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Jedi Names
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:32pm
by Death from the Sea
I am looking for the names of the Jedi Masters that went to arrest Palpatine.
I know Mace Windu and Kit Fisto, but who were the other two?
Re: Jedi Names
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:37pm
by JME2
Death from the Sea wrote:I am looking for the names of the Jedi Masters that went to arrest Palpatine.
I know Mace Windu and Kit Fisto, but who were the other two?
The one with the two horns was Saesee Tiin. The other is Agen Kolar.
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:37pm
by Lord Revan
The Master who went arrest Palpatine/Sidious were
Mace Windu (male Human)
Kit Fisto (male Nautolan)
Saesee Tiin (Male humanoid(I cn't remember species))
Agen Kolar (Male Zabrak)
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:52pm
by Noble Ire
Saesee Tiin is a Iktotchi.
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:54pm
by Death from the Sea
thanks guys
Posted: 2005-05-21 04:56pm
by Dorsk 81
Couple of side notes, Seasee is meant to be a telepath and Agen is one of the best blades beings in the Order, make Palpys dispatching of him in seconds a bit more impressive.