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ROTS Revelations page for main site
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:07pm
by Darth Wong
Anyone care to do a collaborative effort on this one? I've been so busy lately that I've been unable to throw up a page on the subject. But if you guys can come up with some good suggestions, I would be more than happy to collate the best entries into something (with credits of course) and put it on the main site.
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:11pm
by Stormbringer
What sort of things are you looking for exactly? I'm no good at technical stuff but there are some other things worth noting.
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:15pm
by Darth Wong
Stormbringer wrote:What sort of things are you looking for exactly? I'm no good at technical stuff but there are some other things worth noting.
The idea of a Revelations page is a point-by-point categorized list of
things we learned from this movie that we didn't know before. Hopefully that clarifies things somewhat. They don't have to be technical; they can relate to the politics and culture and characters of Star Wars if you like.
Posted: 2005-05-24 04:38pm
by SCRawl
Let's see...
- Darth Sidious and Chancellor Palpatine are the same person. Who knew.
- C-3PO gets his memory wiped, but not R2-D2.
- We get a good look at Alderaan, and it's not quite as densely populated as Coruscant.
- Darth Sidious actually handles a lightsabre, and pretty well, too.
- Following the slaughter of the Jedi Order, and the death of Senator Amidala, there was no (onscreen) plot to employ the twins later to overthrow the Empire.
- There was no indication given that the offspring of Anakin Skywalker should (or did) have any special affinity for the Force. If testing was done, it was done offscreen.
- Darth Vader did know that his wife was pregnant, but not that (a) she was pregnant with twins, and (b) she delivered them before she died.
- The general public was not aware that Amidala was pregnant at all (they must have been blind).
More to come as they occur to me.
Edit #1
- C3PO is a competent pilot (he flew Amidala's spacecraft on the round trip between Coruscant and Mustafar)
- We now know why clones were better for Palpatine's plans than recruits: blind loyalty. Recruits might have balked at order 66.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:13pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Jedi can use the force in order to survive in extreme heat with noxious fumes without breaking a sweat. In the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan they withstood temperatures that would broil normal humans and withstood gases that would either knock unconcious or kill a normal human.
Artoo is a badass
We know that Laia is probably more force sensitive than Luke. This is because she has memories of Padme, and an infant's eyes are closed and if they arent, the eyes are mostly non functional. The only way she could have percieved her mother is through the force.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:18pm
by Sothis
I don't know if I'd say Dark side TK is more powerful than the Light Side- Yoda gave Palpy a fair old shove at the very start of their fight, and first of all held off the last platform Palpy threw, rotated it whilst still holding it in the air, then send it vertically up, quickly, at Palpy.
Yoda appeared capable of sensing the demise of the rest of the Jedi, and also sensing the fall of Anakin to the Dark Side, all the way from Kashykk.
By the time of ROTS, the Seperatists were capable of building droids that could fight Jedi, droids sophisticated enough to remain combat effective even without their heads! However, we see no Magna droids win any duel, so their effectiveness needed work.
R2-D2 is one fiesty droid, even capable of taking out two superbattledroids if luck goes his way. It would be interesting to know what substance he pelted the superbattledroids with- whatever it was, it was very flammable.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:28pm
by Durandal
"Turning to the Dark Side" is a long process that culminates in one discrete moment where the Jedi in question metamorphoses into a completely different person. Up until that time, the Jedi is still capable of doing good things and such.
Jedi in general are very physically tough. They can survive long falls and exposure to extreme heat for extended periods of time. They are just as vulnerable to blaster bolts as anyone else, though.
The rest of the galaxy was under the impression that Padmé died while she was still pregnant. So Vader did not know that he even had children. This was a deliberate deception, so the Jedi knew that the twins would be important.
The paparazzi either does not exist in the Star Wars universe, or Palpatine had clamped down on them harshly through use of his emergency powers. No one knew that Padmé was pregnant, and no one was even suspicious that the father was a Jedi Knight who was
married to her. Surely if there was a paparazzi (or even a mildly inquisitive press), rumors of Anakin's and Padmé's marriage would've made their way to the Jedi Council.
The civilization in Star Wars still has problems with abandoned children, birth control and possibly infertility. Bail Organa mentioned that he and his wife had thought about adopting a daughter for some time. This doesn't necessarily imply that his wife was infertile. Maybe they were just very conscious about a problem wit abandoned children in their galaxy and wanted to take such a child in instead of conceiving their own. (There are parents today who have this attitude.) This wouldn't be completely uncharacteristic of what we've been led to believe about Alderaanians.
