Star Wars VI: Return of the... Living Dead?

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Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
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Star Wars VI: Return of the... Living Dead?

Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »


On thousands of worlds of that Galaxy far, far away, Hell gets filled up, and the dead walk the Earths...

Simple idea. DotD '04 style zombies spring up on almost every world of the SW galaxy at once, thousands of them on every continent even. What would happen, assuming it's set...

1. During the Old Republic Era.

2. During the Clone Wars.

3. During the Galactic Empire Era.

4. Just after RoTJ.

5. 10 years after RoTJ.

6. During the NJO era, in the middle of the invasion.
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Post by Admiral_K »

1. battledroids mop up the undead while the surviving population waits it out comfortably in their homes.

2. clone troopers mop up the undead while the surviving population waits it out comfortably in their homes.

3. storm troopers mop up the undead while the surviving population waits it out comfortably in their homes.

don't know enough about the other scenarios to answer them, however I doubt that undead could withstand the firepower used against them. Most of the core worlds should have more than enough troopers to fight off the uprising. Any backwater, over-run planets would simply be incinerated from orbit.
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Post by Jadeite »

A massive zombie outbreak on a planet like Coruscant would be a terrifying thing. It'd simply have too many people and too many places for zombies to lurk to get all of them, and I imagine it'd probably remain a threat in the lower levels.
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Post by RRoan »

Jadeite wrote:A massive zombie outbreak on a planet like Coruscant would be a terrifying thing. It'd simply have too many people and too many places for zombies to lurk to get all of them, and I imagine it'd probably remain a threat in the lower levels.
No shit. Coruscant has how many trillions of people? And the census takers probably don't go down all the way, so the number is probably even more staggering than the official number.
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Post by BlkbrryTheGreat »

Zombies aren't much of a threat to droids or soldiers in full SW body armor. I'd be a bloody, but in the end the zombie threat would be contained.
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Post by Darksider »

I agree with everyone else.

SW armies in full armor would mop up zombies in short order. Lots of people would die, but any planets that get completely infested can be BDZ'ed.

They might be slightly more dangerous during the NJO, because they could probably cause more havoc during the chaos of the Yhuzzan Vong invasion.
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Post by spongyblue »

Man, could you imagin some of the zombie variations there would be? A Hutt zombie would be a sight to see. And would a zombie of one species only go after someone of their on species, or is it "a brain's a brain, who cares I'm hungry" attitude amonst them?
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Post by Jay »

I'd imagine for cinematic reasons that it would be a 'a brain is a brain' free for all.
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Post by Praxis »

Too easy. Civilians arm themselves with blasters and shoot every zombie they see. It's still dangerous, but unless the zombies run and hide, they die.
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Post by Kurgan »

Well it depends on what type of Zombies you're using.

Remember in Dawn of the Dead '04, they went after living humans ONLY (they ignored a dog). So it's quite possible they would ignore aliens and only go after humans.

They would be toast, as people have said, due to the impact of modern weapons and the Clone Wars era armies of droids/armored troops (and stormtroopers in the OT).

BDZing a planet is overkill, there's much easier ways to stop them without ruining a perfectly good planet (NCB weapons for example) permanently.

George Romero zombies (NOTLD, Dawn of the Dead 70's and Day of the Dead) would be a bit tougher since they go after more than just human flesh (like eating bugs), but they generally are slow, not sprinters.

Now if these were RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD zombies, there could be serious, serious problems, since they were dang near unstoppable (even if you disintegrate them, they release gas that seeds clouds which then rains down, seeping into the ground and tissues of beings and makes them rise)... and those are the "go for brains" ones. Though ROTLD 2 made it seem as if massive electric shock was enough to disable a zombie permanently, so you could work with that easier. Would the ROTLD zombies go after non-human brains? Probably. After all they went after animals in a pet store.

