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New Fighters
Posted: 2005-05-13 12:36am
by The Jazz Intern
I had a few Ideas, and wanted to share them and see what other peoples Ideas were on the subject of fighters. This is a little like the Star destroyer one, only, with fighters.
Posted: 2005-05-13 12:45am
by Crossroads Inc.
Well, don't leave us in suspense, what be your ideas?
star fighters
Posted: 2005-05-13 02:16am
by The Jazz Intern
Well, its kind of a gun platform. It looks like a B- wing. No, wait, it doesn't. It looks like
The O is a tie cockpit. The X is a swivilig turbo laser. No sheilds. The engine is located between the cokpit and Turbo laser.
Posted: 2005-05-13 02:26am
by Ra
Interesting idea, but you don't have any pictures?
- Ra
Posted: 2005-05-13 02:29am
by The Jazz Intern
Not yet, but I might be able to make one on paint.
Posted: 2005-05-13 02:45am
by The Jazz Intern
How do you put pictures on here? (yes Im a newb, so you can all point and giggle

Posted: 2005-05-13 02:49am
by Ra
use the [img] tags. You usually have to do the code as something like:
Code: Select all
An example. If you're trying to upload an image off your machine, you need an image host, such as
photobucket. Then you can post the image.
- Ra
Posted: 2005-05-13 09:23pm
by Sharpshooter
Huh. Sounds like one of the Uglies from Ambush at Corellia.
Posted: 2005-05-13 11:19pm
by Panzer Grenadier
I was always thinking that they should make K-wings, im thinking something along the lines of the following
X-----O-----X (Head on angle wings deployed)
/ \
The O is the cockpit the Xs are main laser batteries, on the bottoms wings there are pylon mountings for the heavy ordinance. It would be a heavy deep space gunship with a crew of four, and groups could tackle small capital ships. Pretty much a bigger B-wing.
Posted: 2005-05-13 11:22pm
by Panzer Grenadier
^_^ sorry, that looks messed up, but those back slashes are supposed to be in the middle of each wing section.
Posted: 2005-05-13 11:35pm
by Master of Ossus
Panzer Grenadier wrote:^_^ sorry, that looks messed up, but those back slashes are supposed to be in the middle of each wing section.
They already have K-wings. They're bombers used in the horrible
Koornacht Cluster Crisis.. Those books are not worth mentioning again.
Posted: 2005-05-13 11:53pm
by RedImperator
Bog standard TIEs do the job just fine. There's already a TIE variant for every concievable need. The Rebels might need something between the X-wing and the B-wing, to replace the Y-wing--a good, fast fighter/bomber of some kind, maybe.
Posted: 2005-05-13 11:55pm
by Stark
Why is everyone's idea of 'design a fighter' always 'mount the largest gun we can on a fighter'? Whats the point of mounting a TL on a fighter, when it's powerplant can't run it, so you'll either have appalling RoF or a weak gun, when you could just use - oh, I don't know - normal fighter guns. Nothing will EVER make a figther effective against caps, and standard TIE weapons are useful even against illegally modified Falcon-ships, so who cares?
Posted: 2005-05-14 12:22am
by Ra
Superior speed and agility are the best goals for fighters, rather than firepower. However, I like the TIE/d idea as well. Get rid of the organic pilot, and create a drone fighter.
Regardless, the TIE series already features insane agility and speed, so there may not be all that much to improve upon in those areas. Hmm.
- Ra
Posted: 2005-05-29 11:42pm
by The Jazz Intern
Say, what about eliminating the big wing thingys and turning it into a ram jet with laser cannons? it would have to be made longer, but shaped like a big torpedo!
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:00am
by The Jazz Intern
Thank you Ra, I can now put in pictures. Here is a picture of my new, torpedo tie.

Posted: 2005-05-30 12:01am
by The Jazz Intern
Dang! Heres the picture<img src=" ... newtie.bmp" alt="Image hosted by">
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:03am
by The Jazz Intern
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:11am
by Ra
Hmm... I can't make it work either. The code is just fine... but nothing happens.
Anyway, about the wings, contrary to popular belief, the wings are radiator panels, not solar arrays. Eliminating them would make the ship overheat rapidly. That aside, it's a neat design!
- Ra
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:37am
by Drooling Iguana
Ra wrote:
Hmm... I can't make it work either. The code is just fine... but nothing happens.
Maybe it's because it's a .bmp, and .bmps are evil.
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:40am
by The Jazz Intern
Okay, put the heat radiators down the sides, or maybe even make a square around the Tiepedo.
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:41am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Didn't they basically have one of these same concepts in X-wing Alliance?
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:47am
by The Jazz Intern
I don't remember, they have from what i can recal
1. hyper drive tie
2. one cockpit bomber thingy
3. cokpit-wing-turbolaser
4.missle capable tie interceptor.
I would check but the computer i have the game on is on the fritz.

Posted: 2005-05-30 12:58am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Nevermind, I was thinking of this:
Bent-wing suicide fighter (perhaps a light a ramship?) with a single long hull pod similar to the cockpit pod of a TIE Bomber.
Posted: 2005-05-30 12:59am
by The Jazz Intern
yeah, thats 2.