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How did Palpatine avoid the Jedi Force tests?

Posted: 2005-05-25 12:27am
by Stravo
Qui Gon makes it seem a given that Force sensitve testing is a given in the Republic and Naboo was a member of the Republic. How did Palpatine (obviously a very powerful force sensitive on a par with Yoda) evade these force tests? How did Plagueus ensnare him? I take it that until Dooku, Sith were trained from children to be Sith Lords so he may have been snatched up before the testing as an infant but I'm not sure if there is more to Palpy's backstory other than whats given in ROTS.

Posted: 2005-05-25 12:29am
by Gandalf
Is it possible he was born somewhere outside the Republic's influence? He could just move to Naboo and fake citizenship.

And meeting Plagueis was some grand coincidence? (Or the will of the Force, as per TPM)

Posted: 2005-05-25 12:41am
by Spartan
He was probably born out on the Rim. I doubt very much that he was really from Naboo. Probably to the identity of some young aristicrat that he murdered for the purpose.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:51am
by 18-Till-I-Die
Quite simple.

"Hey you have like a trillion medichlorians!"

", these are just white bloodcells."

"Oh, nope, i was wrong those were just white bloodcells."

Posted: 2005-05-25 02:31am
by The Duchess of Zeon
I doubt the testing equipment has an accuracy of more than, oh, 99.7% percent or so (even in Star Wars a simple portable device which is presumably used by all doctors in the Republic when doing their first pediatric exams of children or something is probably not so close to perfect as to eliminate a statistically significant error margin), which means that in statistical terms you're sooner or later going to get a false negative. For that matter, the Council probably rather embarassingly has to send home a few false positives every so often.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:09pm
by Lusankya
Or Qui-gon could have just been talking out of his arse when he said that all Force-sensitive children in the Republic were found. I mean, maybe Anakin might have been found because he had lights flashing off of him saying "FORCE SENSITIVE!!! FORCE SENSITIVE!!!", but when you consider the sheer number of people born in the Republic every year and the relatively small number of Jedi, finding every single Force-sentitive being in Republic space to train looks like a daunting task.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:15pm
by Ghost Rider
It entirely possible that his master found him first and dealt with it. I mean he made it so Maul had a similar story(born on a Republic held world...Palps found him first...sluaghter the village, took the boy).

Palpatine's master didn't have to do anything so dramatic but hiding him until he was ready to go out into the world isn't an impossibilty.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:18pm
by 18-Till-I-Die
Well i imagine most people will go a doctor when they find out they're pregnant. I also imagine the test is given at that time, or when the child is born. Not ALL children, but perhaps 99%.

Which is, also, terrifyingly grotesque because Palpatine would probably use this same technology to kill any potential Jedi or force sensitives at birth. Again, i imagine, correct me if i'm wrong.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:19pm
by RedImperator
His parents could have bribed the doctor not to report his midichlorian count to the Jedi, or found one who doesn't do the test. I imagine there's a lot of that going on in the Republic; most parents will go to extraordinary lengths to keep their children from being taken away by a religious order who won't even let them write a letter home. The Jedi couldn't even be arsed to buy the Chosen One's mother's freedom.

Slightly off topic, but the PT Jedi only look like good guys when stacked up against the Sith.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:27pm
by Drunk Monkey
Palpitine could have been a refuge on Naboo was accepting them in AOTC so it would seem logical that palpie's family came to Naboo as refugee's when he was two old to be a Jedi.

Posted: 2005-05-25 06:18pm
by Straha
Is it possible that Pelagius made him like everyone seems to be implying that he did with Anakin?

Posted: 2005-05-25 06:52pm
by Cykeisme
For one thing, we have no idea how many children are tested for Force sensitivity. Perhaps a significant fraction of the population is never tested. This wouldn't be far-fetched considering the number of worlds in the Republic, and the high population density of some of those worlds.

Also, from what I've heard the Jedi do not take children from their parents against their wishes. Parental consent is necessary, and is usually given because the Jedi Order is respected and revered... but nevertheless, consent is not always given.

Posted: 2005-05-25 07:16pm
by Xuenay
Cykeisme wrote:Also, from what I've heard the Jedi do not take children from their parents against their wishes. Parental consent is necessary, and is usually given because the Jedi Order is respected and revered... but nevertheless, consent is not always given.
I imagine Palpatine's Force sensitivity would've been on file and known if it really was a case of his parents simply not giving him to the Jedi.

Posted: 2005-05-25 11:40pm
by Jack Bauer
This was actually discussed in the Republic comics...a few issues ago. I forget the exact number (#65 maybe?). In it, a Jedi Master (I also forget the name sorry) that has befriended Palpatine when he was still a senator from Naboo, suggests that all the Senators should take tests to measure their midi-chlorian count.

But this Jedi Master only divulged his plans to Palpatine, his close friend. Before he could inform the Jedi Council of his idea, he mysteriously "dies". For more info about this go to

Posted: 2005-05-25 11:44pm
by Ender
Spartan wrote:He was probably born out on the Rim. I doubt very much that he was really from Naboo. Probably to the identity of some young aristicrat that he murdered for the purpose.
I've wondered if this was te case, but there is no evidence for it.

Could be he was born in some backwater part of Naboo, like an oort cloud space station or somesuch.