As to birth control, it's possible but not likely that Anakin and Padmé were a special case. Anakin might've just had super-sperm that got through the Star Wars galaxy's birth control. (They
must have been using birth control, as I can't imagine a couple like that not having sex at every possibly opportunity.) However, if this was a special case, one would think there would not be a problem with abandoned children. Maybe it's both. Maybe the really effective birth control is only available to the Core Worlds, and Anakin's super-sperm got through it.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:31pm
by Warspite
Well, let's see:
Despite the Grand Army of the Republic answering to the Senate (and to the Chancellor), it is still led by the members of the Council of the Jedi Order, who play an active role in combat, sometimes leading from the front (Yoda and Aylla Secura exempted), or carrying a big sign "Look at me!" (Obi-Wan in Utapau) while the troops get in position.
Exposure to combat created a certain degree of individualization in the clones (who in AOTC were just numbers, merely refered to by rank, now they get refered by more familiar, individual names). There was also a notoriously change in the training syllabus, the troops now take cover and assist injured comrades. There was no alteration to their inherant obedience to orders, as plainly seen by Order 66.
It seems the Jedi Order has a security camera in the offices of the Chancellor (aka Emperor) that can recreate a full 3-D image of the events.
When an emergency happens, the Jedi spread throughout the galaxy can be recalled back to the Jedi Temple via an unique signal (in principle, coded and unjammable (is this a word?)), that can be altered by simple manipulation to emit a different message.
R2-D2 is one tough mother, after falling down from dozens if not hundreds of meters on a pile of metal scrap he is still fully functional.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:36pm
by Stormbringer
Darth Wong wrote:Stormbringer wrote:What sort of things are you looking for exactly? I'm no good at technical stuff but there are some other things worth noting.
The idea of a Revelations page is a point-by-point categorized list of
things we learned from this movie that we didn't know before. Hopefully that clarifies things somewhat. They don't have to be technical; they can relate to the politics and culture and characters of Star Wars if you like.
1) The Clonetroopers tactics are pretty pitiful. Most of the time they seem to make a single advance, over-the-top WW1 style trusting to body armor and sheer numbers to carry them through. The seems to be their most common tactic, practiced with little variation.
Compared to later Imperial armies, they don't seem to have much in the way of combined arms tactics. The infantry, despite years of warfare, is not particularly practiced in modern tactics and don't seem to have the profusion, or expertise in, heavy weapons and support equipment that the Stormtroopers do later. While they have a weapons diversity, they seem to operate solely as discreet elements, lacking an overall cohesion.
Part of this might be that lack of a proper template. The Clones apparently are heavily indoctrinated, see General Order 66, and are not as indepedent as true human beings. Thus they and the Jedi who lead them, don't seem to adapt as well. It's entirely possible that if stormtroopers are clones, then it's entirely possible that they represent a serious evolution in this terms. Possibily an update in the templates used to train/raise the clones. It might, also, be a result of introducing an Imperial army command of ordinary humans with accumulated war experience into it. I favor a combination of the two, less problematic continuity wise.
Posted: 2005-05-24 05:55pm
by LordShaithis
The fuck-all uberspeed of hyperdrive bears mentioning. Coruscant to Mustafar in a matter of hours at the most.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:07pm
by Cykeisme
The biological construction of some Star Wars fauna is is a lot tougher than what we're used to.
That creature that Obi-Wan was riding displayed the ability to accelerate at pretty high rates, as well as survive high deceleration when landing from falls.
Taking into account the creature's size and considering the non-linear relationship between mass and strength when scaling, this implies that its skeletal and musculature is of pretty strong.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:15pm
by Petrosjko
From the top...
The Buzz Droids obviously were a capture rather than kill option, in keeping with EU sources that Dooku was playing a heavy divide and conquer strategy with regards to the Jedi.
Jedi seem to have no interest in wearing any sort of flight suits or life support equipment in their fighters, as first seen with Obi Wan and Anakin, and then later with Plo Koon.
Super Battle Droids can't handle napalm.
Magna Guards staves are resistant to lightsabers all along their length. Furthermore, their cutting effect is powerful enough that Grievous was able to blow out a bridge window with one.
Single motherhood is somehow stigmatized on Naboo, or at least having a child out of wedlock, or perhaps even motherhood itself while public office.
The question of where the Jedi fit into the structure of the Old Republic has finally be resolved- they were under the authority of the Senate, but allowed an enormous degree of autonomy under that framework.
