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Episode III The game Spoilers

Posted: 2005-05-07 10:30pm
by Tychu
After beating the game 99.9% fully ( i have all the characters, movies, concept art. etc. but i didnt get all the bonus' and exp. in all the levels)
in less than a day i thought id pose this question


Would it be better for the galaxy if Anakin really did

kill Obi-Wan


Sidious at the end of it all i mean Anakin did say "Nooo!, its my Galaxy!"
and Sidious dies.
In thinking I think it would have been better, Anakin would have brought balance to the force (No more Jedi, No Sith, Anakins more of a Dark Jedi anyways and one of the best force users (Palpatine) would be dead and Anakin could do anything that he wanted

Posted: 2005-05-08 11:27am
by Mark S
Sure, because Anakin may have been a hero to the Republic and a skilled Jedi but he was too young and inexperienced in politices for most of the people to accept his rule. The Senate would have laughed at his claim of rule, he would have killed a bunch of them and they would have rebelled and usurped him in no time. He was no Palpatine.