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In what order will you show your children the Trilogies?

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:03am
by Straha
Me and a friend were discussing this today, I said that, if I ever have a kid, one day when he's eight or nine I'm going to sit him down, and we'd watch all six movies back to back from Phantom Menace to Return of the Jedi. He liked the idea, but he said he'd show them in the original order (New Hope-Return of the Jedi, then Phantom Menace-Return of the Sith) because that was the way it originally way, and because, he said, the pivotal moment of the Original Trilogy is when Darth Vader says those five words, "Luke, I am your Father", and he says that showing the Original Trilogy will dampen that shocked feeling you originally get, the jaw drop, and this sudden profound moment of contemplation as this has just hit you from right out of left field.

I think he has a point... anyway, how will you show your kids/grand-kids the Movies?

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:13am
by Noble Ire
I would personally show them chronologically. I will never have that experience (at least not without knowing what will happen) and I dont want to deprive future generations of it.

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:19am
by Civil War Man
Castrate Straha.

I figure that no matter which trilogy you show first, you'll mess up the twist of the other movie. Show the prequel first, and you ruin the "Holy shit, Vader is Luke's father!" surprise. Show the original trilogy first, and you ruin the "Holy shit, Anakin becomes Vader!" surprise.

I'd have to go with the original trilogy first. That "Holy shit!" twist is cooler, plus it has the best introduction to the Force (i.e. Vader doing some Force choke action with the deep rumble in the background).

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:29am
by Ender
that Anakin is Vader and Luke's father has so saturated pop culture its not even a suprise any more. Might as well go 1,2,3,4,5,6

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:30am
by Master of Ossus
The first time they see SW, they should see the original trilogy first. After that, they should watch the PT first and then the OT.

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:35am
by Civil War Man
Ender wrote:that Anakin is Vader and Luke's father has so saturated pop culture its not even a suprise any more. Might as well go 1,2,3,4,5,6
There are adults with zero familiarity with the Star Wars universe, even the parts involving Vader. They would still be surprised by such a revelation.

Posted: 2005-05-14 01:09am
by DPDarkPrimus
What's so big about the "Anakin becomes Darth Vader" bit? It's not like Darth Vader is around in the movies before that. It won't be an "OMFG" moment like when you find out this evil bastard is actually the main star's dad.

If there's a character reveal that's supposed to be a suprise in the PT, it's that Sidious is Palpatine. It might not be blatently obvious to those who haven't seen the OT and know about the Emperor.

Posted: 2005-05-14 01:11am
by Noble Ire
If there's a character reveal that's supposed to be a suprise in the PT, it's that Sidious is Palpatine. It might not be blatently obvious to those who haven't seen the OT and know about the Emperor.
Judging by a lot of the recent chatter on, its not evident to many who have seen the OT. :roll:

Posted: 2005-05-14 01:34am
by Fire Fly
In 10-15 years time, when the time comes and I do (if) have a kid, he'll watch the movies as I've seen them: OT then the prequels.

Nitpick: its always been "No Luke. I am your father." I'm not sure where the "Luke, I am your father" comes from.

Posted: 2005-05-14 01:36am
by Noble Ire
Fire Fly wrote:In 10-15 years time, when the time comes and I do (if) have a kid, he'll watch the movies as I've seen them: OT then the prequels.

Nitpick: its always been "No Luke. I am your father." I'm not sure where the "Luke, I am your father" comes from.
More usable out of context. Kinda like "Beam me up Scotty," that line never appeared at all in the TOS.

Posted: 2005-05-14 01:38am
by Darth Lucifer
I actually think I'll do the saga in chapter order with Mario Jr. or Princess Maria, unless they really want to see it in the original release order. I would have to consult my future Princess toadstool as well; this is an important family decision, now. :P

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:04am
by Mad
I think I'll experiment on people that aren't my kids first. I know some people who never saw the classic trilogy ( :shock: ), so I'm going to try and see what they think when they see the prequels first and then the classics. If it goes well with most of them, then maybe I'll give the episode order a shot. If it doesn't, then I'll go with release order.

In any case, I'll have a few years to figure it out.

Re: In what order will you show your children the Trilogies?

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:11am
by Praxis
Straha wrote:Me and a friend were discussing this today, I said that, if I ever have a kid, one day when he's eight or nine I'm going to sit him down, and we'd watch all six movies back to back from Phantom Menace to Return of the Jedi. He liked the idea, but he said he'd show them in the original order (New Hope-Return of the Jedi, then Phantom Menace-Return of the Sith) because that was the way it originally way, and because, he said, the pivotal moment of the Original Trilogy is when Darth Vader says those five words, "Luke, I am your Father", and he says that showing the Original Trilogy will dampen that shocked feeling you originally get, the jaw drop, and this sudden profound moment of contemplation as this has just hit you from right out of left field.

I think he has a point... anyway, how will you show your kids/grand-kids the Movies?
Chronologically. Episode 1 is a better children's movie. Children actually do laugh at Jar Jar and relate to Anakin. Sadly, WE don't... :lol:

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:12am
by Praxis
Mad wrote:I think I'll experiment on people that aren't my kids first. I know some people who never saw the classic trilogy ( :shock: ), so I'm going to try and see what they think when they see the prequels first and then the classics. If it goes well with most of them, then maybe I'll give the episode order a shot. If it doesn't, then I'll go with release order.

In any case, I'll have a few years to figure it out.
I did that last week. Some friends who watched Ep 1 and 2, never saw the prequels because they were from the 80's so they assumed they were plastic ship models with hippy actors ( :lol: ).

I had them over three times in the week and we watched all three movies. ROTJ they were just standing there, speechless, and said, "That was awesome."

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:15am
by Deathstalker
If there's a character reveal that's supposed to be a suprise in the PT, it's that Sidious is Palpatine. It might not be blatently obvious to those who haven't seen the OT and know about the Emperor.
They are the same person? :shock:

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

On-topic, I think I'd show the OT first, then PT. That's the way I saw it, and I'd like them to see a Jar-Jar less movie as well as to not have them biased against the differences in movie quality.

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:42am
by Kurgan
Wait, you mean Sideous isn't an evil clone of Palpatine?

Oh wait, according to Dark Empire he is!... from a certain point of view!

c-level but still CANON!!


If I have kids, I'll show 'em the original trilogy, then the prequel trilogy if they're interested. Then sometime maybe we'll watch 'em in chronological order together and see if it is cool.

Posted: 2005-05-14 03:16am
by Stofsk
I will see all six episodes chronologically and see how they 'flow'. Lucas can't shut up about how they were 'meant' to be seen in order, so I'll give that a shot. See how it works.

Posted: 2005-05-14 05:06am
by VT-16
and I'd like them to see a Jar-Jar less movie
I´d like to get that over with as soon as possible, so I´ll be showing them in chronological order. 8)

Posted: 2005-05-14 05:12am
by Pint0 Xtreme
How about this order...

1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6.

I know it's weird but basically, you have a past-present style order kind of like Godfather 2. The person is never told the true identity of Darth Vader nor is it revealed what happens to Anakin until episode 5. The last two movies end off with tragedy and then redemption, sealing both trilogies into one.

Posted: 2005-05-14 05:28am
by Stofsk
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:How about this order...

1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6.
The Tarantino order AKA "I don't know what I was doing, I just thought it looked cool."

It will still be confusing. You start off with Obi-wan young and clean-shaven, with a cute blond kid. You then go on to another cute blond kid, who then blows up a moon-sized battlestation which came out of nowhere. Then you go and see Obi-wan, who just died and had white hair, only now he's young, and with long brown hair. The Stormtroopers also wear funny helmets. Then for some reason Yoda goes from living on Coruscant to living in a swamp. Obi-wan is now a ghost. After this Vader reveals he's really the cute blond kid, minus the cuteness, blondness, and kidness. In the next movie he turns into a jerk, and in the last movie the Evil Old Guy cackles with glee at how confusing this order of movies is. Then he gets thrown off a balconey.

Posted: 2005-05-14 06:29am
by 2000AD
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:How about this order...

1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6.

I know it's weird but basically, you have a past-present style order kind of like Godfather 2. The person is never told the true identity of Darth Vader nor is it revealed what happens to Anakin until episode 5. The last two movies end off with tragedy and then redemption, sealing both trilogies into one.
I think that could work, as long as you make it clear that your not showing them in chronological order.

Personally i've always had a bit of a problem withthis question. Sowing them 1,2,3,4,5,6 means that they don't get the introduction ot the universe we did, and chances are they'll be wondering what this force thing is and why the jedi can do loads of cool shit.
But showing them 4,5,6,1,2,3 means that they know most of what's going to happen in 1,2,3.

Posted: 2005-05-14 07:18am
by Cykeisme
I'd definitely go prequel first.
The Vader-Anakin revelation is cool, yes, but not worth sacrificing the continuity and intended order of presentation of the movies for.

I think something that we've missed completely is what DPDarkPrimus pointed out.. that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person. It seems so completely obvious to us because we already know. The shock value of that revelation goes over our head just the same as the Anakin-Vader thing would for someone who watched the movies in proper order.

But as was also mentioned, it's best to test on other people (or other people's kids) first to make sure your kids get the most out of the experience. :)

Stofsk wrote:
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:How about this order...

1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6.
The Tarantino order AKA "I don't know what I was doing, I just thought it looked cool."

It will still be confusing. You start off with Obi-wan young and clean-shaven, with a cute blond kid. You then go on to another cute blond kid, who then blows up a moon-sized battlestation which came out of nowhere. Then you go and see Obi-wan, who just died and had white hair, only now he's young, and with long brown hair. The Stormtroopers also wear funny helmets. Then for some reason Yoda goes from living on Coruscant to living in a swamp. Obi-wan is now a ghost. After this Vader reveals he's really the cute blond kid, minus the cuteness, blondness, and kidness. In the next movie he turns into a jerk, and in the last movie the Evil Old Guy cackles with glee at how confusing this order of movies is. Then he gets thrown off a balconey.
Hahahaha Stofsk.. you had me quite literally ROFLing :lol:

Posted: 2005-05-14 07:30am
by Kurgan
I originally saw the films in this order:

6, 4, 5, 1, 2.. and then I'll see 3.

So maybe that's not such a bad idea after all!

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:35pm
by Enforcer Talen
1-6. seeing anakin go so totally evil and then be redeemed will be a total surprise.

Posted: 2005-05-14 09:46pm
by YT300000
OT, then PT. The first surprise is far more fundamental than the second. And I don't want them to see TPM first.