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Lack of recruitment

Posted: 2005-05-17 05:37pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
I have a question concerning the Clone Wars. Why is it that both sides never considered to recruit from the population that supported them? On the CIS side, they used massive armies of droids and on the Republic side, they used massive armies of clones. How much boost would their militaries have gotten had they decide to recruit from the local population of their supporters? The only time the locals got directly involved was when their planet was being invaded. But why didn't the Republic or the Separatists consider recruiting others to add to their military?

Posted: 2005-05-17 05:44pm
by Batman
Because conscripts aren't particularly brilliant soldiers as a rule, because training them takes time, and because both sides already had all the soldiers they needed (or thought so anyway) to begin with?

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:01pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Because GL and the people making SW are stupid.

Oh, you meant intrinsically? They're off-screen. :(

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:11pm
by Solauren
For the republic

Recruits would join up with past lives and personalities and have delusions of defending the Republic and Democracy, and the awe of working with Jedi Knights.

That's the LAST thing Palpatine wanted.

With the CIS; they had droids, which are faster to make then recruits

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:20pm
by Alex Moon
Droids are faster to produce than recruits, and the CIS worlds may not have populations suited for warfare against the republic. As for the Republic, a clone army doesn't have any family behind somewhere. They are blindly obedient to whomever is in charge, as well there are fewer body bags coming home, which means less political turmoil.

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:35pm
by Knife
The CIS did have large numbers of 'beings'. All those Nemnoidians(sp?) and such. You have to remember that the CIS was only a small, tiny, tiny fraction of the Galactic population. For such a small faction to take on the 400 lbs. Gorillia, they needed the droids to 'fill' in the holes.

The large sum of droids that help run the ships shouldn't be that surprising considering the large amount of droids that later serve on Imperial ships as well. The difference the CIS had was using the droids as infantry.

For the Republic, the ICS mentions that outstanding pilots in the 'volunteer' corps. are selected for use as a templet for cloning. So they had recruits too. It's just that it would appear that the 'Grand Army of the Repulic' is highlighted in the war. :wink:

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:38pm
by Alliance SpecForceTrooper
Knife wrote:It's just that it would appear that the 'Grand Army of the Repulic' is highlighted in the war.

so The Grand Army of the Republic only refers to the Clone Troopers?

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:41pm
by Knife
Alliance SpecForceTrooper wrote:
Knife wrote:It's just that it would appear that the 'Grand Army of the Repulic' is highlighted in the war.

so The Grand Army of the Republic only refers to the Clone Troopers?
I would assume that originally it was all of the Kamino provided Jango Clones. But since it's plain that durring the war, other templets are used, that the GAR would be all the clones with perhaps auxillaries of volunteers attached.

*shrug* The auxillaries is just my idea though.

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:46pm
by Alliance SpecForceTrooper

well, the Republic would have had to have had a standing army of some type as well as a naval force to deal with piracy among other things. Jedi can't be everywhere and they certainly can't stop capital ship battles.

Posted: 2005-05-17 06:58pm
by Illuminatus Primus
There is the Republican Navy, the Republican Army, the Republican Guard, the Planetary Security Forces, etc. The Grand Army of the Republic is the clones.

Posted: 2005-05-17 07:00pm
by Knife
Alliance SpecForceTrooper wrote:Ok,

well, the Republic would have had to have had a standing army of some type as well as a naval force to deal with piracy among other things. Jedi can't be everywhere and they certainly can't stop capital ship battles.
There are plenty of instances of 'planetary' forces devoted to these objectives. As for Republic forces, there was obviously some semblence of a Republic force just from the two nutjobs flying the Republic Cruiser at the begining of TPM.

But having small, decentralized, police troops is a far cry from a dedicated war machine. Which, I believe, is one of the points of the PT. The NYPD, IIRC, has ~30 thousand officers. That's a shit load of cops. Some are detectives, some are just uniforms patrol guys, others may be swat or some other special thing.

But, bring in the 1st Marine Division? You're only looking at ~6 thousand or so troops, and they'll whoop the NYPD's ass. That's the difference between a planetary defense force and an actual army.

But personally, I think the Republic just got lazy, depending on the Jedi for resolutions to flashpoints.

Posted: 2005-05-17 07:30pm
by Noble Ire
Aside from Cloning Templates, the Republic also recruits Medics, techs, and fleet officers (Medstar series) although it is true they dont recruit ground troops, probably because of Palpy's master design. :wink: