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Lucas says some stuff about Star Wars - CANON!! (?)

Posted: 2005-05-20 02:53am
by Kurgan
Sorry if this has already been posted, but there were some interesting quotes in there:

IGN Film Force Interview with George Lucas

On the nature of Stormtroopers:
"The idea is that over time, there were new clone strains introduced, and then they even conscripted guys to be Storm Troopers. So it's not just purely clones: It started out as clones, but then it got diluted over the years as they found out they could shanghai guys [more cheaply] than they could build clones."
About Han & Leia:
"Han and Leia probably did get married. They settled down. She became a senator, and they got a nice little house with a white picket fence. Han Solo is out there cooking burgers on the grill."
On the Honorable Representative Binks:
"He goes back to Naboo and he's a representative. He probably stays on the council, he's probably in the senate, because it becomes completely worthless. Senators are just for show, which they talk about in Episode IV. Actually, in Episode IV they get disbanded, so Jar Jar probably goes home to his wife and kids."
On the TV series and the future of Star Wars:
"I love doing it, but it is 20 years of my life," he told Static Multimedia. "I am anxious to get on and do other things. We are still doing a TV series, two TV series, one animated and one live action, so I am not going to do it myself, but I'll peek in from time-to-time. So I won't completely have lost the Star Wars experience."

First Jedi Hippies, and now this. Discuss!

Posted: 2005-05-20 03:02am
by Vympel
The whole Han/Leia thing is an obvious joke. I like his Stormtroopers aren't all Clones comment though.

Posted: 2005-05-20 03:05am
by DPDarkPrimus
Vympel wrote:The whole Han/Leia thing is an obvious joke.
The white picket fence stuff, obviously. But them hooking up, no. :P

Posted: 2005-05-20 03:09am
by Galvatron
I have to call bullshit on the bit about the Senate. The dialogue in ANH makes it pretty clear that the Senate is a thorn in the Emperor's side.

Posted: 2005-05-20 04:07am
by Jason von Evil
Galvatron wrote:I have to call bullshit on the bit about the Senate. The dialogue in ANH makes it pretty clear that the Senate is a thorn in the Emperor's side.
Which is weird, considering they practically gave him a standing ovation when he announced that the Republic was being replaced with an Empire.

Posted: 2005-05-20 04:32am
by Morilore
Aya wrote:Which is weird, considering they practically gave him a standing ovation when he announced that the Republic was being replaced with an Empire.
It may have been dangerous not to. Anyway, just because a lot of people clapped, doesn't mean some really influential people didn't.

Posted: 2005-05-20 05:05am
by Cykeisme
Strange... I hated the "all stormies are clones" thing, but after watching II repeatedly, and III, I actually want all stormies to be clones.

Oh well.

Posted: 2005-05-20 05:31am
by HemlockGrey
I have to call bullshit on the bit about the Senate. The dialogue in ANH makes it pretty clear that the Senate is a thorn in the Emperor's side.
Huh? What gives you that vibe? It seemed to me like a couple of senators (like Bail Organa) were annoying the Emperor, but that he mainly swept them aside because they were useless.

Posted: 2005-05-20 12:08pm
by Alyrium Denryle
HemlockGrey wrote:
I have to call bullshit on the bit about the Senate. The dialogue in ANH makes it pretty clear that the Senate is a thorn in the Emperor's side.
Huh? What gives you that vibe? It seemed to me like a couple of senators (like Bail Organa) were annoying the Emperor, but that he mainly swept them aside because they were useless.
"Holding her is dangerous, if word of this gets out it may generate sympathy for the rebellion in the senate."

Posted: 2005-05-20 12:13pm
by Admiral Valdemar
The senate was obviously backing Palpatine most of the way. If they could see the possibility of disorder and rebellion forming in it due to some facts that weren't shared about the Rebel Alliance, then it was for the best to get rid of them.

Of course, that would only make those former senators suddenly realise this was now a true authoritarian empire and that Palpatine was on a true powertrip, as if it wasn't evident years before when a huge army appears out of thin air and Separatists just happen to help Palpatine get more powers.

Posted: 2005-05-20 12:13pm
by Firefox
Am I the only one not disappointed by Lucas letting someone else run the TV series?

Provided they find someone competent to run them, anyway.

Posted: 2005-05-20 12:19pm
by Crossroads Inc.
May I step in here on all this "Senate a Threat" business?

It could be argued that both views are correct.
A) The Senate is a Threat.
True... In so far as at the time it's so large, represents so many people, and seems to represent so much power, that if the Senate turns on the Emperor or became sympathetic to the Rebellion, it could be a problem.

B) The Senate is Toothless.
Also True... How? Because while, on the outside, to everyone else, the Senate seems powerful, and even inspires fear among the Moffs, Palpatine knows, and knew from day one, that he would have it so with the stroke of a pen, the Senate would cease to exist.

Posted: 2005-05-20 12:33pm
by neoolong
Firefox wrote:Am I the only one not disappointed by Lucas letting someone else run the TV series?

Provided they find someone competent to run them, anyway.
He reminds me of JMS. They can come up with good ideas, but their technical skills, like writing, aren't the best.

Posted: 2005-05-20 04:30pm
by The Original Nex
Aya wrote:
Galvatron wrote:I have to call bullshit on the bit about the Senate. The dialogue in ANH makes it pretty clear that the Senate is a thorn in the Emperor's side.
Which is weird, considering they practically gave him a standing ovation when he announced that the Republic was being replaced with an Empire.
20 years have gone by in that time-span, alot of time for the Senate to change their point of view, and General Tagge states that:
Gen. Tagge wrote:The rebellion will continue to gain support in the Imperial Senate. . .
So it's quite clear that the Senate is becoming dissillusioned with Palpatine and his Empire by ANH.

Posted: 2005-05-20 05:28pm
by Macross
In Episode III Palpatine needed the senate in order to maintain control. This was stated in the movie. Then in ANH, once the senate had been disbanded, it is stated that the regional governors would maintain control. Palpatine could have spent the intervening 20 years appointing those regional governors and moving key personel around to make a complete takeover as smooth as possible. Then once the Death Star was completed, which was his insurance against open planetary rebellion, he could move onto the final phase of his galactic conquest and disband the senate.

If there is anything that we have learned from the Prequl Trilogy, its that Palpatine is a VERY patient mans.

Posted: 2005-05-20 07:51pm
by Drooling Iguana
Macross wrote:If there is anything that we have learned from the Prequl Trilogy, its that Palpatine is a VERY patient mans.
Except when it came to turning Luke to the Dark Side. There his impatience caused him to become reckless and eventually led to his downfall.

Then again, he really didn't have enough direct contact with Luke to give him the subtle coaxing over a long period of time that he gave Vader.

Re: Lucas says some stuff about Star Wars - CANON!! (?)

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:19pm
by Dillon
"The idea is that over time, there were new clone strains introduced, and then they even conscripted guys to be Storm Troopers. So it's not just purely clones: It started out as clones, but then it got diluted over the years as they found out they could shanghai guys [more cheaply] than they could build clones."
Thank you. I was getting tired of all the claims that all Storm Troopers must be Clones.
"Han and Leia probably did get married. They settled down. She became a senator, and they got a nice little house with a white picket fence. Han Solo is out there cooking burgers on the grill."
That's a funny mental picture. :D
"He goes back to Naboo and he's a representative. He probably stays on the council, he's probably in the senate, because it becomes completely worthless. Senators are just for show, which they talk about in Episode IV. Actually, in Episode IV they get disbanded, so Jar Jar probably goes home to his wife and kids."
My god, who would marry Jar Jar? :lol:
"I love doing it, but it is 20 years of my life," he told Static Multimedia. "I am anxious to get on and do other things. We are still doing a TV series, two TV series, one animated and one live action, so I am not going to do it myself, but I'll peek in from time-to-time. So I won't completely have lost the Star Wars experience."

Re: Lucas says some stuff about Star Wars - CANON!! (?)

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:21pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
observer_20000 wrote:
"He goes back to Naboo and he's a representative. He probably stays on the council, he's probably in the senate, because it becomes completely worthless. Senators are just for show, which they talk about in Episode IV. Actually, in Episode IV they get disbanded, so Jar Jar probably goes home to his wife and kids."
My god, who would marry Jar Jar? :lol:
Another Gungan? Hell, for all we know, he could be already married by RotS...

Re: Lucas says some stuff about Star Wars - CANON!! (?)

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:25pm
by Dillon
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Another Gungan? Hell, for all we know, he could be already married by RotS...
I'd imagine it would be another Gungan. What I meant is that I can't understand how any woman wouldn't find him to be obnoxious from the start. Although he did seem to gradually get more serious from TPM to AOTC.

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:39pm
by Macross
t would be the power and prestiege. I mean, Jar-Jar does represent the Gungans to the Galactic Senate!

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:44pm
by Shroom Man 777
He must've got himself a trophy wife, a Gungan version of a dumb big boobed bimbo. Probably blonde.

Hard to imagine Jar Jar as some sort of pimp or something :lol:

Posted: 2005-05-20 08:44pm
by Dillon
Macross wrote:t would be the power and prestiege. I mean, Jar-Jar does represent the Gungans to the Galactic Senate!
Ah, so the kind of chick who marries into money and has an affair on the side, I guess? :P

Posted: 2005-05-20 09:28pm
by Molyneux
Shroom Man 777 wrote:He must've got himself a trophy wife, a Gungan version of a dumb big boobed bimbo. Probably blonde.

Hard to imagine Jar Jar as some sort of pimp or something :lol:
Actually, I'm put in mind of Hermes and LaBarbera (not sure how her name is spelled) from Futurama. Granted, Hermes had a lot more going for him than Jar Jar did....

Posted: 2005-05-21 02:12am
by Kurgan
Why would any woman want Jar Jar?

To quote his bio on E! True Hollywood Story...

"That tongue!" *gasp*

Sides, chicks dig the bad boys and social misfits. What you think all those trailer parks are full of singles? (no offense intended to any trailer park livers here of course)

Posted: 2005-05-21 10:35am
by neoolong
He personally led Palpatine into power and thereby doomed the Republic. He's like the ultimate Bad Boy.