The only thing is, it isn't exactly clear how the Zombie plague spreads in ROTLD (is it just the gas, or also bites? because if the brain is gone, the zombie won't rise, but long dead people CAN rise from the gas/tainted water) other than direct exposure to the gas. The original NOTLD scenario is that ANYONE who dies becomes a zombie, so on a planet like Coruscant that could be disasterous as you'd think people would be dying left and right someplace from age/disease/accidents/crime, etc. Anyone who dies rises. Now in the later films (and in Dawn of the Dead '04) ONLY those who got infected bites rise as the undead, so you would have a little better chance of containing the outbreak.
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Post by 2000AD »

Darksider wrote: They might be slightly more dangerous during the NJO, because they could probably cause more havoc during the chaos of the Yhuzzan Vong invasion.
Vong might have field day as well, given their penchant for amphistaff's.

The zombies from the upcoming Land of the Dead might prove to be more of a challenge, we'll have to wqait and see how smart they are.
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Post by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba »

Assume the Zombies will go after any sentient or semi-sentient creature, but otherwise have all the characteristics of DotD '04 Zombies.
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Post by Molyneux »

Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Assume the Zombies will go after any sentient or semi-sentient creature, but otherwise have all the characteristics of DotD '04 Zombies.
They're Zombies'n'Bits (TM).
Hell, given a couple of Jedi, they're all Cuisinarted anyway. Enhanced reflexes and speed + a weapon that vaporizes as it hits + mystical healing abilities (presumably capable of keeping zombie-bites from infecting a bitten Jedi, even assuming they manage to get in close enough to bite) make for lots of sliced-up zombies.

With air support and clone-trooper snipers, the zombies are even deader.
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Post by Lone_Prodigy »

And if the shit totally hit the fan, they could just whip out the AT-ATs and squish the zombies like bugs while ripped them apart from kilometers away.
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Post by The Guid »

Loss of urbanised areas but the military remains strong and ultimately squishes them. Part of the problem with the Undead is that by the time you realsie something has happened its usually too late unless you are in a special area. I didn't see people in Coruscant carrying around weapons generally and nor do I see it in other places unless they are some kind of smuggler or Bounty Hunter.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Driods make all the diffrence in this one, they don't sleep, take a goodly long time to get tired and since the zombies ignore them, sending a few, heck even a few R2 units with strap on blasters could clean out an infestation givin enough time

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Post by Alyeska »

Zombies are a weapon of terror. They can't actualy defeat a nation that is remotely prepared, but they can tempoarily cripple it. Initialy the zombies will spread like wildfire, then it will come to a crashing hault when people realize whats going on.

An advantage in SW, I doubt their doors can be physicaly opened. Lock yourself inside your apartment, your safe.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Alyeska wrote:Zombies are a weapon of terror. They can't actualy defeat a nation that is remotely prepared, but they can tempoarily cripple it. Initialy the zombies will spread like wildfire, then it will come to a crashing hault when people realize whats going on.

An advantage in SW, I doubt their doors can be physicaly opened. Lock yourself inside your apartment, your safe.
Just make sure that your safe isn't airtight before you lock yourself inside it. It had better be a big safe, too, for obvious reasons.

Although even then I don't think locking yourself inside your safe would be a good idea, as they generally can't be opened from the inside.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

During either of the big wars would be a problem, as in both wars the two sides were pretty busy throwing their troops into battles to be an extremely effective police force. I'd say the areas where troops are get cleaned out very quickly, but places where troops aren't are probably going to need to be quarentined until the winner can deal with the problem.

During the other eras the zombies die right quick.
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Post by UCBooties »

Drooling Iguana wrote:
Alyeska wrote:Zombies are a weapon of terror. They can't actualy defeat a nation that is remotely prepared, but they can tempoarily cripple it. Initialy the zombies will spread like wildfire, then it will come to a crashing hault when people realize whats going on.

An advantage in SW, I doubt their doors can be physicaly opened. Lock yourself inside your apartment, your safe.
Just make sure that your safe isn't airtight before you lock yourself inside it. It had better be a big safe, too, for obvious reasons.

Although even then I don't think locking yourself inside your safe would be a good idea, as they generally can't be opened from the inside.
I'm pretty sure he meant you're safe, as in you are, not advocating locking oneself in an actual safe.
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