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Trade Federation ships and Stars, part 2

Posted: 2005-05-23 01:51pm
by NecronLord
Having finally come across a copy of the Episode One ICS, and assuming that the Droid Control Ship is built on the same hull as a standard trade federation battleship, I have decided to see if it too can safely 'sundive' - that is to say, sit on or below the photosphere of a 'Sol' like star.

Starting with a diameter of 3170m for the whole thing, and dividing it for a 1585m radius, I rounded this up to 1600, then used this generous radius for a maximum profile of 8,042,477 square meters for the trade federation vessel. Now, going back to the energy per meter squared at the surface of the sun, 3.827e26 W / 6.09e18 m² = 6.28407e7 W/m²

Therefore 8,042,477*6.28407e7 gives us a total power of 5.05395e14 W being absorbed by the shields.

Comparing this with the core ship's (alone!) peak shield capacity of 6e23W, we find that the full "Lancrehulk" class vessel, like its core, is quite easily capable of entering a star intact thanks to its shields.