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Clone Trooper numbers(spoilers)
Posted: 2005-05-10 09:52pm
by Lord Revan
well all clone have sort of ID number
first two symbols probaly tell what kind of trooper it (CT for regulars, CC for commander and RC for commandos), but what do the rest mean (ARCs have only one letter and a number )
some examples
CC-22/24 (AKA, commander Cody from ROTS)
RC-11/38 (AKA Boss, a clone commando)
RC-11/40 (AKA Fixer, a clone commando)
RC-12/07 (AKA Sev, a clone commando)
RC-12/62 (AKA Scorch, a clone commando)
A-17 (AKA Alfa, an ARC-trooper)
A-98 (AKA Nate AKA Jangotat, an ARC-trooper)
OK I think that CT- means clonetrooper, RC- would probaly means Republic Commando (AKA Clone Commando), CC- is my own invention and means Clone Commander, A- means alfa batch.
I think that the first number is the clone "generation", the second a pod or batch number and the a personal ID number (Note there's no limit to how many numbers the personal ID can contain.)
What do you think, does this make any sence.
Posted: 2005-05-10 09:54pm
by Noble Ire
Looks reasonable to me.
Now you should figure out what the hell stormtrooper designations mean.
Posted: 2005-05-10 09:57pm
by Lord Revan
I have no idea what TK means, 421 is probaly an ID number you have remember the the Stormtrooper core is more complex then the GAR.
Posted: 2005-05-10 11:41pm
by Axis Kast
AFAIK, Clone Commandos and ARC Troopers are different. ARC Troopers operate alone; Clone Commandos wear specialized armor that isn't color-coded, and work in squads.
Posted: 2005-05-11 12:07am
by Illuminatus Primus
Other way around. Clone Commanders are officers; they're one per unit. ARC Troopers work in detached squads.
Posted: 2005-05-11 02:10am
by Vympel
I think Axis was referring to Republic Commandos, not Clone Commanders- but ARC Troopers also work in squads (Clone Wars, RotS).
Some of the Clone Commanders we'll see in RotS will be from the ARC units (Commander Bly, for example).
Posted: 2005-05-11 05:06pm
by DavidVCSAndersen
To be honest I don’t think any one at Lucas ever gave the stormtrooper designations any thought other then it should be very military like and give the impression that they where 1 of a billion troopers.
But still …. If I should make a realistic assumption on the TK-421 designation this is how I could imagine it;
TK-421 belongs to some Legion.
This legion has several regiments.
These regiments have several battalions.
T-----Or "Tau" is the letter designated to the trooper's Battalion.
K-----Or "Kappa" is one of the Companies in the "Tau" Battalion.
4-----He is in the "forth" Platoon of Kappa Company.
2-----He is in the "second" Squad of 4. Platoon.
1-----He is "first" trooper in 2. squad.
A 0 (zero) in the ID would symbolize leadership position.
TK000 is Company Commander of the "Kappa" Company
TK400 is Platoon Commander of the 4. Platoon.
TK420 is Squad Commander of the 2. Squad.
TK421 is "First" or trooper number 1 in he's Squad.
I think this or something very similar would work well
And stormtroopers would very easily identify each other as well as army and navy officers would know who they were talking to. But this is pure speculation!
Posted: 2005-05-11 05:51pm
by Lord Revan
DavidVCSAndersen wrote:oops
oops what?
Posted: 2005-05-11 05:54pm
by DavidVCSAndersen
Oops I just had to edit my post … now you can read the final
Posted: 2005-05-12 08:51am
by Alexus
What about commander 1138?
Not very subtle are we, George?
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:08pm
by DavidVCSAndersen
Alexus wrote:What about commander 1138?
Do you mean cellblock 1138 where Luke and Han said they were moving Chewi from?
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:27pm
by Alexus
No, I mean commander 1138 in... oh. Is that a spoiler? Shit.
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:31pm
by Lord Revan
This is a spoiler thread for that kind reasons, so were?
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:38pm
by Alexus
CLONE COMMANDER BACARA (1138) exits a Gunship near the entrance to the city. He rallies his TROOPS to attack the city, then gets a message on his comlink. He stops and moves to one side as a HOLOGRAM OF DARTH SIDIOUS appears on the comlink in the palm of his hand. He moves further into the shadows.
DARTH SlDIOUS: Commander 1138 . . .
DARTH SlDIOUS: The time has come. Execute Order Sixty-Six.
CLONE COMMANDER BACARA: It will be done, My Lord.
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:40pm
by Lord Revan
Did you miss the fact that Cody was all ready there.
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:41pm
by Alexus
I'm sorry, you are not making any sense. I was wondering why 1138 was not on your list.
Posted: 2005-05-12 02:42pm
by Lord Revan
Alexus wrote:I'm sorry, you are not making any sense. I was wondering why 1138 was not on your list.
I didn't know about it.
Posted: 2005-05-12 03:10pm
by Alexus
Okay, sorry.
Posted: 2005-05-12 07:04pm
by Illuminatus Primus
I'd like to add the Darth Sidious holograms must be artificial constructs or prerecorded; Clone Commanders do not command very large groups of forces. There's no way Sidious could've contacted each of them uniquely. Then again, he may have contacted some of the Commanders closest to some of the most dangerous Jedi before sending out the generic alert in order to assure those ones were knocked out.