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To those, like me, attempting to avoid Ep III Spoilers

Posted: 2005-05-12 11:20am
by McC
How many of us will be breathing enormous sighs of relief come next week, when we can finally go through all the forum posts and read the tiny text that we have concealed from ourselves, thereby forcing us to listen to only "half the conversation" in many respects?

I know I will ;)

Re: To those, like me, attempting to avoid Ep III Spoilers

Posted: 2005-05-12 11:36am
by mauldooku
McC wrote:How many of us will be breathing enormous sighs of relief come next week, when we can finally go through all the forum posts and read the tiny text that we have concealed from ourselves, thereby forcing us to listen to only "half the conversation" in many respects?

I know I will ;)
*Raises hand.*

I've been forced to avoid PSW nearly entirely for the past month or so. Spoilers are simply far too common now, and the temptation to copy+paste to Notepad is just too great.

Posted: 2005-05-12 11:43am
by Duken
*raises hand*

While I haven't avoided PSW, any topic related to the prequils(sp?) goes unread.

Posted: 2005-05-12 12:47pm
by Stofsk
Bah, I read the novelisation. I don't consider myself 'spoiled' at all. It's only made me want to watch the film that much sooner.

Posted: 2005-05-12 12:56pm
by Darksider
I agree....

Didn't really like Stover's writing style, but his descriptions of the Yoda vs. Palpatine and Obi-wan vs. Anakin duels make me want to see the film....

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:01pm
by Stofsk
:shock: Stover's writing was damn good, I thought. It actually kept me gripped to the page. Hell, I want to go read the book right now, and I finished it yesterday.

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:15pm
by Darksider
Stofsk wrote::shock: Stover's writing was damn good, I thought. It actually kept me gripped to the page. Hell, I want to go read the book right now, and I finished it yesterday.

I'm not thinking of Stover....

I'm thinking of the guy who wrote Labryinth of Evil.
What's his name?

Overall I liked that book, but there were some parts that were less than stellar....

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:18pm
by Stofsk
Darksider wrote:Wait.

I'm not thinking of Stover....

I'm thinking of the guy who wrote Labryinth of Evil.
What's his name?
:?: Why were you thinking of a Palpatine vs Yoda and Anakin vs Obi-wan duel in Labyrinth of Evil?
Overall I liked that book, but there were some parts that were less than stellar....
Are we still talking about ROTS? I'm getting confused.

If we are talking about ROTS novel, which parts did you think were less stellar?

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:20pm
by Montcalm
This will be the first SW movie which i will actualy see in theater.

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:21pm
by Darksider
Lets just say I'm.....confused right now.

I'm working on less than 3 hours of sleep.

Stover's novelization I thought was fucking awsome.

For some reason, I just get him confused a little with James Luceno, the guy who wrote LOE.

I love the ROTS novelization, and I think LOE was pretty good, there were just some parts of LOE that I didn't like....

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:33pm
by VT-16
How many of us will be breathing enormous sighs of relief come next week
You´re all a bunch of pussies! :P

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:34pm
by Stofsk
VT-16 wrote:You´re all a bunch of pussies! :P
Who the hell are you calling a pussy? :x

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:36pm
by VT-16
You, you pussy! :P

I´ve been spoiled since day one, and I don´t regret a thing!

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:44pm
by Ghost Rider
VT-16 wrote:You, you pussy! :P

I´ve been spoiled since day one, and I don´t regret a thing!
Good then stop being spamming fucktard. :evil:

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:46pm
by Ubiquitous
Yeah I have avoided all spoilers and as a result my time spent at this forum in particular has gone down. Also, I won't have to madly dive for the remote the next time some dumb arse presenter in a SW interview asks 'SO, JUST WHAT EVENT HAPPENS TO SEND ANAKIN TO THE DARK SIDE?'. :roll:

It's amazing just how many loud mouths there are on and offline who don't realise that there are people out there who don't want their last ever star wars experience spoilt.

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:50pm
by Ubiquitous
And lo! Even in this thread we have a fucking dumb arse who has to spoil a part of the film for those of us who wanted to remain unspoilt! :roll:

Put fucking spoiler warnings out you morons!

Posted: 2005-05-12 01:57pm
by VT-16
Ghost Rider wrote:Good then stop being spamming fucktard. :evil:
Sorry, just feel like gloating when I see threads like this, but I´ll stop.


Posted: 2005-05-12 02:29pm
by Utsanomiko
I just hope that by now everybody knows that Anakin becomes Darth Vader. :P

Posted: 2005-05-12 03:24pm
by Uraniun235
Yes, I'll feel the relief, certainly...
Utsanomiko wrote:I just hope that by now everybody knows that Anakin becomes Darth Vader. :P

YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE :evil: :evil: :evil:


Posted: 2005-05-12 04:20pm
by Kurgan
I plan to have hours of laughter afterward reading through (assuming it hasn't been DOSed and burned to the ground by then by all twelve of his irate former-followers).

I did the same for Episodes I & II (on various other rumor sites).

Posted: 2005-05-12 05:22pm
by Isolder74
Well I'm Spoiler free at this point.

I hope to be able to enjoy this movie as much as possible.

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:37am
by Cykeisme
Spoiler free here as well. Less than a week to go!

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:50am
by Laird
Cykeisme wrote:Spoiler free here as well. Less than a week to go!
Anikin turns to the darkside, he becomes darth vader!!!!

Posted: 2005-05-14 08:58pm
by YT300000
Laird wrote:
Cykeisme wrote:Spoiler free here as well. Less than a week to go!
Anikin turns to the darkside, he becomes darth vader!!!!
Scroll up exactly 5 posts. :P

Posted: 2005-05-14 10:02pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
What has pissed me off the most is the fact that people go like "Man, I can't wait for the part where A Senator from Coreilla complains about Palpatine so Anakin stabs his lightsaber into the guys head! (entirely made up on the spot of course) That's still entirely readable! Size 1 goddamnit!