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Mace Windu Alive?
Posted: 2005-05-24 02:47am
by Lord Poe
I toyed with this subject before ROTS came out. Does anyone think Mace Windu could possibly still be alive? Luke survived everything Mace went through in ROTS, though not all at once.
Posted: 2005-05-24 02:53am
by Noble Ire
Anyone who votes "Its a distinct possiblity" must be hunted down, and have their balls toasted off, so that they may not propagate their idiot seed on this Earth.
Posted: 2005-05-24 02:54am
by Stofsk
Mace is grass, and Palpatine is the lawnmower.
Posted: 2005-05-24 02:56am
by Haminal10
Well, when the Emperor zapped Luke, he was looking to maximize the young Jedi's suffering for as long as possible. You can see that the intensity of the force lightening was increasing with each blast.
However, when frying Mace, Palpatine tapped into Unlimited Power and hit him with everything he had. As much of a BMF Mace is, he was still screaming in agony before being thrown out the window.
I think poor Mace was little more than a charred stain on the streets outside the Senate.
Posted: 2005-05-24 02:58am
by Noble Ire
However, when frying Mace, Palpatine tapped into Unlimited Power and hit him with everything he had. As much of a BMF Mace is, he was still screaming in agony before being thrown out the window.
And he fell about 400 stories onto ferrocrete. Ouch.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:02am
by Lord Poe
Pure Sabacc wrote:And he fell about 400 stories onto ferrocrete. Ouch.
Did he? There was no possible way he could have saved himself? (See Obi-Wan, in AOTC)
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:04am
by Noble Ire
Lord Poe wrote:Pure Sabacc wrote:And he fell about 400 stories onto ferrocrete. Ouch.
Did he? There was no possible way he could have saved himself? (See Obi-Wan, in AOTC)
His arm was sliced off and he had just been subjected to enough force lightning to kill a forum full of trektards. I really dont think he could summon enough focus to do a force push or guide himself to an air car.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:19am
by Molyneux
I'd say it's a possibility...not too likely, but a possibility.
However, given the fact that he doesn't show up again in the later movies, I'd say that if he did survive, he's either so injured that he withdraws from the scene, or maybe is amnesiac or something weird like that.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:21am
by Burak Gazan
Since Palpy had the voltage turned up to the Skeletal Incandescant setting (aka Enough of this Bullshit
) I dont think Mace is even alive enough to do anything but turn into a road pizza somewhere east of Dex's Diner.....
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:30am
by Mange
I think it's possible that Windu died from the force lightning alone.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:32am
by Stormbringer
Mange the Swede wrote:I think it's possible that Windu died from the force lightning alone.
Quite probably. Even the electric chair doesn't juice it up that far.
Mace is, as Samuel Jackson said, dead. But he didn't go out like a bitch.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:32am
by Dalton
I hold fast to the belief that if you don't see the body, don't count someone out as dead. But given how bady Mace got fried, I seriously doubt he survived.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:34am
by DaveJB
If Windu survived, wouldn't Palpatine sense it and send Vader or some guards after him?
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:35am
by 18-Till-I-Die
I'd like him to survive, but the sheer level of voltage going through him must've been ungodly. I'm sure his internal organs were literally broiled in his own juices.
So...whatever i want, no.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:37am
by Stormbringer
DaveJB wrote:If Windu survived, wouldn't Palpatine sense it and send Vader or some guards after him?
More like two guys with sponges and a squeegee.
Posted: 2005-05-24 03:58am
by Lord Poe
DaveJB wrote:If Windu survived, wouldn't Palpatine sense it and send Vader or some guards after him?
You mean like he did with Yoda and Obi-Wan?
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:21am
by Stofsk
Do I want Windu to survive? Hell no. The only Jedi I wanted to survive was blue skinned and a d-cup.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:05am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
Stofsk wrote:Do I want Windu to survive? Hell no. The only Jedi I wanted to survive was blue skinned and a d-cup.
I think I saw that blue-skinned female Jedi you mentioned being gunned down by those clones, but why? What's so special about her? (No, I don't think I'd make any snide comments this time no matter what you say, because I don't even know her name).
As for Mace Windu, if any Jedi (other than Anakin) had been being a jerk in the films, he was. No one but he deserved that comedic ending he got.
Still, I got a bad, bad feeling some stupid author with nothing to do would use the fact you don't quite see the body as an excuse to resurrect him. It has happened before...
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:07am
by GeneralTacticus
Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:Stofsk wrote:Do I want Windu to survive? Hell no. The only Jedi I wanted to survive was blue skinned and a d-cup.
I think I saw that blue-skinned female Jedi you mentioned being gunned down by those clones, but why? What's so special about her? (No, I don't think I'd make any snide comments this time no matter what you say, because I don't even know her name).
She's a character in some comics, IIRC. Never having read them, I don't know anything more about her.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:22am
by Stofsk
Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:I think I saw that blue-skinned female Jedi you mentioned being gunned down by those clones, but why?
*shrugs* She's a female character. When the central female character of the prequels is Padme, sometimes you just want someone new. Also we rarely see a female Jedi either. Look at all the principal Jedi characters: Obi-wan, Anakin, Yoda, Mace Windu, Qui-gon Jinn, Tyranus, Sidious, Luke, MAYBE Leia (if you count DE, which is one of the few EU sources to bother considering Leia as a Jedi), Mara Jade; there are only two female Jedi. It just seems underpopulated IMO.
She (her name is Aayla BTW) has a bit of a cult following, IIRC. So did Wedge and Boba Fett. All three of them were relatively minor characters who the fans seized upon because they just seem cool. The difference however is that Wedge and Boba are movie characters who got an EU treatment, while Aayla was an EU character who got a cameo role in AOTC and ROTS.
What's so special about her? (No, I don't think I'd make any snide comments this time no matter what you say, because I don't even know her name).
Still, I got a bad, bad feeling some stupid author with nothing to do would use the fact you don't quite see the body as an excuse to resurrect him. It has happened before...
I sincerely fucking hope not. If there was any Jedi in the PT that deserved to be nailed it was him. I fucking hate Mace Windu.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:39am
by Invictus ChiKen
Let's just say if Mace shows up in a novel or comic I wont be suprised. This is Science Fiction ya know folks "Oops! We thought you where dead!"
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:49am
by 2000AD
Dalton wrote:I hold fast to the belief that if you don't see the body, don't count someone out as dead. But given how bady Mace got fried, I seriously doubt he survived.
Bingo. No body (and this is before Jedi Fading) means we can't be 100% sure. But in this case we can be 99.99999% sure.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:52am
by Crown
If he died (and I believe he did), he died due to the Emperor's Lightning; Jedi do not die from 'big falls' regardless on what surface they land on (you know what I mean, so don't nitpick), see; AotC and Anakin's free fall.
Either he was killed by the Emperor, or the Emperor's last attack left him too weakened to survive the fall.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:20am
by NecronLord
Anyone who claims that force lightning has 'voltage' should be shot. It's magic, not a simple bolt of lightning. It didn't even char his clothes, remember?
he's dead, she's dead. doesn't mean they can't come back...
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:24am
by Kurgan
Of course, they're all alive. Remember, in the EU, it doesn't matter how gruesome or final-seeming your "death" you can come back to life if it'll please some fanboys and make $$$.
So yes, they can all come back if Lucas approves it... no matter how unlikely.
Do I agree with it? Obviously not, but I'm just facing reality here. It's entirely possible...