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Law enforcement under the Republic/Empire?
Posted: 2005-05-06 10:38am
by buzz_knox
Do we have any "hard data" concerning law enforcement under the Republic or the Empire? Something beyond the Jedi being called in to quell a riot, or stormtroopers putting down the same (the Imperial equivalent).
Posted: 2005-05-06 10:43am
by Old Plympto
I'm pretty sure
Sector Rangers come under the Law Enforcement category.
Posted: 2005-05-06 11:18am
by Grand Admiral Mango
How about COMPNOR?
Posted: 2005-05-06 11:20am
by Knife
Durring the Xwing series, mention is made of local Courscanti (?) militia.
Posted: 2005-05-06 11:27am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
And of course the CorSec of Corellia is a commonly known force. Then there is the CSA's Security Division. In addition...
DESB Ch.3 wrote:Long before the Empire, there were those who saw the widespread crime and degeneracy in the galaxy and tried to put a stop to it. Everyone is familiar with the Jedi Knights, but they weren't the only ones to enforce the laws of the Republic. The Jedi were too few and often too involved in cosmic menaces to handle every incidence of crime and abuse. To fill this gap, the Senate empowered regional governors to appoint special groups to integrate the legal establishments on each world.
Such men were system police authorities, the Sector Rangers and Special Enforcement Officers.
It was a thankless job, not as popular as local planetary investigators, nor as highly regarded as the Jedi Knights. It was for this reason that they largely escaped the growing influence of the Empire. During the early days of the New Order, the Jedi were exterminated. On the other hand, many of the constabularies of citizen worlds were absorbed into the vast machine of the Imperial military and police forces.
Posted: 2005-05-06 12:34pm
by Illuminatus Primus
The Judicial Department of the Republic was a law enforcement body that frequently worked with the Jedi Order in the prequel era. The Judicials had militarized Consular-class (ugh) diplomatic cruisers, and a few Dreadnaught-class "heavy cruisers." They chased down pirates, drug shipments, terrorists, etc. The Imperial Inquisitorious was probably officially considered a law enforcement body.
Apparently there's no Posse Comitatus analog in the Galactic Empire, as regular armored Imperial Marines are assigned to law enforcement and police and patrol duties behind in peacetime territories and even specialized detachments of the Marines dedicated to this purpose (the "Coruscant Guards"; I suspect many worlds, especially cityscapes, have detachments of similar troops.)
Posted: 2005-05-06 05:36pm
by Elheru Aran
Grand Admiral Mango wrote:How about COMPNOR?
COMPNOR Redesign wasn't as much a law enforcement agency as it was an indoctrination and subordination agency.
I imagine that most law enforcement was strictly left up to the planetary security forces, such as Naboo-- many's the time I've heard the Naboo forces described as 'glorified policemen', and I have to agree.
Posted: 2005-05-06 05:44pm
by Admiral Drason
In Tie Fighter for the PC we got to fly several missions dealing with Pirates and other peace keeping missions.
Posted: 2005-05-06 06:27pm
by Elheru Aran
Admiral Drason wrote:In Tie Fighter for the PC we got to fly several missions dealing with Pirates and other peace keeping missions.
I would imagine that the Empire/Republic does most of the space policing, especially between individual systems. However, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more prominent systems policed themselves; Corran trained as a pilot with CorSec, and IIRC his flight suit was in CorSec colors, so we can safely say that the Corellians had an air/space wing of CorSec. Undoubtedly many other large systems like Kuat, Coruscant, et al have similar arrangements.