ONE HUGE POINT that I noticed on the second viewing- the Jedi were so accustomed to the clones and so completely confident in their discretion and their loyalty that they thought nothing of having top-level conferences in their presence. Is it any wonder that Palps knew everything that was going on with them?
I'll probably come up with more later.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:19pm
by Imperial Overlord
By the time of ROTS, the Seperatists were capable of building droids that could fight Jedi, droids sophisticated enough to remain combat effective even without their heads! However, we see no Magna droids win any duel, so their effectiveness needed work.
We don't see them fight anyone but the most skilled of the Jedi.
-Anakin has become such a skilled duellist he is able to defeat Count Dooku, who was at least a near equal to Yoda.
Posted: 2005-05-24 06:24pm
by Cykeisme
Wasn't the weapon blast coming from a hangar bay supposed to be a SPHA-T that was in a bay firing?
Considering the fact that it might displayed much more destructive capability that it should, perhaps it was hooked into to the Venator's power generation system through some internal power grid of some sort. It's possible that the limiting factor in a SPHA-T's weapon yield is its reactor, rather than its weapon.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:01pm
by Jay
We learn that darkside telekenesis is superior to lightside. Yoda has to focus and rotate a single senate pod, while Palpatine has no trouble throwing three at once IIRC.
Don't be dumb. All this proves is that Palpatine's TK is toughter than Yoda's Tk. You can't make such a sweeping statement from so small a sample. I'm a faster runner than my housemate, but that dosn't mean that guys with long hair are slower than guys with short hair.
The evolution of the scout-trooper uniform began during the clonewars, as demonstrated by the soldiers on the wookiee homeworld. They had the same helmet shape and the same detail. (notably the black squares at eye level on the back.).
That clone troopers understood camoflage. If only by daubing green paint onto their white uniforms. It could could be argued that the strmtroopers on Endor were expecting a cakewalk and simply didn't bother to camo-up. This adds weight to the stormtroopers defence, because clearly at some point in its history, the Imperial army promoted camoflage.
(so no more Stormt00perZ are teh StoopiZ, no camoflage. LOL!!!!11)
That Chewbacca fought in the clone wars. That Yoda and Chewbacca had met. Movie-level canon of wookiee longevity, since Chewbacca is not visibly different in the OT and PT.
That Jedi-fade out (tm) was taught by Qui-Gon to Yoda and then to Obi-Wan, explaining at last whilst some Jedi fade away and others leave corpses. It is therefore a conscious effort and not simply a standard feature of all Jedi.
That consciousness can be maintained after death. If Qui Gon would have become like a drop in the ocean when he became one with the force, he would not have had the individual will to find a way back to the mortal realm. So it is obvious then, that at least some people, retain their individual consciousness after death (people who aren't force ghost I mean. otherwise you knew that already.)
(Yoda lerns the trick and then dies, it is implied the Qui Gonn dies and then learns the trick, so he must have had a conscious posthumeous will after his death in order to learn it.)
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:07pm
by el blanco
Super Battle Droids can't handle napalm.
If you are refering to what R2 sprayed them with, I don't think that was Napalm. I think Napalm ignites on contact with oxygen.
Apparently, the Seperatists decided it was a good idea to program their droids with human qualities that are actually detrimental to combat (arrogance, smart ass remarks) rather than ones that are useful (adaptiveness).
I'd say there was an Imperial Academy of some sort in place, seeing as to how there were already officers manning the bridge of the Venerators. Unless, they were drafted from the militaries of the indivdual planets. But, that seems unlikely given to how they were all in uniform flying under the one flag.
I'm begining to think the Sith had a great deal of influence over the Jedi prophecies. Honestly, that Chosen One thing seemed to have been tailor made for Palpetine.
The chain of command and procedures have improved since the begining of the Clone Wars, but they were still works in progress.
There are several different forms of fighting styles for force users. Not just Jedi vs Sith, but within the Jedi ranks also.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:18pm
by Joe
Padme's Death
Much has been made of Padme's seemingly unnatural death at the end of the film. The medical droid said that she had apparently lost her will to live, but it's clearly implied that he couldn't explain why and we are left with an unsatisfying answer. It is arguable whether this explanation is consistent with Padme's character; on one hand, she appeared to be fairly excited about being a mother and having children of her own. On the other hand, it is heavily implied in Episode II that Padme had been a very lonely person before Anakin began putting the moves on her; this would explain why she so easily fell for Anakin, despite the awkward nature of his courtship, and also despite his massacre of the Tusken Raiders; what kind of a woman would just let something that horrible slide by? It is entirely possible that she had indeed lost her will to continue living, since she had lost the one thing that had filled the void in her empty life and the last thing she would have remembered about him would have been his attempt to choke her to death.
