series craft
I would do it myself, but I do not know how to do the kind of math needed.
I will follow your advice Ender.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:08pm
by Ender
Kartr_Kana wrote:I have AOTC:ICS and it is good, but I cannot find anything like it for TPM, ANH, TESB, ROTJ and from what I hear ROTS:ICS does not have numbers either.
Hard number no. But you can do some legwork for them.
Rough estimates:
Imperator I
Imperator II
Peak reactor low 10^25
Accel ~3000 Gs
firepower high 10^24
Shields low 10^25
Victory I
Victory II
Peak reactor mid-high 10^24
Accel 2500-3500 ish
Firepower mid 10^24
Peak reactor ~ 10^21
Accel 3500 ish
Firepower ~10^21
Shields ~10^21
Peak reactor low 10^23
Accel 2000 ish
Firepower low 10^23
Shields ~10^23
Peak reactor 3.04*10^24
Accel 3000
Firepower low 10^24
Shields mid 10^24
Peak reactor mid 10^25
Accel 1000-2000 ish
Firepower mid 10^25
Shields mid-high 10^25
T.I.E. series craft
Hard to say
I would do it myself, but I do not know how to do the kind of math needed.
Initially, neither did I
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:13pm
by Kartr_Kana
Thanks Ender! Where did you learn the math?
I am trying to set up a website that lists ships and their size(which is the easist to find/figure), power, and other vital stats so I(and others) can point to the comparasons to prove points.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:22pm
by Lord Revan
I'd say that the fighter have mininium firepower 1 kt per gun (for the lasers).
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:24pm
by Ender
Lord Revan wrote:I'd say that the fighter have mininium firepower 1 kt per gun (for the lasers).
True, but the engines consume many many petawatts to propell the things.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:24pm
by Kartr_Kana
1kt per gun. Petawatts? um so is that one kiloton if all the fighters power is being used to fire or is that when using the enginse fullbore?
If I can get the number of guns on an ISD I could divide the firepower by the number of guns to get output per gun right?
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:26pm
by Ender
Kartr_Kana wrote:Thanks Ender! Where did you learn the math?
Around. I had a couple of email conversations with Dr Saxton, I learned some of it in the course of my nuclear training, I learned a shit ton from the babtech guys, some from some guys on b5techs forums, a lot from technical documents (pDFs are your friends), and a lot from random posters here (EG Hardy showed a neat way to figure fighter and speeder power based off air speed)
Now obviously this is inferior to a proper education on the subject like Dr Saxton's or Mike's, but its good enough for a hobby like this.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:31pm
by Ender
Kartr_Kana wrote:1kt per gun. Petawatts? um so is that one kiloton if all the fighters power is being used to fire or is that when using the enginse fullbore?
A kiloton is 4.2*10^12 joules. Each second the engines for a fighter would consume ~10^17 joules based off ROTS ICS. It can easily fire guns at full power while going fullbore. But there is a huge difference in peak powr and firepower as a result.
If I can get the number of guns on an ISD I could divide the firepower by the number of guns to get output per gun right?
If all the guns were the same size, yes. But they aren't. Individual gun power is roughly logarithmic to the volume of the weapon.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:31pm
by Lord Revan
Kartr_Kana wrote:1kt per gun? or combined?
If I can get the number of guns on an ISD I could divide the firepower by the number of guns to get output per gun right?
1 kt per gun is the firepower of Delta-7 Interceptor (since it's inceptor its guns are not as powerfull as other fighters (so an X-Wing would have 4 kt firepower (Min))
the ISD has problem not all of it's gun are of same firepower, but basically you can get per gun firepower divding the total firepower with number of guns.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:33pm
by Kartr_Kana
so how could I figure out the firepower per gun? Sorry guys algebra was not my strong suite.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:35pm
by Ender
Kartr_Kana wrote:so how could I figure out the firepower per gun? Sorry guys algebra was not my strong suite.
Go by scenes where the capabilities of certain guns are able to be calculated to figure out those yields, go by similar model guns for others, and try to whittle down the number of unknowns.
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:38pm
by Kartr_Kana
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:41pm
by Ender
For reference, I highly reccoment Brian Young's Turbolaser commentaries hosted on this site. He did an insane amount of work identifying different weapons
Posted: 2005-05-05 05:45pm
by Lord Revan
for example the Quad MTL in Acclamator are 200 Gt Max so any MTL on ISD is at least 50Gt (if not more), we also know the firepower of Venator's HTL (so again the HTLs on ISD are at least as powerfull). and so on..
Posted: 2005-05-05 06:00pm
by Ender
Lord Revan wrote:for example the Quad MTL in Acclamator are 200 Gt Max so any MTL on ISD is at least 50Gt (if not more), we also know the firepower of Venator's HTL (so again the HTLs on ISD are at least as powerfull). and so on..
We know the firepower of the Venators small ion cannons. The HTLs come off of the Invisible Hand. And you are trying linear scaling instead of logarithmic.
Posted: 2005-05-05 06:06pm
by Lord Revan
I don't know about you I'd get numbers of weapons of similar type (mainly from the ICSs) and say that weapons are at least this powerfull (it makes no sense for the Main guns of ISD to be less powerfull then Main guns of Venator).
Posted: 2005-05-05 06:47pm
by Firefox
Ender wrote:Lord Revan wrote:for example the Quad MTL in Acclamator are 200 Gt Max so any MTL on ISD is at least 50Gt (if not more), we also know the firepower of Venator's HTL (so again the HTLs on ISD are at least as powerfull). and so on..
We know the firepower of the Venators small ion cannons. The HTLs come off of the Invisible Hand. And you are trying linear scaling instead of logarithmic.
The ICS has stats for the IH's ion cannons, but not for the VenStar. As for the HTLs on the latter, that can be determined through calculating the reactor output, no?
Posted: 2005-05-05 07:01pm
by The Original Nex
Lord Revan wrote:Kartr_Kana wrote:1kt per gun? or combined?
If I can get the number of guns on an ISD I could divide the firepower by the number of guns to get output per gun right?
1 kt per gun is the firepower of Delta-7 Interceptor (since it's inceptor its guns are not as powerfull as other fighters (so an X-Wing would have 4 kt firepower (Min))
the ISD has problem not all of it's gun are of same firepower, but basically you can get per gun firepower divding the total firepower with number of guns.
Minimum of 4 kilotons? That doesn't sound right. If that were the case, an X-wing could not fire shots <4kilotons.
Posted: 2005-05-05 07:28pm
by Alan Bolte
I think he meant lower limit for all four guns.
Posted: 2005-05-05 07:38pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
The Original Nex wrote:Minimum of 4 kilotons? That doesn't sound right. If that were the case, an X-wing could not fire shots <4kilotons.
Minimum as in lower limit of maximum firepower, not the lowest setting the guns' firepower can be set to, I think he meant.
Posted: 2005-05-06 07:05am
by Lord Revan
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:The Original Nex wrote:Minimum of 4 kilotons? That doesn't sound right. If that were the case, an X-wing could not fire shots <4kilotons.
Minimum as in lower limit of maximum firepower, not the lowest setting the guns' firepower can be set to, I think he meant.
That's it, there's no reason to assume that a space superiorty fighter has weaker gun then a interceptor.