Another theory, a theory I think which is more satisfying in the context of the storyline and the tragic nature of Anakin's character, is that Palpatine was not lying when he told Darth Vader that he had killed Padme through his anger; somehow, as he laid on the operating table, getting suited up for the first time, his anger, rage, and feelings of abandonment reached out through the Force (subconsciously) and drained away Padme's will to live as she laid on the operating table, giving birth to the Skywalker twins. The movie is edited to where Anakin is operated on as Padme gives birth; it may have been done this way to imply that Padme's death was connected to Anakin becoming Vader and falling even more deeply into the grip of the Dark Side. Anakin's character is clearly meant to be evocative of the various Greek tragic figures; Padme's death at his hands through the Dark Side of the Force would be consistent with his character, viewed in that light. He embraces the Dark Side to save her from her fate, but like a Greek hero desperately trying to evade his foreseen destiny, his attempts to escape fate only end up ensuring that the aforementioned fate will come to pass.
It has been suggested that Palpatine was simply lying to Anakin, but it must not be forgotten that Palpatine had previously demonstrated great insight into Anakin's mind. He knew that the Jedi had asked him to spy on the Senate, he knew that he was married, and he knew he had been having dreams of Padme's death. Furthermore, it must be noted that Sith have a unique talent for using the truth deceitfully. How did Count Dooku attempt to sway Obi-Wan in Episode II? By telling him the truth about the Sith...without telling him the full story. How did Palpatine get the Senate to support the Jedi purge? By telling them that the Jedi had staged a coup of the government, which they had actually done...but again, without telling them the full story. And how did Palpatine explain Padme's death to Vader to drive him even further down the dark path and make him even more vengeful and hateful? You get the idea. Again, Palpatine is using the truth deceitfully; Vader clearly believes that it was his force choke that accidentally killed her, but the way he actually killed her is far more sinister - how would Vader have viewed the Dark Side if he had known that he had subconsciously killed the love of his life through it? Palpatine is a lying, evil, twisted SOB - but it is through truth that he is able to accomplish his greatest victories. So what Palpatine tells Vader as he takes his first steps in the suit is not a lie, but a very literal truth.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:22pm
by Haminal10
Some of these seem simple, but we didn't really know them until now:
- All four of Vader's limbs are cybernetic. The two arms are at the elbow, and the legs are at the knees. It is also posiible that there were some internal parts, but we did not see them.
- The eye-pieces of Vader's helmet were not regular glass/plastic, but were optics with a red color and some form of HUD.
- Anakin's idea to rule the galaxy did not form in ESB. He first pitched the idea to his wife Padme.
- The Jedi felt that it was within their authority to literally overthrow the government if they felt the leaders had been in place for too long. Yoda urged caution, but he did not disagree with their plan.
- Force lightening can not only be blocked/absorbed by a lightsaber, but it can also be deflected much like a blaster bolt.
- Mustafar posseses some sort of material/ore, that is considered valueble. This is proven by the extraordinary measures that had to be implemented to harvest it.
- Mining on Mustafar appears to be largely done by "hand". Ie: droids dunking 'buckets' into the lave, large life forms using scoops, etc.
- The shields that protect the Mustafar mining facility are capable of blocking physical impacts and large amounts of heat. I would imagine that the energy requirements for the shields that protected the submurged portion of the facility.
- General Grevious can survive in a vacumn for an extened period of time (enough to walk from the bridge to somewhere mid-ship)
I think that that enough for now.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:28pm
by weemadando
A few small bits:
Jedi precog seems to be not all that excellent when detecting threats to them that aren't spiteful/hateful or anything like that. This explains also why they failed to detect Jango's dart attack in AotC, as it wasn't directed at them and was "just business".
The battle droids are amazingly advanced since Ep1, with seemingly inbuilt personalities and a great deal of leeway for individualised action (the battle droids watching duels, the SBDs "picking on" R2).
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:31pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Haminal10 wrote:- General Grevious can survive in a vacumn for an extened period of time (enough to walk from the bridge to somewhere mid-ship)
Nitpick: The RotS:ICS shows that the escape pods Grievous jettisoned were directly behind the bridge.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:31pm
by weemadando
Oh and the fact that there are multiple troop and vehicle varients for various environments.
And hyperspace is just that fucking fast.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:33pm
by Imperial Overlord
Apparently, the Seperatists decided it was a good idea to program their droids with human qualities that are actually detrimental to combat (arrogance, smart ass remarks) rather than ones that are useful (adaptiveness).
Remember Star Wars droids tend to develop personalities and quirks if their memories are not periodically wiped. Since that would mean wiping out any combat experience a battle droid has, it would be even less likely to happen to them and one could expect such quirks to be present.
Edited to make sense.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:34pm
by Joe
Jedi precog seems to be not all that excellent when detecting threats to them that aren't spiteful/hateful or anything like that. This explains also why they failed to detect Jango's dart attack in AotC, as it wasn't directed at them and was "just business".
The shroud of the Dark Side, my friend.
Posted: 2005-05-24 07:55pm
by xammer99
1. The super gun that came outta the Venerator hold, I’d put money that it was a variant model of SD with a prototype weapon. i.e. They subbed in that gun in place of the hanger to see how well it would work and if it was worth equipping on others. Same with the Longbow modifications to Apaches. Test it on a small number under battlefield conditions before you spent the money to do it on all. This especially given the extremely limited firing arc it would get coming outta the hanger combined with the hold being the largest open space in one of the ships that is still protected.
As for why it didn’t get adopted on later ISDs, who knows.
2. Neither side has any degree of naval/air superiority since both sides were able to land and muster significant forces on Kashyyk w/o bombardment from space and w/o the use of a theater force field to protect their forces.
3. Battles fought during the clone wars are principally between regiment or brigade sized units. The exception is the battle of Geonisis which looked to be several divisions in size and exercising a degree of combined arms. If larger units were commonly employed it’s logical that they would have been sent with the Republic’s top Jedi to Kashyyk.
4. Kashyyk is one damn valuable piece of real estate since the top Jedi was willing to leave the capital to ensure its defense even as things are really starting to come to a head in the Capital and that he was not immediately called back from when the Chancelor was confirmed named a Sith. Given the travel times it would have been trivial to wait the extra hour or 2 for Yoda to return.
That, or Mace didn’t feel he needed him or had to move right then and there and didn’t want to risk any advanced warning.
5. The Republic was on the strategic defensive, they are forced to respond to whatever moves the Seperatists make. During the battle of Kashyyk the Seperatists were able to amass a large mobile force that was employing combined arms (note all the vehicles). However, the Republic was rushing in the equivalent of a Ranger regiment to defend the place given the lack of combined arms present and fighting purely on the defensive (fixed defensive with no visible mobile reaction force). I say rangers because all those troops present were obviously specialized units denoted by the special, non standard equipment they were using.
6. A light/special Infantry Regiment of the clones was able to beat back a combined arms force of the Separatist’s.
7. The Republic keeps a defense fleet orbiting Coruscant incase of attack.
8. The Wookies would do the Zulu tribesman proud in their fighting style and its no wonder they got their teeth kicked in later by the Empire.
9. Coruscant, despite the abundance of personal weapons available, is a very safe place to live even in the middle of a rather bitter civil war. Because the heads of the whole thing, the Chancellor and the Jedi Council, have very large panoramic views in towers and windows. Further, the Chancellor’s opens out into open unshielded air given the heavy winds that came in when the window was knocked out rather easily. Were security a serious concern, Mace would have hit a force field when he got tossed out and there wouldn’t have been any wind coming in, at least from an automatic safety force field that activated when the window was destroyed.
10. There are no trial lawyers in the Republic. No precipitous edges have guard rails to keep the unwary and lawsuit happy from falling off and injuring themselves.
Posted: 2005-05-24 08:04pm
by Cykeisme
Refer him to an optician :p
el blanco wrote:If you are refering to what R2 sprayed them with, I don't think that was Napalm. I think Napalm ignites on contact with oxygen.
No. Napalm is simply gasoline with styrofoam dissolved in it to make it adhesive and viscious, and benzene. Not only does it not ignite on contact with oxygen, it is
very difficult to light. Typically thermite is used for ignition purposes.
I think when it was said that super battle droids are vulnerable to "napalm", he simply meant "flammable fluids." That stuff wasn't viscous enough to qualify as a napalm equivalent anyway, though.
el blanco wrote:There are several different forms of fighting styles for force users. Not just Jedi vs Sith, but within the Jedi ranks also.
We knew this from AotC, though.